


16:24 Changeset in deepamehta [147eedb5] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterCore: fix label recalculation (#339). The CompositeValue?'s setXX() …
14:13 Changeset in poemspace [e2ac9bc] by dgf <github@…>
masteronly write recipients with email addresses
14:09 Changeset in dm4-mail [6e2f289] by dgf <github@…>
mastershow a warning if email is invalid
14:08 Changeset in dm4-mail [56f317a] by dgf <github@…>
mastercorrect the autocomplete event propagation
14:05 Changeset in dm4-mail [8e985d2] by dgf <github@…>
masterfix status messages and sender retrieval
14:02 Changeset in dm4-mail [3b13e7d] by dgf <github@…>
masterfix contact email composition on the fly
13:54 Changeset in dm4-mail [2388046] by dgf <github@…>
masterdescribe autocomplete keyboard interaction
03:55 Changeset in deepamehta [f157b8c] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterCore: attached composite manipulators (#339). CompositeValue? (interface) …


22:50 Changeset in deepamehta [50c2a97] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterCore: add more accessors to attached comp (#339). CompositeValue?
22:21 Changeset in deepamehta [96401af] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterCore: add accessors to attached comp value (#339). CompositeValue?
03:37 Changeset in deepamehta [ccc2858] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterCore: drop [get|set]ChildTopicValue?() (#339, #411) BREAKING CHANGES …


16:32 Ticket #250 (Multiple-value fields doesn't work as topic label) closed by Jörg Richter
fixed: Core fix: multiple-value fields as labels (#250). Multiple-value fields …
16:32 Changeset in deepamehta [ce5f36d] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterCore fix: multiple-value fields as labels (#250). Multiple-value fields …
01:45 Changeset in deepamehta [0f98098] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterCore: optimize "aggregation many" update (#339). Update optimization: …


02:56 Changeset in deepamehta [03658cb] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterMerge branch 'master' into attach-comp-value
02:42 Ticket #414 (Deleting e.g. all Person's Email Addresses throws exception) closed by Jörg Richter
fixed: Geomaps fix: deleting all child topics (#414). Deleting e.g. all the …
02:42 Changeset in deepamehta [638ee8e] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterGeomaps fix: deleting all child topics (#414). Deleting e.g. all the …
02:21 Ticket #415 (Easify revelation of current User Account) created by jri
A logged in user might want reveal its own User Account topic, e.g. to …
02:11 Ticket #414 (Deleting e.g. all Person's Email Addresses throws exception) created by jri
The Geomaps (!) module throws: […] Thanks, dgf, for reporting.
02:03 Changeset in deepamehta [3c8e0f5] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterCore: optimize "aggregation one" update (#339). Update optimization: …


06:38 UbuntuRunningDeepaMehtaAsDaemon edited by silke


20:02 Ticket #413 (trac search field is broken) closed by dgf
fixed: with the z-index it goes well now
19:32 Changeset in poemspace [f7cc69d] by dgf <github@…>
masteradapt mail plugin autocomplete behaviour
19:25 Changeset in dm4-mail [c09ef47] by dgf <github@…>
masterdescribe configuration and mail creation
19:25 Changeset in dm4-mail [99431d2] by dgf <github@…>
masterstyle contact references
19:24 Changeset in dm4-mail [50a643e] by dgf <github@…>
masteradditional search of emails in autocomplete each recipient mail is stored …
17:47 Changeset in deepamehta [a517dd9] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterCore: optimize "composition many" update (#339). Update optimization: …
16:43 Ticket #413 (trac search field is broken) created by silke
I can't use the search field here in trac. When I click into it, the …


17:36 Changeset in deepamehta [60f8df0] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterFix access control for types (#339). Editing a type topic works. Was …
16:00 Changeset in deepamehta [d65d3f3] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterCore: lazy composite value laading (#339, #411). Before an update …
12:26 Changeset in dm4-mail [8567b04] by dgf <github@…>
masterstyle mail boxes and success dialog
12:24 Changeset in dm4-mail [f5937e5] by dgf <github@…>
masterclassify recipient
12:24 Changeset in dm4-mail [b4ff55f] by dgf <github@…>
masterclassify sender and change label of autocomplete
12:22 Changeset in dm4-mail [7e62c8d] by dgf <github@…>
masterstatus report shows the count of mail addresses


16:52 Ticket #412 (SVG-based Topicmap Renderer) created by jri
Joern has committed to the task of implementing a SVG-based Topicmap …
15:02 Ticket #411 (Core: on-demand loading of composite values) created by jri
The server-side (Java) plugin developer should not be required to care …
00:05 Changeset in deepamehta [5de26a8] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterREADME: restore empty line at top. All DeepaMehta README files begin with …


23:42 Changeset in dmx-webclient [5328cad3] by Danny Gräf <github@…>
masterdocument provided script types
23:22 Changeset in dmx-webclient [6ed5879] by Danny Gräf <github@…>
masterfix dependency
23:15 Changeset in deepamehta [89069fa] by Danny Gräf <github@…>
masterfix download link
23:00 Changeset in dm4-images [3113663] by dgf <github@…>
masteradjust image size with max-(width|height)
22:58 Changeset in dm4-images [d3c2b5c] by dgf <github@…>
masteradd usage section with CKEditor doc links
20:19 KarafDistribution edited by dgf
system and http configuration (diff)
04:28 Changeset in deepamehta [7482b3b] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterCore: restore "CompositeValue?" wording (#339). The "ChildTopics?" wording …


23:51 Changeset in deepamehta [ea07b15] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterCore: refactor label storage (#339). The simple value of a composite …
22:27 Ticket #410 (www.deepamehta.de is offline) closed by rk
19:09 Ticket #410 (www.deepamehta.de is offline) created by DanielP
Hi Rolf, does the DM webserver have a problem? Can you check please. …
04:52 Changeset in deepamehta [d7c9c0d] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterCore: refactor value storage (#339). Storing an object model's simple or …


22:06 DeepaMehtaPlugins edited by dgf
15:48 Changeset in deepamehta [18fda56] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterCore: replace getCompositeValue() (#339). getCompositeValue() is replaced …


22:04 Changeset in deepamehta [83665bc] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterCore: build attached composite values (#339). Not yet usable. Core API: …
15:13 Changeset in deepamehta [58143e7] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterCore: refactor fetching composite values (#339). The model, including its …


17:27 Changeset in dmx-webclient [f54d802] by dgf <github@…>
masterbump versions
14:51 Changeset in poemspace [f142897] by dgf <github@…>
masterfix colors
14:47 Changeset in poemspace [aee2afa] by dgf <github@…>
masterbump versions
14:44 Changeset in poemspace [d0d39e5] by dgf <github@…>
master0.0.1 Release
14:18 Changeset in dm4-mail [b3b7d04] by dgf <github@…>
masterfix requirements
14:18 Changeset in dm4-images [c6496d6] by dgf <github@…>
masterfix requirements
14:16 Changeset in dm4-images [67a02e0] by dgf <github@…>
masterbump version
14:13 Changeset in dm4-mail [157c589] by dgf <github@…>
masterbump version
14:12 Changeset in dm4-mail [f221fca] by dgf <github@…>
master0.0.1 Release
14:10 Changeset in dm4-images [e398e2a] by dgf <github@…>
masterbump version
14:08 Changeset in dm4-images [f75a057] by dgf <github@…>
master0.0.1 Release
12:06 RobotsTxt created by dgf
block repository and source crawling
10:18 Changeset in dmx-webclient [b636bcd] by dgf <github@…>
masteradd index and coding screenshot
10:04 Changeset in dmx-webclient [8646518] by dgf <github@…>
masteruse a layouted d3 graph on index page
10:02 Changeset in dmx-webclient [d509ac0] by dgf <github@…>
masterrequire d3 wrap
10:00 Changeset in dmx-webclient [fbaa6a1] by dgf <github@…>
masteradd d3 js
04:09 Changeset in deepamehta [5b27e6c] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterCore: rename class CompositeValue? (#339). BREAKING CHANGE …
01:41 Changeset in deepamehta [272fc0d] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterBump version to 4.1-SNAPSHOT


18:34 Ticket #409 (disable fileupload?) created by JuergeN
Fileupload is a nice feature, but is there a way to disable it? I still …


00:16 Ticket #392 (MehtaGraph storage throws Reference error) closed by jri
00:05 WikiStart edited by jri
4.0.14 Release (diff)


23:53 Changeset in deepamehta [e22436f] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
master4.0.14 Release
19:09 ReleaseNotes edited by jri
4.0.14 release notes, pt. 3 (diff)
18:31 ReleaseNotes edited by jri
4.0.14 release notes, pt. 2 (diff)
03:32 Ticket #338 (An Association's "Instantiation" Association has no type assignment) closed by Jörg Richter
fixed: Extend Core Service API. Also fix #338. New in DeepaMehtaService?: …
03:32 Changeset in deepamehta [aa7d429] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterExtend Core Service API. Also fix #338. New in DeepaMehtaService?: …


17:58 Ticket #391 (Extract MehtaGraph SPI and provide default implementation) closed by jri
17:57 Ticket #389 (Storage layer performance: associations should be indexed) closed by jri
17:55 ReleaseNotes edited by jri
4.0.14 release notes, pt. 1 (diff)
16:31 Changeset in deepamehta [cfd16d4] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterCore API: "Object Factory" wording is obsolete. "Type Storage" is the …
15:55 Ticket #408 (Core: do not register WebPublishingService as an OSGi service) created by jri
In fact the WebPublishing? service is designed as a private Core facility, …
15:45 Ticket #407 (Geomaps: a missing Address child topic causes an exception while update) created by jri
If e.g. a Person's Postal Code (instance) topic has been deleted (or does …
01:55 Ticket #406 (Remove transactions from DB read operations) closed by Jörg Richter
fixed: Core: no transactions for read operations (#406). Close ticket 406. …
01:55 Changeset in deepamehta [e2ca349] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterCore: no transactions for read operations (#406). Close ticket 406. …


17:42 Ticket #352 (Firing a CoreEvent should not involve runtime reflection) closed by Jörg Richter
fixed: Core: deliver events involves no reflection (#352) Close ticket 352. * …
17:41 Changeset in deepamehta [24ba945] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterCore: deliver events involves no reflection (#352) Close ticket 352.
04:32 Changeset in deepamehta [9b9cd96] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterUpdate Neo4j 1.8 -> 1.8.1
00:58 Ticket #406 (Remove transactions from DB read operations) created by jri
Since a long time (Neo4j 1.1?) it is not required anymore to perform DB …
00:45 Ticket #393 (Revise Association Definition model) closed by Jörg Richter
fixed: Core: drop 2 AssociationDefinition? methods (#393). BREAKING CHANGES 2 …
00:45 Changeset in deepamehta [30aece3] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterCore: drop 2 AssociationDefinition? methods (#393). BREAKING CHANGES 2 …


19:51 DeepaMehtaPlugins edited by JuergeN
19:47 RestApi edited by JuergeN
19:44 Documentation edited by JuergeN
19:40 Changeset in dmx-webclient [f9c0e2e] by dgf <github@…>
masterMerge branch 'master' of github.com:dgf/dmx-webclient Conflicts: …
19:36 Changeset in dmx-webclient [1fa84d2] by dgf <github@…>
masterupdate starting point description and requirements
19:25 Changeset in dmx-webclient [53280eac] by dgf <github@…>
masteradd require css and less plugins
19:24 Changeset in dmx-webclient [716b85c] by dgf <github@…>
masterbootstrap and use style scripts
19:22 Changeset in dmx-webclient [17ad670] by dgf <github@…>
masterconfigure ace style modes
19:22 Changeset in dmx-webclient [e6e74d9] by dgf <github@…>
masteradd css and less modes
18:31 Ticket #396 (Add Release of 4.0.13 as News to Website!) closed by jri
fixed: Thanks for reminding!
17:56 Changeset in dmx-webclient [6985c89] by dgf <github@…>
masterroute app paths and cleanup examples
17:54 Changeset in dmx-webclient [aba21b5] by dgf <github@…>
masteruse ace editor in script view
17:53 Changeset in dmx-webclient [9f6dd86] by dgf <github@…>
masteruse development branch of webactivator
17:13 Ticket #404 (Update copyright line in 'About DeepaMehta' Text) closed by Jörg Richter
fixed: Update "About DeepaMehta" box (#404). Copyright: - "2012" -> "2013" …
17:13 Changeset in deepamehta [8263e22] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterUpdate "About DeepaMehta" box (#404). Copyright: - "2012" -> "2013" …
15:47 Changeset in deepamehta [97f250f] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterStorage fix: content index update on delete (#389) When a topic or …
02:02 Changeset in deepamehta [c4206f4] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterNeo4j storage: update assoc metadata index (#389). When an association is …


23:15 Changeset in deepamehta [44db47f] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterNeo4j storage: update index on topic retype (#389) The association …
22:27 Changeset in dm4-thymeleaf [875984c] by dgf <github@…>
masterupstream development
19:50 Documentation edited by JuergeN
19:49 Documentation edited by JuergeN
18:25 Ticket #405 (user shell be able to register herself at deepamehta) created by JuergeN
We need a plugin so that a user can register herself to deepamehta. …
17:22 BinaryDistribution edited by JuergeN
15:44 DeepaMehtaPlugins edited by JuergeN
15:07 DeepaMehtaPlugins edited by JuergeN
15:06 DeepaMehtaPlugins edited by JuergeN
14:55 DeepaMehtaPlugins edited by JuergeN
14:52 DeepaMehtaPlugins edited by JuergeN
14:51 DeepaMehtaPlugins edited by JuergeN
14:50 DeepaMehtaPlugins edited by JuergeN
13:28 Ticket #404 (Update copyright line in 'About DeepaMehta' Text) created by JuergeN
It's time to update from Copyright 2000-2012 Jörg Richter to …


23:19 Ticket #398 (include mre's plugins in Jenkins and trac) closed by dgf
23:17 Changeset in deepamehta [83ab300] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterCore: fix topic retype. It was broken 2 days before.
23:08 Ticket #397 (add dmx-webclient to jenkins and to trac) closed by dgf
18:09 DeepaMehtaPlugins created by JuergeN
17:59 Documentation edited by JuergeN
17:34 Ticket #399 (change path of download section for plugins) closed by JuergeN
fixed: Jenkins will now copy each plugin in its own directory (for permanent …
02:17 Changeset in deepamehta [64581b8] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterStorage: store type URI of retyped topic (#389). The association metadata …


15:20 Changeset in deepamehta [2c443c5] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterNeo4j storage: update index on role retype (#389). The association …
00:58 Changeset in deepamehta [ab8200a] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterCore: update assoc index on assoc retype (#389). Done: - update the …


22:35 Ticket #403 (Switch to NEO4J Enterprise) created by joern
This would provide cool features like Online Backup. Should be possible …
18:51 Changeset in deepamehta [84f92f7] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterCore: refactor some storage code (#389). In preparation of "update …


00:40 Ticket #402 (Revealing a topicmap inside itself throws an error) closed by jri
fixed: Core: fix delete topicmaps (#402). Revealing a Topicmap topic inside the …
00:36 Changeset in deepamehta [0884d52] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterCore: fix delete topicmaps (#402). Revealing a Topicmap topic inside the …


21:02 Changeset in dmx-webclient [b8a4276] by Danny Gräf <github@…>
masterUpdate README.md
20:50 Changeset in dmx-webclient [108eb2e] by dgf <github@…>
masterrewrite application bootstrap and add examples
20:27 Changeset in dmx-webclient [c3e870a] by dgf <github@…>
masterbootstrap and require jQuery, knockout and plugins
20:22 Changeset in dmx-webclient [0739fda] by dgf <github@…>
masteradd application type with script chooser
20:15 Changeset in dmx-webclient [352c967] by dgf <github@…>
masteradd knockout.js
20:13 Changeset in dmx-webclient [f1e720b] by dgf <github@…>
masteradd require plugins for coffescript and jade
20:07 Changeset in dmx-webclient [ec74ba0] by dgf <github@…>
masterconfigure ace modes and fix worker path
20:03 Changeset in dmx-webclient [9a6ee2a] by dgf <github@…>
masteradd ace workers for coffeescript and javascript
20:02 Changeset in dmx-webclient [46ef254] by dgf <github@…>
masteradd ace modes for coffeescript, jade and text
03:05 Ticket #402 (Revealing a topicmap inside itself throws an error) created by jri
At server-side: […]
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.