


18:24 Changeset in deepamehta [ec7088f] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterCore: generic property handling methods (#472). The DeepaMehta Core …
17:46 Changeset in dm4-archetypes [11f5761] by dgf <github@…>
masterconvert Scala collection and unify archetypes
17:45 Changeset in dm4-archetypes [96e886c] by dgf <github@…>
masteradd Groovy REST archetype
11:51 Changeset in dm4-archetypes [7cb3263] by dgf <github@…>
masterfix MarkDown? syntax alias
11:48 Changeset in dm4-archetypes [2efc575] by Danny Gräf <github@…>
masterprefer the interactive creation


19:32 Changeset in dm4-archetypes [0d8fd54] by dgf <github@…>
masterconfigure public DeepaMehta Maven repository
19:31 Changeset in dm4-archetypes [17b3f54] by dgf <github@…>
masteradd Scala REST archetype
14:02 Ticket #470 (Add support for scala written plugins) closed by joern
wontfix: A Plugin Scala is possible, see github. But its not possible to listen to …


15:59 Ticket #472 (Core Service: generic property handling methods) created by jri
Currently the Core Service's property handling methods are aimed at Access …


16:19 Ticket #471 (The browser's login dialog appears on logout) created by jri
This is because DM relies on request authorization provided by HTTP. …
16:16 Ticket #470 (Add support for scala written plugins) created by joern
As scala and java are interoperable, there no reason to not write plugins …
15:46 Ticket #447 (The Karaf Distro should setup a non-private installation) closed by jri
fixed: Fixed on Apr 03, 2013: The DM Karaf distro uses same default …
15:43 Ticket #443 (Remove HTML5 Canvas specific parts from default topicmap view model) closed by jri
fixed: Fixed on Mar 25, 2013: The default topicmap view model is now renderer …
09:34 Ticket #356 (when located in one of our "usage" books, "usage"-link should be active in ...) closed by rk
fixed: An item only activates a parent menu item, if it is in the menu-tree, …


16:33 Malted edited by Malte
some edits on my personal page, added new plugin links (diff)
16:25 Malted/PluginDevelopmentNotes edited by Malte
adding rule of thumb for plugins introducing custom-types (diff)
16:21 Ticket #465 (The result of a plugin Installation seems to vary by the current state of ...) closed by Malte
fixed: Thank you for investigating this stuff so quickly. I just re-released my …
15:07 Ticket #469 (Add dm-svgrenderer to modules or components) created by joern
In order to integrate the work on the svg-renderer into the DM trac, the …
15:05 Ticket #468 (Add SVG Editor to DeepaMehta) created by joern
User customizable icons for the topicmap would be a great enhancement. …
02:27 Changeset in dm4.tags [a6a532a] by Malte Reißig <malte@…>
masterBumped Version Number - 1.2 Release
02:26 Changeset in dm4.tags [55c9bda] by Malte Reißig <malte@…>
masterFixed importModels (ACL Installation Issue) - 1.2 Release


18:46 Changeset in dm4-archetypes [f379aeb] by dgf <github@…>
masteruse archetype catalog and repository of Jenkins
18:31 Changeset in dm4.tags [b171d11] by Malte Reißig <malte@…>
masterDeepaMehta Tags 1.1 Release. Changes introduced with this release: - …
15:47 KarafDistribution edited by dgf


16:50 Changeset in dm4-archetypes [dafb86c] by dgf <github@…>
masteradd REST service archetype
16:42 Ticket #467 (User account "admin" seems to have no uri set by default) created by Malte
This opens up space for errors when, for example, the username was changed …
16:38 Ticket #466 (multiple workspace assignments of "admin" conflicts during installation) created by Malte
During a plugin installation (with an empty DB) username "admin" gets not …
16:27 Changeset in dm4-archetypes [469c69d] by dgf <github@…>
masteradd README
16:06 Changeset in dm4-archetypes [3bc7a4d] by dgf <github@…>
masterfix artifact names and change documentation
15:55 Ticket #465 (The result of a plugin Installation seems to vary by the current state of ...) created by Malte
When installing a plugin during a "cold start", as part of the initial …


16:51 Ticket #278 (Cleanup provider implementations) closed by jri
fixed: The webservice's provider classes are generalized by exploting the fact …
16:49 Ticket #277 (add an abstract JSON provider) closed by jri
fixed: The Webservice module now offers a generic MessageBodyReader? Provider for …
16:40 Changeset in deepamehta [f3f2d48] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterConsolidate JAX-RS provider classes (#277, #278). Exception handling: All …


18:50 Malted/PluginDevelopmentNotes edited by Malte
added default workspace and importModels hint, added clientState hint, … (diff)
18:04 Malted/PluginDevelopmentNotes created by Malte
adding note about registering multiple renderers in on js file


20:13 Malted edited by Malte
20:10 Malted edited by Malte
added some neat and simple infos (diff)
19:59 Malted edited by Malte
started to straighten the information layer of my personal wiki-page (diff)
19:25 Ticket #464 (build a first deepamehta-send-to.apk consuming the "Action.SEND"-Intent) created by Malte
Dropping my notes from a talk with JuergenN, adding links directly to the …
16:21 Ticket #463 (dm4-sign-on: implementing an OpenID-consuming plugin) created by Malte
Model an URL (OpenID Service Provider Endpoint) to a DeepaMehta "User …
16:16 Ticket #462 (blocking access for an existing "user account" without deleting it) created by Malte
this shall be part of the deepamehta-4.2 core. Just an "admin" shall be …


16:58 Ticket #461 (Form rendering is too slow) created by jri
Form rendering is too slow when a lot of drowdown menus with a lot of …
15:31 Ticket #460 (dm4-webclient: reveal a specific association between two topics, not all) created by Malte
this looks like a bug in the webclient. Observation 1: I need to hide 2 …
15:23 Ticket #459 (2 user accounts with the literally identical usernames can be created / ...) created by Malte
this seems to be related to a more general issue of "validating user …
01:06 Changeset in deepamehta [ea5ca85] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterWebservice: generic JSON provider (#277, #278). The Webservice module now …


23:41 PluginDevelopmentGuide edited by jri
Parsing the HTTP request body (diff)
16:11 Changeset in dm4-archetypes [c0de3d2] by dgf <github@…>
masterinitial commit an archetype for a migration plugin
15:49 PluginDevelopmentGuide edited by jri
HTTP request value extraction example (diff)


16:39 PluginDevelopmentGuide edited by jri
Extract values from HTTP requests (diff)
03:46 PluginDevelopmentGuide edited by jri
Providing a RESTful web service (diff)


16:55 PluginDevelopmentGuide edited by jri
Link to "Architecture Overview" page (diff)
15:45 ArchitectureOverview edited by jri
02:19 ArchitectureOverview edited by jri
JSON (diff)
02:07 ArchitectureOverview edited by jri
DeepaMehta Webclient (diff)


20:03 ArchitectureOverview edited by jri
DeepaMehta Core (diff)
02:17 ArchitectureOverview edited by jri
DeepaMehta Core, DeepaMehta Plugins (diff)


19:17 ArchitectureOverview edited by jri
14:46 PluginDevelopmentGuide edited by jri
use image from ArchitectureOverview page (diff)
14:42 Documentation edited by jri
add Architecture Overview (diff)
14:39 Architecture.png attached to ArchitectureOverview by jri
DeepaMehta Architecture
14:38 ArchitectureOverview created by jri


16:10 Architecture.png attached to PluginDevelopmentGuide by jri
DeepaMehta Architecture
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.