Custom Query (18 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#252 Invalid association definition blocks the user session assigned jri Defect Blocker
#1043 Core API: using addAssocDef() inappropriately corrupts the DB accepted jri Defect Blocker Release 4.8.5
#74 Cached association definitions are not updated accepted jri Defect Major
#86 Per-instance topic icons new jri Enhancement Major
#265 Core: associations are fetched without their composite structure accepted jri Defect Major
#325 Bulk Migrations new jri Enhancement Major
#346 Meta model: Child Topic Order new jri Enhancement Major
#802 Core API: since 4.6 the "old model" semantics is broken in post-update listeners new jri Defect Major
#865 dm4-wikidata: as of 4.5 items with globally unique keys can end up in user space assigned Task Major Release 4.8
#889 unable to automatically assign topics to "private workspace" after user account creation new jri Defect Major
#975 dm4-geospatial: using postCreateTopc may leave spatial index incosistent, restart required new Defect Major Release 4.8.1
#1024 Core ChildTopics API: manipulators should throw for invalid assocDefUris accepted jri Defect Major Release 4.8.4
#1084 New migration run mode: SKIP new jri Enhancement Major Release 4.9
#1085 Don't publish web resources when plugin activation fails new jri Defect Major Release 4.9
#1086 Setting system generated topicmaps to private new jri Defect Major Release 4.9
#10 Core service should return XML additionally to JSON reopened jri Enhancement Minor
#279 Core: topic event filtering through listener method annotations accepted jri Enhancement Minor
#954 dm4-core: Extend the searchTopics API to allow for many typeUris and a returnTypeUri new Enhancement Minor Release 4.8
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.