


01:39 Changeset in deepamehta [035ade7] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterKaraf distro: standard distro defaults (#447). The DM Karaf distro uses …
01:24 Ticket #447 (The Karaf Distro should setup a non-private installation) created by jri
The Karaf Distro should bahave the same way as the Standard Distro. That …


17:09 Ticket #446 (Retype Topic "Webpage" deletes user account.) created by jori
After creating a "New User Account" as admin, i.e. u: test, p: test, then …
17:02 Ticket #445 (Security: While creating new user account, password field should not be ...) created by jori
That's what we want or DM has to come with a blanket. :)


16:26 Ticket #444 (Developer Documentation) created by jri
3rd-party developers must be enabled to create DM plugins and applications …
01:41 Ticket #423 (Logout doesn't work) closed by jri
01:36 Changeset in deepamehta [f1f628d] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterWebclient: revise topicmap view model (#443). The default topicmap view …


23:52 Ticket #443 (Remove HTML5 Canvas specific parts from default topicmap view model) created by jri
The default topicmap view model is supposed to be topicmap renderer …
01:05 Changeset in deepamehta [ba80717] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterAccess Control module: fix logout (#423). Logout works for "private" DM …


13:57 Ticket #442 (let users send us an error report if an exception is thrown at server-side) created by Malte
some (or maybe most) users do not know how to deal with output of the …


14:07 Ticket #441 (change password for a user from the console on the same machine) created by JuergeN
Is there a way to change the password of a user from the console …
14:01 Ticket #440 (disable fileupload?) created by JuergeN
Refering to #409 I have created a user named 'testuser' and a workspace …
05:53 Ticket #439 (Create global "mouseclick" events which removes active contextmenus from ...) created by joern
The webclient should bind a handler to the mouse click event to the body, …
04:00 Ticket #420 (Enable more complex searches for composite topics) closed by jri
fixed: Realized in 4.1
03:58 Ticket #409 (disable fileupload?) closed by jri
fixed: Realized in 4.1
01:31 Ticket #438 (Revealed related topics overlap with other topics/associations on the map) closed by jri
duplicate: See #175. Thanks for reporting anyway!
00:58 Ticket #434 (Update COPYRIGHT.txt) closed by Jörg Richter
fixed: Update COPYRIGHT.txt (#434). "Copyright 2000-2013 Jörg Richter et al." …
00:57 Changeset in deepamehta [30d1d16] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterUpdate COPYRIGHT.txt (#434). "Copyright 2000-2013 Jörg Richter et al." …


23:29 Ticket #438 (Revealed related topics overlap with other topics/associations on the map) created by silke
When I click around in the details panel, the related topics are revealed …
17:38 Ticket #437 (Lookmarker: Make DM toolbar customizable/movable) created by silke
On small screens, Firefox toolbars take a lot of space. So it would be …
12:30 Ticket #436 (Java Path) created by ziegi
It would be helpfull to include the following trouble shooting help (maybe …


17:23 Ticket #435 (To do for 4.2 Debian package) created by silke
* Take care of pre-4.1 to post-4.1 release!
02:05 Changeset in dm4-thymeleaf [24a67c2] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterBump version number to 0.3.2-SNAPSHOT Depends on DeepaMehta
01:49 Changeset in deepamehta [cdf87d2] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterExtend 2 test cases about comp values and labels
00:52 Changeset in deepamehta [118ea72] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterPOMs: bump version number to 4.1.1-SNAPSHOT
00:02 Lounge edited by dgf


23:56 dm4codev_peomspace.pdf attached to Lounge by dgf
23:56 dm4codev_ci.pdf attached to Lounge by dgf
codev resources
16:59 Changeset in dm4-thymeleaf [41f12c4] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
master0.3.1 Release
16:44 Changeset in dm4-thymeleaf [07e6cc3] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterPOM: as parent use deepamehta-plugin-parent ... instead deepamehta-parent …
15:57 Changeset in dm4-thymeleaf [6a673ad] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterUpdate Thymeleaf 2.0.14 -> 2.0.16 Bump version number 0.3 -> …


19:06 Ticket #434 (Update COPYRIGHT.txt) created by silke
Hi Jörg, the COPYRIGHT.txt file in the zip archive is still reading …
18:45 Changeset in dmx-webclient [3988f33] by dgf <github@…>
master0.0.1 Release
18:32 Changeset in dm4-thymeleaf [da9f493] by dgf <github@…>
master0.4 Release
17:53 Ticket #433 (Make the Delete command more visible) created by jri
This request originates from the Poemspace people. They feel the Delete …
17:50 Lounge edited by dgf
17:44 Ticket #432 (Rename/drop the Edit mode's OK button?) created by jri
This request originates from the Poemspace people. They feel the meaning …
17:38 Ticket #431 (Restrict "By Type" search to relevant types) created by jri
This request originates from the Poemspace people. They want see only the …
17:08 Ticket #430 (Hide Workspace menu) created by jri
This request originates from the Poemspace people. They make no use of …
17:01 Ticket #429 (Activate more CKEditor features) created by jri
This request originates from the Poemspace people. They want at least …
16:54 Ticket #428 (Reflect more application state in the URL) created by jri
Goal is to make the browser's Back button even more intuitive by …
16:36 Ticket #427 (Make deleting a Topicmap more intuitive) created by jri
Currently the topicmap must be revealed as a topic first, either through …
16:28 Changeset in poemspace [fdcb21c] by dgf <github@…>
master0.1 Release
16:10 Changeset in dm4-mail [8432ce4] by dgf <github@…>
master0.1 Release
16:04 Changeset in dm4-images [d70ef15] by dgf <github@…>
master0.9 Release


18:20 Ticket #426 (Close contextmenu on leaving topicmap) created by joern
When the user switches the topicmap, the context menu stays visble. A …


16:13 Ticket #425 (Update demo instances and establish workflow) created by JuergeN
Now with DM 4.1 in place it's time to update the 2 demo instances on the …


02:40 Changeset in dm4-kiezatlas [aab08cd] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
master2.1.1 Release. Update version number and README.
01:27 ReleaseNotes edited by jri


23:55 WikiStart edited by jri
4.1 Release and disclaimer (diff)
23:44 Milestone Release 4.1 completed
Consolidate Core Model and Application Framework. Data Sustainability. …
23:36 Changeset in deepamehta [fda7505] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
master4.1 Release. Update version number.
22:31 Changeset in deepamehta [f384e41] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterUpdate README
19:45 Ticket #424 (Change order of add_topic/assoc calls after revealing topic from details ...) created by joern
When I an item is selected in the right details panel, the webclient calls …
19:01 Changeset in poemspace [4b92274] by dgf <github@…>
masteradapt webclient and ACL changes
18:58 Changeset in dm4-mail [ee7136e] by dgf <github@…>
masteradapt webclient and ACL changes
03:34 Changeset in deepamehta [49db4ee] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterCore/Access? Control API: rename createACL() method BREAKING CHANGES …
03:19 Changeset in deepamehta [188588f] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterCore API: rename some composite value methods. BREAKING CHANGES …
02:48 Ticket #421 (Tool tips) closed by Jörg Richter
fixed: Webclient: fix tooltip text (#421). The tooltips of topics in lists …
02:48 Changeset in deepamehta [bd31458] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterWebclient: fix tooltip text (#421). The tooltips of topics in lists …
01:45 Ticket #423 (Logout doesn't work) created by jri
When logging out the "logged-in" status (upper/right corner) disappears …
01:35 Ticket #400 (Change port of deepamehta-karaf with config file) closed by Jörg Richter
fixed: Karaf Distro: add HTTP config file (#400). To change the HTTP port edit …
01:35 Changeset in deepamehta [be5d042] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterKaraf Distro: add HTTP config file (#400). To change the HTTP port edit …


18:25 ReleaseNotes edited by jri
4.1 release notes, minor changes (diff)
18:12 ReleaseNotes edited by jri
4.1 release notes, pt. 4 (diff)
11:28 Lounge edited by dgf
ein paar Präsentationsvorschläge ergänzt (diff)
00:31 ReleaseNotes edited by jri
4.1 release notes, pt. 3 (diff)


23:34 ReleaseNotes edited by jri
4.1 release notes, pt. 2 (diff)
18:00 ReleaseNotes edited by jri
4.1 release notes, pt. 1 (diff)
13:53 Ticket #422 (Right side doesn't display anything when clicking edit) closed by silke
invalid: Aha. I see. Hm. No empty composites.
13:30 Ticket #422 (Right side doesn't display anything when clicking edit) created by silke
Nightly build Snapshot 4.1 I admit that I click around without really …
13:12 Ticket #421 (Tool tips) created by silke
The tool tips in the right side of the screen always start with an "A" …
04:37 Ticket #415 (Easify revelation of current User Account) closed by Jörg Richter
fixed: Access Control: reveal user account topic (#415). Clicking the user name …
04:36 Changeset in deepamehta [f5234b7] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterAccess Control: reveal user account topic (#415). Clicking the user name …
00:26 Changeset in deepamehta [66cda55] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterContacts: add further index modes (#420, #415). You can search a Person …


18:43 Lounge edited by jri
4. Lounge (diff)
15:44 Ticket #420 (Enable more complex searches for composite topics) created by jri
Example: find all Persons who live in Hauptstraße, Berlin (but not in …
04:46 Changeset in deepamehta [da0aa0c] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterWebclient fix: Edit in assoc context menu (#416). The "Edit" command …
02:53 Ticket #407 (Geomaps: a missing Address child topic causes an exception while update) closed by Jörg Richter
fixed: Geomaps fix: tolerate missing Addr childs (#407). E.g. a Person topic can …
02:52 Changeset in deepamehta [d66b987] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterGeomaps fix: tolerate missing Addr childs (#407). E.g. a Person topic can …
00:57 Ticket #419 (Private contents in a shared installation) created by Malte
I thought you may want to think with me into the direction of realizing …


22:13 Ticket #385 (Topic keeps following the mouse) closed by silke
fixed: I can't reproduce this right now. Rolf and I edited the same topicmap …
21:36 Ticket #126 (Permission to save custom queries in trac) closed by silke
21:30 Ticket #160 (take care about "community" content section) closed by silke
20:49 Brainstorming edited by Malte
adding page "PrivateNotes?" (diff)
18:22 Ticket #239 (images contain https:// src-links) closed by rk
fixed: Closing this. Please reopen if problems accur.
17:19 Ticket #418 (Core API: composite value convenience accessors with default values) closed by Jörg Richter
fixed: Core API: comp value convenience accessors (#418). 7 new convenience …
17:18 Changeset in deepamehta [f904e3c] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterCore API: comp value convenience accessors (#418). 7 new convenience …
15:52 Ticket #418 (Core API: composite value convenience accessors with default values) created by jri
04:30 Changeset in deepamehta [1598a8a] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterWebclient: "Edit" command in context menu (#416). The "Edit" command …
02:25 Changeset in deepamehta [d14f266] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterFiles plugin: enable access control (#409). File operations are matter of …


23:55 Changeset in deepamehta [55eabf7] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterWebclient: fix view config topic labels (#364). View Configuration topics …
17:00 Ticket #376 (Association types get no workspace assignment) closed by Jörg Richter
fixed: Fix: assoc types get workspace assignment (#376). Analogous to topic …
16:59 Changeset in deepamehta [488a4996] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterFix: assoc types get workspace assignment (#376). Analogous to topic …
15:20 Ticket #332 (Association types have no ACL entries) closed by jri
fixed: fixed meanwhile
11:03 Ticket #172 (upgrade & archve jamWiki) closed by Malte
worksforme: Recently I disallowed any user to edit any content there, so the wiki is …
04:09 Ticket #200 (take care of "Welcome" content section) closed by jri
03:40 Ticket #259 (Clicking "edit" after performing search fails) closed by Jörg Richter
fixed: Webclient fix: remove Edit from Searches (#259). Search topics show no …
03:39 Changeset in deepamehta [244673b] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterWebclient fix: remove Edit from Searches (#259). Search topics show no …
03:18 Ticket #248 (Webpage topics provide an Edit button by accident) closed by Jörg Richter
fixed: Webbrowser fix: remove Edit button (#248). Webpage topics show no Edit …
03:17 Changeset in deepamehta [519f418] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterWebbrowser fix: remove Edit button (#248). Webpage topics show no Edit …
01:23 Ticket #258 (Creating new Topic Person fails when deleting phone entry) closed by jri
fixed: This has been fixed a while ago in conjunction with #319. Greetings to …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.