Ticket #554 (closed Enhancement: fixed)
How to: Programmatically add topic to topicmap (so that it is correct)
Reported by: | Malte | Owned by: | jri |
Priority: | Blocker | Milestone: | |
Component: | DeepaMehta Standard Distribution | Version: | 4.1.2 |
Keywords: | Cc: | ||
Complexity: | 3 | Area: | Application Framework / API |
Module: | deepamehta-topicmaps |
Everything seemed to work fine using
topicmapService.addTopicToTopicmap(topicmap.getId(), topic.getId(), null);
.. the "Topicmap" has a "Topic Mapcontext" relation to an added "Topic"
(A) the added topic does not appear in the Topicmap (visually in webclient) - also not if I call tmService.setVisibility(topcmapId, topicId, true);
(B) and an AmbiguityException? ("there are 2 dm4.topicmaps.topic_mapcontext") is thrown which I could not deal with since
(C) I could not find a way to look for existing "Topics" in a "Topicmap" since "TopicmapService?" doesn't offer me "getTopicmapTopics()" (or something equivalent) and
My current workaround for issue (C)
- load a "Topicmaps"-Topic composite does not contain "Topics" contained in "Topicmap"
- checking the TopicmapViewmodel?.toJSON()-raw-data-set of a "Topicmap" does not contain a "Topic" (despite there is a "Topic Mapcontext" relation)
Issue 1: So it seems to me that just using the TopicmapService? and call "addToTopicmap(topicmapId, topicId, null); is not sufficient / leads to numerous problems. I can't find out by myself how to use it. And a quick search through numerous other plugins (source code) has not yielded any helpful code-passages using this method.
Issue 2: Existence check of "Topic" in "Topicmap". How to? Isn't it that one "Topic" can only occur once in a "Topicmap"? But maybe issue (C) is a follow-up of (A).
Change History
comment:2 Changed 11 years ago by jri
The problem is the null in your call. The topic needs "view properties", coordinates in particular.
addTopicToTopicmap(topicmapId, topicId, new CompositeValueModel() .put("dm4.topicmaps.x", x) .put("dm4.topicmaps.y", y) .put("dm4.topicmaps.visibility", true) )
Standard view properties comprise x, y, and visibility.
(In conjunction with a Viewmodel Customizer you could add custom view properties as well.)
comment:3 in reply to: ↑ description Changed 11 years ago by jri
Replying to Malte:
(C) I could not find a way to look for existing "Topics" in a "Topicmap" since "TopicmapService?" doesn't offer me "getTopicmapTopics()" (or something equivalent)
Yes, the public Topicmaps API is currently not sufficient.
I plan to extend it in 2 regards today:
- A TopicmapViewmodel? gets 2 public methods:
- getTopics() which returns an Interable<TopicViewmodel?>
- getAssociations() accordingly
- The TopicmapsService? gets a new method:
- boolean isTopicInTopicmap(topicId, topicmapId)
The latter can be emulated already by dms.getAssociation(). Tell me if you need details.
comment:4 Changed 11 years ago by Malte
Ok, thanks. Now the topics are visible in my topicmap via the webclient.
But I still don't have a solution for an existence check (to avoid trying to add a Topic twice to a topicmap). The added topics don't appear (when using workaround b, checking the TopicmapViewmodel?) in the toJSON() representation, in fact the "topics:[]" list of that topicmpa remains empty. In fact it seems to remain empty when I create a simple "Note" topic in that map.
Any ideas on how I can accomplish that? Aha, OK. Don't worry, now I could also implement such existence check by myself, but yeah, the Topicmap needs this definitely. As you like, maybe you had other things on mind for today.
comment:5 Changed 11 years ago by jri
Replying to Malte:
Issue 2: Existence check of "Topic" in "Topicmap". How to? Isn't it that one "Topic" can only occur once in a "Topicmap"?
For the moment you can perform a "topic in topicmap?" existence check this way:
Association assoc = dms.getAssociation("dm4.topicmaps.topic_mapcontext", topicmapId, topicId, "dm4.core.default", "dm4.topicmaps.topicmap_topic", false); if (assoc != null) { // topic exists in topicmap }
This works already.
Of course isTopicInTopicmap() as proposed above would be more comfortable.
And, yes, a topic can occur only once in a topicmap.
To clarify: (B) is of course thrown when I try to add a "Topic" again to a "Topicmap" the way described above.