Ticket #1060 (closed Defect: fixed)
Programmatically created types have no view config
Reported by: | jri | Owned by: | jri |
Priority: | Major | Milestone: | Release 4.8.6 |
Component: | DeepaMehta Standard Distribution | Version: | 4.8.5 |
Keywords: | Cc: | dgf, Malte, JuergeN, robert.schuster | |
Complexity: | 3 | Area: | Application Framework / API |
Module: | deepamehta-core |
... unless it is created via migration as well.
Change History
comment:4 Changed 8 years ago by jri
In https://github.com/jri/deepamehta/commit/a3a05b62b2e743596a71e96a9e047a78a49ce1bb
Webclient: every type gets a view config (#1060).
A programmatically created topic/assoc type gets a default view config in case no one is given in the migration.
The view config can be interactively edited by the user afterwards.
- Creating the default view config is the responsibility of the Webclient plugin. So, if your plugin creates types via migration, and these types need a default view config, then you have to make sure your plugin is activated after the Webclient plugin. Do so by adding dm4.plugin.activate_after = de.deepamehta.webclient to your plugin.properties. Without that setting your types might get no default view config.
- Remember that DM will not assign any workspace to your plugin's types (including their view config topics) if they are not part of the DM Standard Platform, that is if their URIs have a prefix other than dm4. (see #371). For non standard types you have to care about the workspace assignment yourself. Do so by using the workspace service's assignTypeToWorkspace() call. Without a workspace assignment your types (including their view config topics) will be not user editable.
See #1060.
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