Ticket #783 (closed Defect: fixed)

Opened 10 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

dm4-webclient: revealing or selecting a topic from page panel from larger list

Reported by: Malte Owned by: jri
Priority: Major Milestone: Release 4.6
Component: DeepaMehta Standard Distribution Version: 4.5
Keywords: Cc:
Complexity: 3 Area: GUI / Usability
Module: deepamehta-webclient


.. re-renders the whole page panel, instead of just re-rendering the just selected entry in the result lists.

If one has buckets of thousands of topics and reveals (or selects) one of them, re-rendering just the clicked line/entry/topic would have two advantages:

1 the whole list would not be re-rendered (this would be a huge time saver when dealing with larger buckets)

2 the position the user scrolled to (to find that very item) would remain stable (compared to break completely and forcing the user to scroll down again just to reveal the very next item in the list)

Change History

comment:1 Changed 10 years ago by Jörg Richter <jri@…>

In b59436dc490a29450bb247ea175baebc3bd5fdc0/deepamehta:

Webclient: save scrollbar positions (#783).

The page panel's vertical scrollbar position is saved/restored on a per-object basis.

Try this:
1) select a topic and scroll the detail panel to a certain location
2) select another topic
3) select the first topic again. You'll find its scrollbar in the position you left.

This is in particular useful when revealing several topics from a large list.

Note: the scrollbar positions are not persistent.
They are available on a per-session basis.

Thank you Malte for reporting!

See #783.

comment:2 Changed 10 years ago by jri

  • Status changed from new to closed
  • Resolution set to fixed

Considered "fixed" as the scrollbar position is now stable.

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