Ticket #1046 (new Enhancement)

Opened 8 years ago

Organize Detail Panel with tabs

Reported by: jri Owned by: jri
Priority: Major Milestone:
Component: DeepaMehta Standard Distribution Version: 4.8.4
Keywords: Cc: dgf, Malte, JuergeN, irau
Complexity: 13 Area: GUI / Usability
Module: deepamehta-webclient


The detail panel should feature 3 tabs. Their content would be slightly different depending on wether an instance or a type is selected.


  1. <Type Name>: shows the canonic topic info, that is backed by type definition (currently shown in detail panel's upper part).
  1. Details: shows further topic info. This could include both, the what's-related-list (currently shown in detail panel's lower part), and the info currently shown in the "Get Info" dialog.
  1. Config: shows configuration options, e.g. the color as currently handled in the "Set Color" dialog.

In Edit mode only the 1st and 3rd tab would be available.

(Note: with that design the current "Get Info" and "Set Color" dialogs could be dropped along with the respective context menu commands.)


  1. Topic Type / Association Type: shows type name, data type, and list of child types.
  1. Details: shows type URI, index modes, ...
  1. Config: the type's view configuration (currently to be edited as a separate topic).

In Edit mode all 3 tabs would be available.

All these aspects are illustrated and explained on this topicmap (Thanks to Ingo!):

Open questions:

  • Where should the what's-related-list be shown? Are these regarded Details really? Ingo's sketches are not clear at this point. Note that e.g. a type's instances are (technically) part of the what's-related-list (via Instantiation), and that the list of instances is shown in the 1st tab, but other parts of the what's-related-list (Index Mode, Topicmap, Workspace, ...) are shown in the 2nd tab.
  • Do we want a 4th tab: What's related? (Rather not I guess.)
  • Do we need rethink the concept of the what's-related-list? Possibly we should conceptualize the what's-related-list differently for types and for instances.
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