Ticket #436 (new Enhancement)

Opened 12 years ago

Last modified 12 years ago

Java Path

Reported by: ziegi Owned by:
Priority: Major Milestone:
Component: DeepaMehta Standard Distribution Version: 4.1
Keywords: java, installation, readme Cc:
Complexity: 3 Area:


It would be helpfull to include the following trouble shooting help (maybe in a more explicit wording?) into the README.md and Insatllation Instructions:

If nothing is happening after running the respective starter script for your platform it may be due to the java binary not in system path.
Either update your system path or modify the start script to include the full path to your java binary.

helpfull links may be:

And for Windows 7 (and others too??)
Depending on your install location the first program start has to be initiated as user with systemadministrator privileges to get the necessary rights to create the database directory.


Change History

comment:1 Changed 12 years ago by Malte

Yep, the same observation from my side installing dm 4.1 on friends laptop. Having not met the requirements (JAVA) makes the start-script fail silently.

On Ubuntu though one does not need to set the system path (resp. environment variable manually) after installation.

Notiz: Java muss installiert sein, ansonsten passiert nach dem Doppelklick 
auf den Starter nichts (aussagekräftiges). Dies wäre evtl. gut im README im 
Abschnitt "INSTALL" nochmal zu erwähnen, bzw daran zu erinnern das die 
REQUIREMENTS erfüllt sein müssen bevor DeepaMehta gestartet werden kann

see also http://demo.deepamehta.de:8080/topicmap/3221/topic/6487

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