Custom Query (137 matches)


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Results (101 - 137 of 137)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone Component
#945 Fileupload via drag and drop new jri Enhancement Release 4.8 DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#953 dm4-config: implement remaining roles of the configuration facility new Enhancement Release 4.8 DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#956 dm4-time: extend timerange query api about typeUri filter new Enhancement Release 4.8 DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#957 Enable by text search in file contents across a file repository new Feature Request DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#958 Apache Tika integration as it was working in dm3 new Feature Request Release 4.8 DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#959 Export Topicmaps as GraphML and MindMap Documents new Feature Request Release 4.8 3rd Party Plugins
#973 Upgrade Neo4j from 1.8.1 -> 3.0 accepted jri Task Release 4.9 DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#975 dm4-geospatial: using postCreateTopc may leave spatial index incosistent, restart required new Defect Release 4.8.1 DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#979 question: it would be handy to expose the geomaps types uris as public constants new Enhancement Release 4.8.1 DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#986 When using the webclient typebuilding feature we need to able to declare a types indexmode new Enhancement Release 4.8.1 DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#1000 dm4-webclient: throws type cache error for topic of type user should have an implicit read permission new Defect Release 4.8.3 DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#1001 The detailpanel in a geomap does not include the value of a custom assoc def composite new jri Defect Release 4.8.3 DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#1005 make the "Assign to workspace" command more powerful new jri Defect Release 4.8.3 DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#1006 dm4-files: implement a file topic renderer which allows users to select an existing file topic ... new Defect Release 4.8.3 DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#1010 Changing a type definition concurrently new jri Defect DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#1013 Websockets module: client-side websocket support new jri Enhancement Release 4.8.4 3rd Party Plugins
#1015 Enable setting maximum age or expiry date for web bundle static resources new Enhancement Release 4.8.4 DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#1024 Core ChildTopics API: manipulators should throw for invalid assocDefUris accepted jri Defect Release 4.8.4 DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#1029 dm4-webclient: allow a more easy integration of the generic page panel impl into other js frontends accepted jri Feature Request Release 4.9 DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#1030 increase the password security by adding a per server salt to the config new jri Feature Request Release 4.8.4 DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#1038 deleting own user account should remove private workspace new jri Defect Release 4.8.4 DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#1041 calling getPlayer in a postCreateAssociaton Listener throws storage exception new jri Defect Release 4.9 DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#1045 Building composite types should be easier new Enhancement DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#1046 Organize Detail Panel with tabs new jri Enhancement DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#1047 Add "Smart Searches" new jri Enhancement DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#1049 Search result is displayed twice new jri Defect DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#1050 No consistent behaviour when clicking on links new Enhancement DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#1056 Introduce ui elements for lucene search phrase options (in search "By Text") new Enhancement Release 4.8.5 DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#1066 Upgrade to Java 7 accepted jri Task Release 4.9 DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#1068 delete user account new jri Defect DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#1073 Rewrite Webclient with Vue/Vuex/Element UI/Webpack accepted jri Task Release 5.0 DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#1080 DeepaMehta 5 accepted jri Task Release 5.0 DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#1083 Framework: provide JAX-RS message body writer for JSONObject new jri Enhancement Release 4.9 DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#1084 New migration run mode: SKIP new jri Enhancement Release 4.9 DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#1085 Don't publish web resources when plugin activation fails new jri Defect Release 4.9 DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#1086 Setting system generated topicmaps to private new jri Defect Release 4.9 DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#1090 REST API: allow ID mismatch in update-topic request new jri Defect Release 5.0 DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.