Custom Query (33 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#19 GUI: Change edges from straight lines to Bezier curves accepted jri Enhancement Major
#42 A user can have a display name - meaning what name is displayed to others within the system assigned jri Feature Request Major
#51 Color chooser for Association Types accepted jri Enhancement Major
#62 XML based import and export of data new Feature Request Major
#79 Write Documentation for the REST API accepted jri Task Major
#97 Audio Workspace Facet Demo assigned jri Feature Request Major
#99 Filter TypeEditor association types to valid possibilities only new jri Enhancement Major
#255 GUI: hide empty topics in details panel new Enhancement Major
#257 Add user defined queries in type builder new Enhancement Major
#381 Include events and calendar in DM4 new Feature Request Major Release 4.9
#383 Add more icons to standard distribution new jri Enhancement Major
#395 Create Debian Packages for Standard and Karaf Distribution accepted silke Task Major
#502 Add creation date to search topic new jri Enhancement Major
#524 Show Type-Icons in GeoMap new jri Enhancement Major
#525 Association of Topic to Topicmap of Type Geomap is not listet in details panel new jri Defect Major
#535 Thumbnails for file topics new jri Feature Request Major
#553 Use delete key (del) to delete topic new Enhancement Major
#591 Disable login on localhost new jri Enhancement Major
#596 LDAP plugin for authentication new dgf Feature Request Major
#853 Update list of accessable workspaces on new membership assigned jri Defect Major Release 4.8
#877 Display picture on the canvas new jri Defect Major Release 4.8
#917 Multiselect Topics new jri Enhancement Major
#919 Edit Topics in a Popup-Window new jri Enhancement Major Release 4.8
#920 Remove the plus buttom from the create menu new jri Enhancement Major Release 4.8
#921 Add a calendar as a new Type of TopicMap new jri Feature Request Major Release 4.8
#922 Server push update client new jri Feature Request Major Release 4.8
#925 Disable Create Menu Items per User new jri Defect Major Release 4.8
#940 Add "what's related" to context menu ... new Enhancement Major Release 4.8
#945 Fileupload via drag and drop new jri Enhancement Major Release 4.8
#1001 The detailpanel in a geomap does not include the value of a custom assoc def composite new jri Defect Major Release 4.8.3
#1030 increase the password security by adding a per server salt to the config new jri Feature Request Major Release 4.8.4
#1068 delete user account new jri Defect Major
#39 Select Interface(s) for DeepaMehta Server new Feature Request Critical
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.