Custom Query (137 matches)


Show under each result:

Results (101 - 137 of 137)

1 2
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone Component
#509 get deepamehta platform started on ubuntu os without command-line new Defect DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#524 Show Type-Icons in GeoMap new jri Enhancement DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#525 Association of Topic to Topicmap of Type Geomap is not listet in details panel new jri Defect DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#535 Thumbnails for file topics new jri Feature Request DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#553 Use delete key (del) to delete topic new Enhancement DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#582 dropping a .bib file into DM automatically creates a structured visualization of all entries new Task 3rd Party Plugins
#591 Disable login on localhost new jri Enhancement DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#596 LDAP plugin for authentication new dgf Feature Request 3rd Party Plugins
#602 Revise Topicmap Renderer framework accepted jri Enhancement DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#604 Box-Renderer on Mac: ctrl key oddities accepted jri Defect DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#622 Order groups of related topics new Defect DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#624 Avoid unwanted child topics to be revealed new jri Enhancement DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#644 Storage layer: the "store topic" operation must be synchronized new Defect DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#647 enrich association-model to specific child-topics when building up new TopicModels accepted jri Enhancement DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#677 webclient search is fired synchronous.. make it async new jri Enhancement DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#753 Consuming the plugins service implementation in a test new jri Enhancement DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#781 dm4-webclient: currently no navigation to instances of an Association Type possible new jri Enhancement DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#782 dm4-webclient: display associations between topics and assocations on canvas new jri Feature Request DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#802 Core API: since 4.6 the "old model" semantics is broken in post-update listeners new jri Defect DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#805 Timestamp bubbling up leads to StackOverflow? new jri Defect DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#828 install neo4j-shell-tools in neo4j-shell new Task 3rd Party Plugins
#838 Only Core must be permitted to consume the Storage service accepted jri Defect DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#844 notifications when two users (sharing a workspace) edit a topicmap in parallel new Enhancement DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#859 dm4-webclient: improve finding and selecting specific items in listings new Enhancement DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#867 dm4-stableviews: per-user rendering settings for items in topicmaps new Malte Task DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#889 unable to automatically assign topics to "private workspace" after user account creation new jri Defect DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#914 CROWD Omnibus web frontend accepted jri Task 3rd Party Plugins
#917 Multiselect Topics new jri Enhancement DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#937 wikidata: for continuing the experiments and rewriting the dm4-relationship with wikidata new Enhancement 3rd Party Plugins
#957 Enable by text search in file contents across a file repository new Feature Request DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#1010 Changing a type definition concurrently new jri Defect DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#1045 Building composite types should be easier new Enhancement DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#1046 Organize Detail Panel with tabs new jri Enhancement DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#1047 Add "Smart Searches" new jri Enhancement DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#1049 Search result is displayed twice new jri Defect DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#1050 No consistent behaviour when clicking on links new Enhancement DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
#1068 delete user account new jri Defect DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.