Custom Query (137 matches)


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Results (101 - 137 of 137)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone Component
#56 Defined command order accepted jri Defect DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#1080 DeepaMehta 5 accepted jri Task Release 5.0 DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#504 DB backup while DM is running new Feature Request DeepaMehta Karaf Distribution
#914 CROWD Omnibus web frontend accepted jri Task 3rd Party Plugins
#254 Creating an association definition for a simple topic type blocks webclient accepted jri Defect DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#395 Create Debian Packages for Standard and Karaf Distribution accepted silke Task DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#1024 Core ChildTopics API: manipulators should throw for invalid assocDefUris accepted jri Defect Release 4.8.4 DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#265 Core: associations are fetched without their composite structure accepted jri Defect DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#802 Core API: since 4.6 the "old model" semantics is broken in post-update listeners new jri Defect DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#753 Consuming the plugins service implementation in a test new jri Enhancement DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#941 Consolidate Core API accepted jri Task Release 4.8 DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#944 Combobox menu oddities accepted jri Defect Release 4.8 DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#51 Color chooser for Association Types accepted jri Enhancement DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#904 ChildTopics set() method does not work as expected for multiple-valued composite childs new Defect Release 4.8 DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#168 Channelling facility for competing plugins accepted jri Enhancement DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#249 Changing a type URI breaks canvas rendering accepted jri Defect DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#1010 Changing a type definition concurrently new jri Defect DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#1041 calling getPlayer in a postCreateAssociaton Listener throws storage exception new jri Defect Release 4.9 DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#74 Cached association definitions are not updated accepted jri Defect DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#325 Bulk Migrations new jri Enhancement DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#1045 Building composite types should be easier new Enhancement DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#604 Box-Renderer on Mac: ctrl key oddities accepted jri Defect DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#624 Avoid unwanted child topics to be revealed new jri Enhancement DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#42 A user can have a display name - meaning what name is displayed to others within the system assigned jri Feature Request DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#97 Audio Workspace Facet Demo assigned jri Feature Request DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#525 Association of Topic to Topicmap of Type Geomap is not listet in details panel new jri Defect DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#958 Apache Tika integration as it was working in dm3 new Feature Request Release 4.8 DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#330 allow interactive manipulation of a result-set in a select-menu through typing new Defect DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#98 Aggregated/truncated display of large result sets new Defect DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#940 Add "what's related" to context menu ... new Enhancement Release 4.8 DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#257 Add user defined queries in type builder new Enhancement DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#468 Add SVG Editor to DeepaMehta new mre Feature Request 3rd Party Plugins
#1047 Add "Smart Searches" new jri Enhancement DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#383 Add more icons to standard distribution new jri Enhancement DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#502 Add creation date to search topic new jri Enhancement DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#921 Add a calendar as a new Type of TopicMap new jri Feature Request Release 4.8 DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#429 Activate more CKEditor features new jri Enhancement DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.