Custom Query (20 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#582 dropping a .bib file into DM automatically creates a structured visualization of all entries new Task Major
#504 DB backup while DM is running new Feature Request Major
#868 dm4-webclient: allow users to switch between more jQuery UI themes new Feature Request Minor Release 4.8
#10 Core service should return XML additionally to JSON reopened jri Enhancement Minor
#86 Per-instance topic icons new jri Enhancement Major
#279 Core: topic event filtering through listener method annotations accepted jri Enhancement Minor
#428 Reflect more application state in the URL new jri Enhancement Major
#429 Activate more CKEditor features new jri Enhancement Major
#431 Restrict "By Type" search to relevant types new jri Enhancement Major
#562 dm4-geomaps: rendering and integration of many geo-coordinates as childs new Enhancement Minor
#954 dm4-core: Extend the searchTopics API to allow for many typeUris and a returnTypeUri new Enhancement Minor Release 4.8
#1050 No consistent behaviour when clicking on links new Enhancement Major
#1056 Introduce ui elements for lucene search phrase options (in search "By Text") new Enhancement Major Release 4.8.5
#74 Cached association definitions are not updated accepted jri Defect Major
#187 Immediate application of labeling rules accepted jri Defect Major
#219 write deepamehta community manifesto new Defect Major
#249 Changing a type URI breaks canvas rendering accepted jri Defect Major
#371 "Home" workspaces for plugins new jri Defect Major
#915 Timestamp bubbling when assocs are manipulated manually accepted jri Defect Major Release 4.8
#975 dm4-geospatial: using postCreateTopc may leave spatial index incosistent, restart required new Defect Major Release 4.8.1
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.