Ticket #468 (new Feature Request)

Opened 12 years ago

Add SVG Editor to DeepaMehta

Reported by: joern Owned by: mre
Priority: Major Milestone:
Component: 3rd Party Plugins Version: 4.1
Keywords: Cc: joern
Complexity: 3 Area:


User customizable icons for the topicmap would be a great enhancement. This could be achieved by introducing a SVG topic-type together with an editor. They could serve as part of a SVG specific ViewConfig? as rendering resource for the SVG renderer while being user customizable within DeepaMehta.

The goal this ticket is to provide a plugin "DM-SVG" which adds the SVG topictype and the editor to the DM distribution. The follow up task is to use this plugin can then be used as dependency for the SVG renderer and create a SvgSpecific? ViewConfig?.

Mre has agreed to integrate an editor. I've researched possible libraries to use:

  • fnisvgeditor seems to be a more lightweight alternative, but is a early dev state (V 0.3)
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