- 18:18 Changeset in deepamehta [ff6a243] by
- masterWebclient: fix copy-paste typo (#275). See ticket 275.
- 18:07 Changeset in deepamehta [faf8d00] by
- masterWebclient: plugin classes not in global space #275 IMPORTANT: plugin …
- 15:10 Ticket #276 (Pick up JavaScript plugin files automatically) created by
- The "clientSidePluginFile" configuration property should be abolished. …
- 15:03 Ticket #275 (Plugin classes should not squat the JavaScript global scope) created by
- The same applies for Page Renderers, Field Renderers and so on. These will …
- 13:04 BuildFromSource edited by
- change client url (diff)
- 01:39 Ticket #274 (Hot deploy oddity in conjunction with "importModels") closed by
- fixed
- 01:38 Changeset in deepamehta [4272b65] by
- masterCore fix: don't initialize a plugin twice (#274). This solves "Servlet …
- 23:48 Ticket #272 (Hot deploying a module unnecessarily restarts all other modules) closed by
- fixed
- 18:55 Changeset in deepamehta [e47c850] by
- masterCore: plugins doesn't consume HttpService? (#272). Instead they are …
- 03:46 Changeset in deepamehta [a39e39c] by
- masterCore: abolish resource config properties (#272). 2 properties are no …
- 01:47 Ticket #274 (Hot deploy oddity in conjunction with "importModels") created by
- If plugin A depends on the model of plugin B and plugin B is redeployed …
- 03:02 Changeset in deepamehta [b0f3185] by
- masterCore: dynamic un/register Jersey servlet (#272). Once all REST resources …
- 16:52 Changeset in deepamehta [f498295] by
- masterCore: removing REST resources dynamically (#272). Reloading a module (via …
- 15:14 Changeset in deepamehta [ec06c50] by
- masterCore: WebPublishing? service basically works (#272) Plugins add their REST …
- 02:41 Changeset in deepamehta [d6a40ff] by
- masterCore: adapt plugin REST services (#272). A plugin's provider classes are …
- 18:05 Changeset in deepamehta [d87925b] by
- masterCore: use a Jersey servlet singleton (#272). We hope this will solve the …
- 02:47 Changeset in deepamehta [2e86426] by
- masterCore: unregister plugin OSGi service
- 02:10 Changeset in deepamehta [fe1ae0d] by
- masterMore on interactive read-only maps (#269). Not yet complete. See ticket …
- 02:06 Changeset in deepamehta [03c5595] by
- masterAccess Control also for associations Pt.1 Not yet functional
- 15:07 Changeset in deepamehta [fc98688] by
- masterAccess Ctrl fix: adjust Create wigdet on login/out If the user has no …
- 14:39 Changeset in deepamehta [e9351ad] by
- masterAccess Control fix: adjust "Edit" btn on login/out
- 02:49 Changeset in dm4-kiezatlas [666866c] by
- masterAdapt to core's new PRE_SEND hook.
- 02:42 Changeset in deepamehta [6344581] by
- masterAccess Control: fix type creation.
- 22:43 Changeset in dm4-kiezatlas [b059fed] by
- masterBump version number to 2.1-SNAPSHOT
- 14:08 Changeset in deepamehta [7d3e8ac] by
- masterTopicmaps: anonymous canvas moves (#269). Anonymous canvas moves are not …
- 14:00 Changeset in deepamehta [e715114] by
- masterWebservice: trigger PRE_SEND for getTopics (#268). See ticket 268.
- 13:48 Ticket #273 (Core API: retrieve topic by URI) created by
- Currently this can by achieved by getTopic("uri", new …
- 13:43 Ticket #272 (Hot deploying a module unnecessarily restarts all other modules) created by
- This happens only if the deployed module provides REST resources. Thanks …
- 13:38 Ticket #271 (The default topic renderer should provide post_render hooks) created by
- 2 new TopicRenderer? hooks: "post_render_page" "post_render_form" …
- 13:33 Ticket #270 (Checkbox visualization for multiple-value aggregation types) created by
- Should be configurable by introducing another View Configuration setting.
- 13:29 Ticket #269 (Interactive read-only maps) created by
- Anonymous users should be able to search/navigate in topicmaps in a …
- 02:27 Changeset in deepamehta [4534944] by
- masterExtend Access Control service (#262). New service method: Permissions …
- 00:11 Changeset in deepamehta [d102e4a] by
- masterACL module: fix login widget geometry.
- 23:10 Changeset in deepamehta [0264602] by
- masterMerge "master" into "accesscontrol" and activate.
- 21:27 Changeset in deepamehta [989f1fe] by
- masterMerge branch "accesscontrol" but still inactive. Core changes made in the …
- 15:59 Changeset in deepamehta [db3980c] by
- masterMerge branch 'master' into accesscontrol
- 15:52 Changeset in deepamehta [681bef0] by
- masterFacets module: extend service API. There is another getFacet() method …
- 02:41 Changeset in deepamehta [0e2cc75] by
- masterWebclient: fix search (#268). Trigger PRE_SEND_TOPIC also for the search …
- 17:13 Changeset in deepamehta [2550fbc] by
- masterCore: reshape POST_FETCH hooks to PRE_SEND (#268). PRE_SEND is triggered …
- 02:44 Changeset in deepamehta [7a28575] by
- masterMerge branch 'master' into accesscontrol
- 01:20 Ticket #268 (Core: separate application layer from network layer) closed by
- fixed: Core: separate network layer (#268). Close ticket 268. * Changeset: …
- 01:19 Changeset in deepamehta [eb4d96b] by
- masterCore: separate network layer (#268). Close ticket 268.
- 17:41 Changeset in deepamehta [ad357c9] by
- masterAccess Control: functional for the time (#262). Types are attached with …
- 02:08 Changeset in deepamehta [fff60e3] by
- masterAccess Control: change model (#262). The Creator and Owner facets …
- 00:34 Ticket #268 (Core: separate application layer from network layer) created by
- Currently for every single topic and topic type accessed through the core …
- 03:34 Changeset in deepamehta [54dc8bc] by
- masterAccess Control: port from DM3 to DM4, Pt.10 (#262) Fix ref updates in ACL …
- 03:27 Changeset in deepamehta [6a91c79] by
- masterMerge branch 'master' into accesscontrol
- 03:22 Ticket #267 (Core: by-URI topic references in create/update requests) closed by
- fixed: Core: by-URI topic refs in update requests (#267) ... as well as in …
- 03:21 Changeset in deepamehta [b90be86] by
- masterCore: by-URI topic refs in update requests (#267) ... as well as in …
- 23:27 Ticket #267 (Core: by-URI topic references in create/update requests) created by
- Currently only by-ID is supported.
- 14:28 Changeset in deepamehta [edee1c99] by
- masterAccess Control: adapt from DM3 to DM4, Pt.9 (#262) Create ACL entries. …
- 14:20 Changeset in deepamehta [71b8e89] by
- masterMerge branch 'master' into accesscontrol
- 14:16 Changeset in deepamehta [e07c918] by
- masterFacets module: update multi-value facets. Add method to facets service: …
- 14:12 Changeset in deepamehta [e21792d] by
- masterFiles module: improve REST methods exception log
- 22:45 Changeset in deepamehta [666bd3f] by
- masterMerge branch 'master' into accesscontrol
- 22:39 Changeset in deepamehta [6f81e01] by
- masterAccess Control: adapt from DM3 to DM4, Pt.8 (#262) Logout works. Not yet …
- 04:14 Changeset in deepamehta [a5d99f0] by
- masterCore: fetch associations with composite (#265). "fetchComposite" (and …
- 18:26 Ticket #266 (Core: the "association" part of a RelatedTopic is not serialized) created by
- 15:42 Ticket #265 (Core: associations are fetched without their composite structure) created by
- The core association API is not on a par with the topic API. The …
- 14:12 Ticket #264 (Core: the (calculated) value of composite topics should be indexed) created by
- Currently only simple topic values are indexed
- 14:02 Lounge edited by
- add jri's slides from 2nd DM lounge (diff)
- 13:23 Ticket #260 (Increase trac attachment size limit to 5 MB) closed by
- fixed: sorry, the missing 0 is added now, max_size = 7864320
- 03:17 Changeset in deepamehta [54fcd76] by
- masterAccess Control: adapt from DM3 to DM4, Pt.7 (#262) Porting proceeds. …
- 03:07 Ticket #263 (Contacts module: fulltext search should work on specific fields) closed by
- fixed: Contacts: indexing for autocompletion. You can fulltext-search a specific …
- 03:02 Ticket #263 (Contacts module: fulltext search should work on specific fields) created by
- This refers to the API-level, not to the GUI.
- 23:27 Ticket #260 (Increase trac attachment size limit to 5 MB) reopened by
- Thanks, but are you sure 768KB is the maximum? 5MB seems to be possible: …
- 23:14 Changeset in deepamehta [5d33f55] by
- masterMerge branch 'master' into accesscontrol
- 20:23 Changeset in deepamehta [acd1d3f] by
- masterContacts: indexing for autocompletion. You can fulltext-search a specific …
- 18:27 Changeset in deepamehta [50c72b8] by
- masterWebclient: menu CSS tweak. ... in conjunction with jQuery UI 1.8.21 DM's …
- 17:48 Changeset in deepamehta [5a97ae6] by
- masterWebclient: add Autocomplete component to jQuery UI (The Datepicker …
- 04:33 Changeset in deepamehta [5f0cae4] by
- masterAccess Control module: adapt from DM3 to DM4, Pt.6 Server and Webclient …
- 17:17 Ticket #260 (Increase trac attachment size limit to 5 MB) closed by
- fixed: size increased to max_size = 786432
- 16:49 Ticket #166 (Add 2 new Github repos to Trac) closed by
- fixed: the following repos are now included * dm4-facets * dm4-geomaps * …
- 16:28 Changeset in deepamehta [9421326] by
- masterCore: add postFetchTopicTypeHook()
- 15:58 Ticket #262 (Access Control) created by
- As a start DM3's Access Control module should be ported to DM4. Its …
- 03:56 Changeset in deepamehta [a2680b4] by
- masterCore: low-level type loading Pt 3. Done: - Low-level load the type topic. …
- 00:50 Changeset in deepamehta [250d7f3] by
- masterCore: low-level type loading Pt 2. Done: - Low-level load the type topic. …
- 00:25 Changeset in deepamehta [3359b98] by
- masterMerge branch 'master' into lowlevel-type-loading
- 22:02 Changeset in deepamehta [29bdbf63] by
- masterCore: extend storage layer API. Add 4 methods to DeepaMehtaStorage?: …
- 16:49 Changeset in deepamehta [c2bba24] by
- masterCore: low-level type loading Pt 1. Aim is to load types via direct …
- 16:18 Changeset in deepamehta [2673e1c] by
- Core: support for bypassing POST_FETCH_HOOK. Aim is to load types via …
- 14:11 Ticket #242 (GitHub to Trac push doesn't work anymore) closed by
- fixed: It works again! Your manuel fetch has cured it. Thanks! (I guess the …
- 16:48 Ticket #261 (Redesign server-side hook mechanism) created by
- Plugins should register listener objects at the core instead of overriding …
- 16:28 Changeset in deepamehta [68e41df] by
- masterAccess Control: adapt webclient listeners to DM4.
- 22:34 Changeset in deepamehta [7f5b13b] by
- masterAccess Control module: adapt model. Client-side part not yet adapted to …
- 18:49 Changeset in deepamehta [a829cfc] by
- masterMerge branch 'master' into accesscontrol
- 18:46 Changeset in deepamehta [939537b] by
- masterCore: improve reporting of web service exceptions.
- 17:51 Changeset in deepamehta [c640e49] by
- masterAccess Control module: adapt from DM3 to DM4, Pt.3 Compiles for the first …
- 17:29 Changeset in deepamehta [6387ec3] by
- masterIncorporate Facets module to DM standard distro. It is required by the …
- 15:55 Changeset in deepamehta [b44f9df] by
- masterExtend core service by getAssociation() ... to query the association …
- 03:40 Changeset in deepamehta [54a5cc6] by
- masterAccess Control module: adapt from DM3 to DM4, Pt.2 Does not yet compile.
- 22:19 Changeset in deepamehta [38e2df7] by
- masterAccess Control module: adapt from DM3 to DM4, Pt.1 Does not yet compile.
- 16:09 Changeset in deepamehta [7bca089] by
- masterAccess Control module: merge 'master' branch
- 15:15 Changeset in deepamehta [e9065f4] by
- masterBump version numbers to 4.0.12-SNAPSHOT
Note: See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.