Custom Query (5 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#1000 dm4-webclient: throws type cache error for topic of type user should have an implicit read permission new Defect Major Release 4.8.3
#1001 The detailpanel in a geomap does not include the value of a custom assoc def composite new jri Defect Major Release 4.8.3
#1005 make the "Assign to workspace" command more powerful new jri Defect Major Release 4.8.3
#1006 dm4-files: implement a file topic renderer which allows users to select an existing file topic ... new Defect Major Release 4.8.3
#1007 Better explain `` config property accepted jri Task Minor Release 4.8.3
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.