Custom Query (55 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#1071 Labeling of "View Configuration" topics new jri Enhancement Minor
#1056 Introduce ui elements for lucene search phrase options (in search "By Text") new Enhancement Major Release 4.8.5
#1054 Canvas: visualize associations with arrow endings new Enhancement Minor
#1053 Canvas: optionally render assocs with type name new Enhancement Minor
#1052 Canvas: user definable box width new Enhancement Minor
#1050 No consistent behaviour when clicking on links new Enhancement Major
#1049 Search result is displayed twice new jri Defect Major
#1047 Add "Smart Searches" new jri Enhancement Major
#1046 Organize Detail Panel with tabs new jri Enhancement Major
#1045 Building composite types should be easier new Enhancement Major
#1042 dm4-webclient: the "By Type" menu could provide a "i" symbol as well new Enhancement Minor Release 4.9
#1022 Membership auto-typing accepted jri Enhancement Minor Release 4.8.4
#1006 dm4-files: implement a file topic renderer which allows users to select an existing file topic ... new Defect Major Release 4.8.3
#1005 make the "Assign to workspace" command more powerful new jri Defect Major Release 4.8.3
#1000 dm4-webclient: throws type cache error for topic of type user should have an implicit read permission new Defect Major Release 4.8.3
#944 Combobox menu oddities accepted jri Defect Major Release 4.8
#940 Add "what's related" to context menu ... new Enhancement Major Release 4.8
#939 dm4-webclient: a loss of session is not immediately reflected by the "username" menu (upper right) new jri Defect Major Release 4.8
#937 wikidata: for continuing the experiments and rewriting the dm4-relationship with wikidata new Enhancement Major
#926 Webclient toolbar should not line wrap on small displays accepted jri Defect Major Release 4.8
#925 Disable Create Menu Items per User new jri Defect Major Release 4.8
#922 Server push update client new jri Feature Request Major Release 4.8
#921 Add a calendar as a new Type of TopicMap new jri Feature Request Major Release 4.8
#920 Remove the plus buttom from the create menu new jri Enhancement Major Release 4.8
#919 Edit Topics in a Popup-Window new jri Enhancement Major Release 4.8
#917 Multiselect Topics new jri Enhancement Major
#868 dm4-webclient: allow users to switch between more jQuery UI themes new Feature Request Minor Release 4.8
#859 dm4-webclient: improve finding and selecting specific items in listings new Enhancement Major
#853 Update list of accessable workspaces on new membership assigned jri Defect Major Release 4.8
#844 notifications when two users (sharing a workspace) edit a topicmap in parallel new Enhancement Major
#782 dm4-webclient: display associations between topics and assocations on canvas new jri Feature Request Major
#677 webclient search is fired synchronous.. make it async new jri Enhancement Major
#643 dm4-webclient: load "what's related area" in lower page panel on demand new Enhancement Major Release 4.4
#642 dm4-webclient: populate drop-down menus on demand new Enhancement Major Release 4.4
#624 Avoid unwanted child topics to be revealed new jri Enhancement Major
#591 Disable login on localhost new jri Enhancement Major
#553 Use delete key (del) to delete topic new Enhancement Major
#524 Show Type-Icons in GeoMap new jri Enhancement Major
#502 Add creation date to search topic new jri Enhancement Major
#461 Form rendering is too slow new jri Enhancement Major
#445 Security: While creating new user account, password field should not be displayed in clear text. new Enhancement Trivial Release 4.9
#433 Make the Delete command more visible new jri Enhancement Major
#431 Restrict "By Type" search to relevant types new jri Enhancement Major
#430 Hide Workspace menu new jri Enhancement Major
#429 Activate more CKEditor features new jri Enhancement Major
#428 Reflect more application state in the URL new jri Enhancement Major
#381 Include events and calendar in DM4 new Feature Request Major Release 4.9
#337 Editor for aggregated composites accepted jri Enhancement Major
#330 allow interactive manipulation of a result-set in a select-menu through typing new Defect Major
#255 GUI: hide empty topics in details panel new Enhancement Major
#187 Immediate application of labeling rules accepted jri Defect Major
#186 Strip HTML from topic labels accepted jri Defect Major
#185 Toolbar on Edit Window accepted jri Enhancement Minor
#178 Undo functionality in Deepa Mehta new Feature Request Minor
#175 Topic auto positioning: avoid overlaps accepted jri Enhancement Minor
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.