Custom Query (14 matches)


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Status: accepted (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#973 Upgrade Neo4j from 1.8.1 -> 3.0 jri Task Major 4.8
#1029 dm4-webclient: allow a more easy integration of the generic page panel impl into other js frontends jri Feature Request Major 4.8.3
#1066 Upgrade to Java 7 jri Task Major 4.8.5

Status: closed (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#1065 Replace Neo4j by Datomic jri Task Major 4.8.5 wontfix
#1059 dm4-webclient does not start in firefox due to "undefined topicmaps.get_topicmap(...)" jri Defect Major 4.8.5 fixed
#1087 Pluggable Authorization Methods jri Feature Request Major 4.8.8 fixed

Status: new (8 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#381 Include events and calendar in DM4 Feature Request Major 4.0.12
#445 Security: While creating new user account, password field should not be displayed in clear text. Enhancement Trivial 4.1
#1041 calling getPlayer in a postCreateAssociaton Listener throws storage exception jri Defect Major 4.8.4
#1042 dm4-webclient: the "By Type" menu could provide a "i" symbol as well Enhancement Minor 4.8.4
#1083 Framework: provide JAX-RS message body writer for JSONObject jri Enhancement Major 4.8.8
#1084 New migration run mode: SKIP jri Enhancement Major 4.8.8
#1085 Don't publish web resources when plugin activation fails jri Defect Major 4.8.8
#1086 Setting system generated topicmaps to private jri Defect Major 4.8.8
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.