Ticket #866 (new Task)

Opened 9 years ago

Last modified 9 years ago

mydm4: how and where to integrate the following links / pages in the webclient

Reported by: Malte Owned by:
Priority: Major Milestone: Release 4.8
Component: Website (www.deepamehta.de) Version: 4.7
Keywords: Cc: jri, dgf, JuergeN
Complexity: 3 Area: Communications


Regarding my.deepamehta.de we should/need to add links to the following pages (exact labelling need to be fixed, too):

"Imprint" (displaying a legal notice about the content on the site)
"Contact" (displaying infos to contact service administrator)
"User Profile" (to edit Full Name, Standard Copyright Notice /License)
"Privacy Policy" (...)
"Cookie Policy" (some interactive Consent / OK-Banner shown once per visit)
"My DM4 Status" (a page for displaying, allowing to edit, revoke the legal relationship between user and the entity hosting the service, plus delete & export button)

For futher realization:

  • Do this pages need to have fixed text or should the pages content (to a big part) be interactively editable by "Administrators"?
  • Do we want to build an extra module / GPL licensed dm4-plugin for this and should this hook into the dm4-webclient?
  • Should "admin" have a "User Profile" herself which could point to the default "Imprint" of the service provider / systems host?

Just a couple of follow up questions which need to be answered before we can continue to implement the stuff, i guess.

We could built this on the dm4-webapges module but we would need to make that a multi-site / multi-user plugin before we can install it. We should then talk about how to realize this first.

Change History

comment:1 in reply to: ↑ description Changed 9 years ago by jri

Replying to Malte:

Regarding my.deepamehta.de we should/need to add links to the following pages (exact labelling need to be fixed, too):

We could add some of these links to the Webclient's Help menu.
I'm not sure if all these links must be available directly in the Webclient, or if it is sufficient if some of them just appear on the www.deepamehta.de website.

For futher realization:

  • Do we want to build an extra module / GPL licensed dm4-plugin for this and should this hook into the dm4-webclient?

We (you :-) could build a plugin "dm4-hosting" which covers all the aspects related to the hosted myDM service. Also the administrative features like user data export/deletion (as discussed elsewhere) could possibly be part of the "dm4-hosting" plugin (to be discussed).

See the dm4-help plugin for how to add items to the Help menu.

comment:2 Changed 9 years ago by Malte

The latest proposal to support a dm4 hosting service is now () to write and bundle:

  • 1 Page for a service wide (user unspecific) "Imprint"
  • 1 Page for the "Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy and Terms of Service"
  • 1 Page with infos about "My DeepaMehta" (a Page showing the "Service" Status between the user and the entity providing the service)
  • 1 Page (or Button) for "Contact"

A "User Profile" (to edit and associate "Full Name", and some Standard "Copyright Notice /License") for contents the user has authored on myDM is not to the scope of the upcoming development on this. To prevent users of using myDM as their personal web publishing platform, there is now a way wich works for service operators with #856 (=disallowing users the creation of workspaces with a SharingMode? of "Public" or "Common").

From my point of view, allowing users to manage their own "User profile" with the goal to allow myDM for personal web publishing (users stating their Full Name, Personal Imprint/Contact? Information and maybe an indication of the contents license) will be in the scope of another ticket.

Approach to implement the minimal requirements for the myDM service now is:

  • Create a new bundle named "dm4-hosting"
  • Pages will be hooked into the "Help" menu, with the "Imprint" button taking the place of "Help" and "Help" moving to the bottom of the menu.
  • As long as there are no "user profiles" and no personal imprints, there is only one global "Imprint" active at all times (that of the service operator).

Next up:
If the pages served by this dm4-hosting plugin will not be interactively editable by members of the recently introduced "Administration" workspace #855 (i will think about this) the very next task is to research and write up the most necessary contents for all the pages.

comment:3 Changed 9 years ago by jri

A general idea would be to publish the static pages just on www.deepamehta.de

Only the pages to be generated per-user could be integrated/linked in the webclient.

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