Custom Query (13 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#1043 Core API: using addAssocDef() inappropriately corrupts the DB accepted jri Defect Blocker Release 4.8.5
#1041 calling getPlayer in a postCreateAssociaton Listener throws storage exception new jri Defect Major Release 4.9
#1045 Building composite types should be easier new Enhancement Major
#1046 Organize Detail Panel with tabs new jri Enhancement Major
#1047 Add "Smart Searches" new jri Enhancement Major
#1049 Search result is displayed twice new jri Defect Major
#1050 No consistent behaviour when clicking on links new Enhancement Major
#1042 dm4-webclient: the "By Type" menu could provide a "i" symbol as well new Enhancement Minor Release 4.9
#1048 3 search scopes: global, workspace, topicmap new jri Enhancement Minor
#1051 Configure background color on a per-topic-type basis new Enhancement Minor
#1052 Canvas: user definable box width new Enhancement Minor
#1053 Canvas: optionally render assocs with type name new Enhancement Minor
#1054 Canvas: visualize associations with arrow endings new Enhancement Minor
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.