Custom Query (10 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#1013 Websockets module: client-side websocket support new jri Enhancement Major Release 4.8.4
#959 Export Topicmaps as GraphML and MindMap Documents new Feature Request Major Release 4.8
#937 wikidata: for continuing the experiments and rewriting the dm4-relationship with wikidata new Enhancement Major
#914 CROWD Omnibus web frontend accepted jri Task Major
#875 question: how to deploy 3rd party plugins to maven central, e.g. dm4-kiezatlas new Malte Task Major Release 4.8
#828 install neo4j-shell-tools in neo4j-shell new Task Major
#823 dm4-websockets: upgrade to be compatible with DM 4.6.x & 4.7.x accepted jri Defect Major Release 4.8.4
#596 LDAP plugin for authentication new dgf Feature Request Major
#582 dropping a .bib file into DM automatically creates a structured visualization of all entries new Task Major
#468 Add SVG Editor to DeepaMehta new mre Feature Request Major
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.