


18:24 Ticket #171 ("Choose" fields should not create empty topics) created by jri
E.g. when I create a person, and let the "Country" field empty, DeepaMehta
17:48 Changeset in deepamehta [b54822f] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterCore: model-driven composite value updating. An topic/association update …
01:57 Changeset in dm4-kiezatlas [a102354] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterForm generator: render website-specific facets.
01:54 Changeset in deepamehta [af4f2ff] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterWebclient: extend pre_render_form() hook. Add "page_model" argument. This …


15:46 Changeset in dm4-kiezatlas [8916e77] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterRender website-specific geo object facets. Further extend REST service.
15:40 Changeset in deepamehta [24cfa11] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterIcon Picker: remove file not needed.
15:26 Changeset in deepamehta [bb7cc70] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterWebclient: public assessible page model utility. Plugins can use public …
02:54 Ticket #170 (Map state is not persistent after auto scroll) created by jri


19:44 Changeset in dm4-kiezatlas [2a8f7b8] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterExtend REST service. Make use of pre_render_page() hook. Not yet …
19:33 Changeset in deepamehta [69866e3] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterWebclient: add hook pre_render_page(). Furthermore in Webclient: hooks …


16:58 DeepaMehta edited by jri


14:44 Ticket #169 (Geomaps Plungin in Binary Distribution) created by JuergeN
Maybe this question was raised before: How do I use the Geomaps-Plugin …
02:35 Ticket #168 (Channelling facility for competing plugins) created by jri
Examples for competing plugins: - 2 plugins add a command to a certain …
01:53 Changeset in dm4-kiezatlas [b576d8e] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterInitial commit. Define data model. Set up webclient launcher.


16:08 Ticket #167 (Text Search with wildcards) created by JuergeN
I was just wondering, why I cannot use wildcards in the text search? …
03:02 Changeset in deepamehta [4d54f2e] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterRestructure repository. All modules are collected in a "modules" …
02:12 Changeset in deepamehta [f965f0a] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterBump version numbers to 4.0.7-SNAPSHOT


16:42 Ticket #109 (Add facets to the core data model) closed by jri
fixed: A first 0.1 version is released as external plugin: …
04:36 Ticket #43 (display the build number) closed by jri
worksforme: As we use Git there is no such thing like a build number but only a …
04:28 Ticket #53 (Geomaps module) closed by jri
fixed: A first 0.1 version is released as external plugin: …
04:10 Ticket #136 (Add DNS alias lists.deepamehta.de) closed by jri
04:05 Ticket #52 (Support for different map types) closed by jri
fixed: Map type extension architecture is complete for the moment. Plugins can …
03:59 ReleaseNotes edited by jri


18:09 WikiStart edited by jri
4.0.6 Release (diff)
17:49 Changeset in deepamehta [404395f8] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
master4.0.6 Release
15:43 Changeset in deepamehta [99e548a] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterWebclient fix: Retype dialog reflects current type
15:23 ReleaseNotes edited by jri
03:54 ReleaseNotes edited by jri
03:42 ReleaseNotes edited by jri
4.0.6 Release (diff)
01:54 Changeset in deepamehta [5984839] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterPrepare release: update version numbers
01:29 Changeset in deepamehta [841938f] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterCore fix: topic labeling
00:56 Changeset in deepamehta [a59c368] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterCore fix: creating topic types


19:59 Ticket #166 (Add 2 new Github repos to Trac) created by jri
Lieber Danny, kannst Du bitte, sofern Du Zeit hast, 3 neue Github repos …
18:52 Changeset in deepamehta [25374de] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterRemove 2 modules from DM standard distro: deepamehta-geomaps …
18:29 Changeset in deepamehta [3ada212] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterPromote version number of 4 modules. ... from 4.0.5 to 4.0.6-SNAPSHOT.
18:22 Changeset in deepamehta [5f52bea] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterMake Contacts module independant from Notes module
17:28 Changeset in deepamehta [f05e092] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterGeomaps module: geomaps remember topic selection.
16:56 Ticket #153 (File topics have no label) closed by Jörg Richter
fixed: Files module fix: File topics have label (#153). Close ticket 153 * …
16:56 Changeset in deepamehta [4008fde] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterFiles module fix: File topics have label (#153). Close ticket 153
16:44 Changeset in deepamehta [a27aa74] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterTopicmaps: adaptive New Topicmap dialogbox If there is only one map-type …
04:40 Changeset in deepamehta [7949fb6] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterGeomaps fix: display revealed topics in page panel


20:16 Ticket #165 (Constrained menus in dialog boxes) closed by Jörg Richter
fixed: Webclient fix: open menus in dialogboxes (#165). Opened menus within …
20:15 Changeset in deepamehta [eb3b81f] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterWebclient fix: open menus in dialogboxes (#165). Opened menus within …
04:50 Ticket #165 (Constrained menus in dialog boxes) created by jri
Menus in dialog boxes should exceed the dialog box. In particular the …
04:43 Changeset in deepamehta [8085e23] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterTopicmaps module: minor CSS tweak
03:45 Changeset in deepamehta [1897987] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterWebclient: minor CSS tweak


18:44 Logo edited by jri
18:42 deepamehta-logo-tiny.png attached to Logo by jri
18:42 deepamehta-logo-small-tr.png attached to Logo by jri
72x77 transparent
18:41 deepamehta-logo-92x98-tr.png attached to Logo by jri
92x98 transparent
18:41 deepamehta-logo-tr.png attached to Logo by jri
164x175 transparent
16:50 Logo edited by jri
16:46 deepamehta-logo-tiny-tr.png attached to Logo by jri
45x48 transparent
16:45 deepamehta-logo-small.png attached to Logo by jri
16:45 deepamehta-logo-92x98.png attached to Logo by jri
16:44 deepamehta-logo.png attached to Logo by jri
16:41 Logo created by jri


17:50 Ticket #164 (take care about migrating old/english "news" -section to new website) created by Malte
- create & migrate "news" from old website - maybe the news belong now to …
17:47 Ticket #163 (take care about "profile" / "contributors" content section) created by Malte
- gather all contents relevant to "contributors" section - write, …
17:42 Ticket #162 (take care about "deepamehta in use" content section) created by Malte
- gather all contents relevant to "deepamehta in use" section - write, …
17:42 Ticket #161 (take care about "conceptual" content section) created by Malte
- gather all contents relevant to "concept" section - write, re-write …
17:40 Ticket #160 (take care about "community" content section) created by Malte
- gather all contents relevant to community section - write, re-write all …
17:38 Ticket #159 (Graphical Download-Box for Header with Slogan) created by Malte
Attributes: Visible on each page, directly next to the logo, containing a …
17:33 Ticket #158 (add application content type) created by Malte
.. "Application Pages" Draft: Name (einfaches Freitextfeld), Logo …
17:16 Ticket #157 (expressions / statement area, randomized, opt-out with link to profile) created by Malte
re-work expressions / statement area randomized fetched out of database …
17:14 Ticket #156 (news area on frontpage, block with latest news teaserd) created by Malte
News-Block on Frontpage just with Headlines, evtl. the very latest news, …
17:10 Ticket #155 (find and list alternative drupal themes) created by Malte
drupal theme testweise installieren um nicht zu viel gestaltungsaufwand …


19:22 Changeset in deepamehta [8b4d541] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterGeomaps module: fix resizing. Client-side plugin framework: add …
16:55 Ticket #154 (Persistent map state) closed by jri
16:48 Changeset in deepamehta [bfccf96] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterGeomaps: persistent map state (#154). A geomap's center position and zoom …


03:31 Changeset in deepamehta [469d934] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterTopicmaps: persistent map state Pt.3 (#154). Translation of standard maps …
01:33 Changeset in deepamehta [9b60764] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterTopicmaps: persistent map state Pt.2 (#154). Standard maps write …


23:48 Changeset in deepamehta [3e7cf18] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterTopicmaps: persistent map state Pt.1 (#154). Extend map model. Not yet …
15:56 Ticket #154 (Persistent map state) created by jri
A topicmap should remember its - translation - zoom level (for some map …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.