Ticket #101 (closed Task: wontfix)

Opened 13 years ago

Last modified 11 years ago

please give our firefox plugin a try on your OS, .xpi attached

Reported by: Malte Owned by: Malte
Priority: Minor Milestone:
Component: 3rd Party Plugins Version: 4.0.5
Keywords: Cc: JuergeN, dgf, irau, Christiane
Complexity: 2 Area: Usability


attached is a snapshot version of a bookmarking/notetaking plugin building upon "dm4.webbrowser"-namespace which should work on all major firefox versions still supported by mozilla.. and with dm4 as of version 4.0.3

i would be glad if you could test the installatino, configuration and basic usage as described of this plugin with your firefox following the first hints in the README file visible at https://github.com/mukil/lookmarker-deepamehta.org

thank you very much!

ps. Component: "Community Plugins" is missing and i am not an admin of this trac yet


lookmarker@deepamehta.org.xpi (40.1 KB) - added by Malte 13 years ago.
version as of 23. August 2011
Bildschirmfoto_Lookmarker.png (11.1 KB) - added by JuergeN 13 years ago.
lookmarker@deepamehta.org.2.xpi (41.8 KB) - added by Malte 13 years ago.
SNAPSHOT 20111030
lookmarker@deepamehta.org.3.xpi (41.7 KB) - added by Malte 13 years ago.
.xpi - SNAPSHOT 20111102
lookmarker@deepamehta.org-1.0-RC4.xpi (43.0 KB) - added by Malte 12 years ago.
1.r0 RC4 - now compatible with firefox 14.* and dm 4.0.11

Change History

Changed 13 years ago by Malte

version as of 23. August 2011

comment:1 Changed 13 years ago by jri

  • Cc JuergeN, dgf, irau, Christiane added
  • Component changed from GitHub to 3rd Party Plugins

Thanks, Malte, for the "Lookmarker" plugin!

For testers: for Lookmarker related tickets use the new Component type "3rd Party Plugins".

comment:2 in reply to: ↑ description Changed 13 years ago by JuergeN

Replying to Malte:

ps. Component: "Community Plugins" is missing and i am not an admin of this trac yet

Malte, I have finally added you to the trac_admins. Sorry for the delay, but this should have been an extra ticket for better conspicuity and keeping the context.

Changed 13 years ago by JuergeN


comment:3 Changed 13 years ago by JuergeN

I am using Firefox 3.6.23 on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. The lookmarker pluging seems to work in the sense that it creates new Topics of the type web resource and notice as described in your documetation. I also see the DeepaMehta-Toolbar im my Firefox in an extra line. It says Topic Maps and Web Resources. But I could not find out, what this is used for and how I could use it.

Changed 13 years ago by Malte

SNAPSHOT 20111030

comment:4 Changed 13 years ago by Malte

  • Status changed from new to accepted
  • Owner set to Malte
  • Version changed from 4.0.3 to 4.0.5

Today i had the time to adjust and re-package the plugin to work with the deepamehta-4.0.5 release. By now the new snapshot attached to this ticket should also work on all major platforms with firefox up to version 7.0.

I made some small improvements related to gui notifications (ffox > 4.0.x), improved the loading of data in the two before mentioned menus (Topic Maps and Web Resources) and placement of the "Notice" Button at some default position right after installation of this extension (ffox > 4.0.x).

Additionally i would be interested if the gui-notifications appear in the status-bar (ffox 3.6.x.) instead of in the addon-bar (ffox >= 4.0.x), e.g. after you saved a new web resource, cause actually that should be the case.

There is yet a known issue which doesn't let you save a Note (text selection) related to a Web Resource if the Web Resource is already present in your deepamehta installation. But surely this will be fixed until the next time i package this.

Thanks for giving it a try.

comment:5 Changed 13 years ago by Malte

You may have to correct the filename of the downloaded attachment through removing the ".2"-part of it to be able to install it successfully.

comment:6 Changed 13 years ago by JuergeN

Hi Malte, I have installed the latest version of lookmarker. But sadly Notice does not create anything in DM - nor a Note, neither a Web Resource. It shows the dialogue to edit the headline, but then after pressing OK nothing happens and no data arrives at DM - I have checked the DM logfile.

The good news: In my firefox Web Resources now lists all Web Resources from DM and opens them in active tab. When klicking on Topic Maps it opens DeepaMehta in the aktive tab. I would prefere if it opened the links in a new tab, though. Maybe that's something one should be able to configure.

comment:7 Changed 13 years ago by JuergeN

Just another comment: In case of Web Resources it would really be of greater value if in firefox you could display the description text from DeepaMehta's Web Resource, too. Otherwise one only sees the URLs, which is much less information than an additional description text.
When clicking on your Web Resources button in firefox I would like to see a list like this:

http://silkemeyer.net/ - Silkes Website
http://junes.eu - Juergen's Website
http://www.deepamehta.de - The current (outdated) DeepaMehta Website

comment:8 Changed 13 years ago by Malte

Thanks J. for your help and feedback! To answer you per point:

Indeed, the "Notice"-Feature was broken in this last SNAPSHOT, it now works as before

"Open URL in Active Tab" vs. "Open URL in New Tab + Selection of New Tab", the latter, your suggestion, is from now the envisioned default behavior for the extensions first official release.

What is shown' as the label in the listing of all Web Resources is related to the new dm4-feature label configuration. By now, "Web Resources" in the dm4.0.5 release have no default label configuration at all and thus it seems like the very first field/value is taken as label.

Therefore the resulting label depends on how the web resources topics are created, meaning, with which client the Web Resources were created: either via this firefox extension or via the dm4-webclient. I created a new uncritical ticket for further discussing the desired behavior of the new label feature in regards of various clients. #145

The right way for you now is, to configure the label settings for your web resource type, for example in your deepamehta-test installation. Then you will get the descriptions instead (or even with) the urls (as soon as you edited all instances of web resources) as the label in the extensions listing of all web resources. What remains to be done is freeing the label of uninterpreted HTML-tags, plus optinoally, allowing the trimming of listed labels on the firefox client side to e.g. a maximum of 45characters.

Thanks for your support. I hope that now the most basic functionalities of this ext. work as needed.

Changed 13 years ago by Malte

.xpi - SNAPSHOT 20111102

Changed 12 years ago by Malte

1.r0 RC4 - now compatible with firefox 14.* and dm 4.0.11

comment:9 Changed 11 years ago by Malte

  • Status changed from accepted to closed
  • Resolution set to wontfix

This ticket got deprecated with the EOL of the firefox plugin.

Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.