Custom Query (12 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#445 Security: While creating new user account, password field should not be displayed in clear text. new Enhancement Trivial Release 4.9
#428 Reflect more application state in the URL new jri Enhancement Major
#429 Activate more CKEditor features new jri Enhancement Major
#430 Hide Workspace menu new jri Enhancement Major
#431 Restrict "By Type" search to relevant types new jri Enhancement Major
#433 Make the Delete command more visible new jri Enhancement Major
#436 Java Path new Enhancement Major
#444 Developer Documentation accepted jri Task Major
#461 Form rendering is too slow new jri Enhancement Major
#468 Add SVG Editor to DeepaMehta new mre Feature Request Major
#497 Enable HTTP Compression new jri Feature Request Minor
#500 Wrong character encoding in DM Karaf distribution new jri Defect Critical
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.