Custom Query (29 matches)


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Status: accepted (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#1024 Core ChildTopics API: manipulators should throw for invalid assocDefUris jri Defect Major 4.8.3
#1022 Membership auto-typing jri Enhancement Minor 4.8.3

Status: closed (24 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#1019 Add config options for websocket connection jri Enhancement Major 4.8.3 fixed
#1009 Avoid association doublets jri Defect Blocker 4.8.3 fixed
#1008 Changing a type's Data Type when instances already exists. jri Defect Major 4.8.3 fixed
#1037 Consolidate POMs of the standard plugins jri Task Minor 4.8.3 fixed
#1032 Core: label calculation fails for composite child reference jri Defect Major 4.8.3 fixed
#1018 Cross-workspace topicmap deletion jri Defect Major 4.8.3 fixed
#1020 Deleting a parent type fails jri Defect Major 4.8.3 fixed
#1011 Deleting a type with a delete-topic operation jri Defect Major 4.8.3 fixed
#1028 Detail panel lacks implicit READ permission jri Defect Major 4.8.3 fixed
#1023 Detail panel: use name of Custom Assoc Type as field label jri Enhancement Major 4.8.3 fixed
#1031 settings ignored in webclient jri Defect Blocker 4.8.3 worksforme
#1026 dm4-webclient: link into topicmap and reveal, select or open topic for editing jri Enhancement Minor 4.8.3 worksforme
#1027 dm4-webclient: link into topicmap and reveal, select or open topic for editing jri Enhancement Minor 4.8.3 duplicate
#1039 dm4-webclient: topicmaps.get_topicmap() is now undefined in init_3 jri Defect Minor 4.8.3 worksforme
#1021 Extending shared types with "private parts" (:-) jri Defect Critical 4.8.3 fixed
#1036 javadoc execution fails with Java 8 jri Defect Major 4.8.3 fixed
#1033 Kiezatlas multi facets doesn't work jri Defect Major 4.8.3 fixed
#1025 REST API: update-type request without a data type jri Defect Minor 4.8.3 fixed
#1014 saerchTopic() does not find topic with value "word" when querying for "ord" Enhancement Major 4.8.3 worksforme
#1035 Sort Topicmap menu alphabetically jri Enhancement Minor 4.8.3 fixed
#1034 Webclient: remove bouncing of entire window when scrolling jri Defect Minor 4.8.3 fixed
#1017 Webclient start fails if stale cookies are present jri Defect Major 4.8.2 fixed
#1016 When building from source: one test fails on Windows jri Defect Minor 4.8.3 fixed
#1040 Workspace deletion should show explicit warning jri Defect Major fixed

Status: new (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#1038 deleting own user account should remove private workspace jri Defect Major 4.8.3
#1015 Enable setting maximum age or expiry date for web bundle static resources Enhancement Major 4.8.3
#1030 increase the password security by adding a per server salt to the config jri Feature Request Major 4.8.3
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.