Custom Query (9 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#383 Add more icons to standard distribution new jri Enhancement Major
#381 Include events and calendar in DM4 new Feature Request Major Release 4.9
#348 The detail panel's association's list should load asynchronously accepted jri Enhancement Major
#346 Meta model: Child Topic Order new jri Enhancement Major
#342 The View Configuration of an Association Type or an Association Definition can't be changed interactively accepted jri Defect Major
#337 Editor for aggregated composites accepted jri Enhancement Major
#330 allow interactive manipulation of a result-set in a select-menu through typing new Defect Major
#326 Running without Type Editor plugin throws an error when clicking a type accepted jri Defect Major
#325 Bulk Migrations new jri Enhancement Major
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.