Ticket #719 (closed Task: fixed)

Opened 10 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

upgrade dm4-wikidata plugin to DM 4.4

Reported by: Malte Owned by: Malte
Priority: Minor Milestone:
Component: 3rd Party Plugins Version: 4.4
Keywords: Cc:
Complexity: 3 Area:


Change History

comment:1 Changed 10 years ago by Malte

  • Status changed from new to accepted

comment:2 Changed 10 years ago by Malte

  • Status changed from accepted to closed
  • Resolution set to fixed

Find the upgraded version for your tests at:

This now ships with json-dump import capabilities processing dump files for 2 seconds which can be found here

You just have to place a dumpfile in your DM filerepo under (use the date given in filename of the dump)


and GET the following resource with your browser:


The casual "Wikidata Search"-Mode additionally comes now with a lot more languages to query, re-activated navigation from properties to involved items and should work as expected.


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