Ticket #743 (closed Defect: fixed)

Opened 10 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

Problem after page reload

Reported by: JuergeN Owned by: jri
Priority: Major Milestone: Release 4.5
Component: DeepaMehta Standard Distribution Version: 4.4
Keywords: Cc:
Complexity: 3 Area:


I have created a new user and a private workspace for that user and selected it. Inside the private WS I create a new topictype. When I reload the page, the Create Menu is empty. The selected Workspace is now DeepaMehta again. Even when I re-select the private WS it will not work anymore. Only if I re-login as that user, everything works again.

Change History

comment:1 in reply to: ↑ description Changed 10 years ago by jri

Replying to JuergeN:

I have created a new user and a private workspace for that user and selected it. Inside the private WS I create a new topictype.

When I reload the page, the Create Menu is empty. The selected Workspace is now DeepaMehta again. Even when I re-select the private WS it will not work anymore. Only if I re-login as that user, everything works again.

Indeed, with 4.5-SNAPSHOT page reloading is still problematic.

I'm quite sure you see a message like this in your browser console while reloading:

TopicmapsError: topicmap 2899 not found in model (workspace_id=1615)

When you want restart the Webclient use this workaround: don't press Reload but enter the Webclient URL again:


Otherwise the scenario you described is supposed to be functional. (A page reload is not even required.)

Some hints:

  • When you create a User Account the new user is *not* assigned to any workspace by default.
  • When you create a Workspace the current user becomes a member (and owner) of that workspace.
  • A user who is not assigned to any workspace still can login and create e.g. a private workspace. (Furthermore she still has access to public and common workspaces.)
  • The "DeepaMehta" workspace is a public workspace. That gives READ access to everyone, but WRITE access only to members. So, a user who is *not* a member of the DeepaMehta workspace *can* read the standard types (Note, Person, ...) but can't create anything as long as the DeepaMehta workspace is selected. In this case the Create menu vanishes completely. Only when switching to a workspace where she has WRITE access brings up the Create menu.

I'll fix page reloading very soon.

Thank you very much for reporting!

comment:2 Changed 10 years ago by Jörg Richter <jri@…>

In 0dcb5cc090aa55aea65399d849945f257479e7d9/deepamehta:

Fix: page reloading (#743).

When pressing Reload the Webclient initially selects the workspace that corresponds to the URL's topicmap reference (/topicmap/{id}).

Messages like this should not occur anymore:

TopicmapsError: topicmap 2899 not found in model (workspace_id=1615)

Workspaces REST API

New request:

GET /workspace/object/{id}

Returns the workspace a topic or association is assigned to.
Response is a workspace topic.

See #592.
See #743.

comment:3 Changed 10 years ago by JuergeN

Jörg, still not sure if it works properly. If two people work eg. in a collaborative topicmap and then press reload once in while to see if there is updated content in a topicmap, it still occours that one of the two ends up at the default workspace an cannot continue to work where they stopped before reload.

comment:4 Changed 10 years ago by JuergeN

Sorry, I think my last comment was wrong and the error occured due to a session time out or something like that ... I have now created various new notes with two different users in one collaborative workspace and reloaded each side again and again without any problems ...

comment:5 Changed 10 years ago by jri

That's good to hear!

If you can keep both observed while you're testing, the browser console, and the server log, and forward any errors/exceptions to me. This might help me with debugging.

A hint: in DM's standard configuration session timeout is disabled. Sessions are supposed to last until either the DM server is restarted, or the browser is quit.

Thank you very much for thoroughly testing!

comment:6 Changed 10 years ago by jri

  • Status changed from new to closed
  • Resolution set to fixed
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