- 22:07 Ticket #486 (New client-side extension point: pre_send_request) created by
- This is needed e.g. by the Caching plugin to add a If-Unmodified-Since …
- 16:52 Changeset in deepamehta [41c1f0b] by
- masterCaching plugin: set Cache-Control header (#478). If the response contains …
- 16:19 Malted/PluginDevelopmentNotes edited by
- adding constructing composite types in java with dms (diff)
- 00:54 Malted/PluginDevelopmentNotes edited by
- (diff)
- 00:53 Malted/PluginDevelopmentNotes edited by
- added postinstall hook, and acl-entry example for declarative topics (diff)
- 18:51 Ticket #485 ("Endless recursion while loading type" when instanciating topics in ...) created by
- see attached file
- 18:39 Malted/PluginDevelopmentNotes edited by
- Referencing topic instances in a declarative migration (diff)
- 16:48 Changeset in deepamehta [dfaa8f0] by
- masterTime plugin: enrich with timestamp (#386, #479). If the response contains …
- 15:54 Ticket #484 (Web layer exception handling) created by
- A plugin should be able to throw a WebApplicationException? to produce a …
- 01:22 Changeset in deepamehta [b9c5fa2] by
- masterAdd 2 new plugins to reactor build (#386, #478). DeepaMehta 4 Time …
- 17:10 Ticket #482 (Webservice: PUT URIs are not REST-like) closed by
- fixed: Webservice: PUT URLs are REST-conform (#482). BREAKING CHANGE The …
- 17:03 Changeset in deepamehta [a1a02b5] by
- masterWebservice: PUT URLs are REST-conform (#482). BREAKING CHANGE The …
- 15:29 Ticket #483 (irritating ? at the end of URLs) closed by
- fixed: Webclient: no trailing "?" in URLs (#483). Requests issued by the …
- 15:24 Changeset in deepamehta [b2a0e79] by
- masterWebclient: no trailing "?" in URLs (#483). Requests issued by the …
- 14:57 Ticket #483 (irritating ? at the end of URLs) created by
- Some requests issued by the Webclient have an superfluous "?" character at …
- 17:32 Ticket #482 (Webservice: PUT URIs are not REST-like) created by
- At the web tier the Core Service's updateTopic and updateAssociation …
- 16:02 Changeset in deepamehta [3729073] by
- masterNew plugin: DeepaMehta 4 Caching (#478). If a If-Modified-Since header …
- 15:39 Ticket #481 (A WebApplicationException thrown by a event listener must reach Jersey) closed by
- fixed: Core: listener exception handling (#481). A WebApplicationException? …
- 15:37 Changeset in deepamehta [10812d8] by
- masterCore: listener exception handling (#481). A WebApplicationException? …
- 00:30 Ticket #481 (A WebApplicationException thrown by a event listener must reach Jersey) created by
- This would allow e.g. the Caching plugin to throw a …
- 23:00 Changeset in deepamehta [356d6c3] by
- masterTime plugin: change storage format (#386). The timestamps are stored in …
- 15:21 Ticket #480 (Additional Core Event: PRE_PROCESS_REQUEST) closed by
- fixed: New Core Event PRE_PROCESS_REQUEST (#480, #478). Fired before a request …
- 15:18 Changeset in deepamehta [0d1cf5b] by
- masterNew Core Event PRE_PROCESS_REQUEST (#480, #478). Fired before a request …
- 23:05 Ticket #480 (Additional Core Event: PRE_PROCESS_REQUEST) created by
- To be fired before a request is processed. This is needed to let e.g. a …
- 00:11 Ticket #479 (Edit Conflict Detection) created by
- In a collaborative environment edit conflicts must be detected. That is, …
- 23:57 Ticket #478 (Exploit the Browser Cache) created by
- To reduce network round-trips the Webclient should maintain an entity …
- 16:25 Ticket #477 (Additional Core Event: PRE_SEND_RESPONSE) closed by
- fixed
- 15:59 Changeset in deepamehta [d3e9877] by
- masterTime Plugin: send Last-Modified headers (#386). If the response contains …
- 15:39 Changeset in deepamehta [1676101] by
- masterNew Core Event PRE_SEND_RESPONSE (#477, #386). Fired before the response …
- 15:30 Ticket #477 (Additional Core Event: PRE_SEND_RESPONSE) created by
- To be fired before the response is send to the client. That is exactly …
- 17:46 Ticket #476 (enable sending of async requests for users of the rest_client.js) closed by
- fixed
- 17:41 Changeset in deepamehta [a57a096] by
- masterREST Client: send asynchronous requests (#476). Plugins providing a REST …
- 16:35 Changeset in dmx-webclient [2ccf3ab] by
- masteradd .gitignore
- 16:15 Changeset in dmx-webclient [5cc6c09] by
- masterbump version and configure repository
- 20:14 Ticket #476 (enable sending of async requests for users of the rest_client.js) created by
- throuhg providing a public mehtod like, e.g.: […]
- 03:44 Ticket #475 (With an open DM installation login doesn't work) closed by
- fixed: Access Control: fix login (#475). Login works also with an open DM …
- 03:44 Changeset in deepamehta [ca61964] by
- masterAccess Control: fix login (#475). Login works also with an open DM …
- 01:15 Ticket #475 (With an open DM installation login doesn't work) created by
- The webclient shows "Logged in as ..." but actually no session is created …
- 23:56 Changeset in deepamehta [168ac8c] by
- masterAccess Control: suppress login dialog (#471). In a default DM …
- 08:14 Changeset in deepamehta [5c15bf6] by
- masterAccess Control: fix exception logging (#474). When file logging is …
- 07:18 Ticket #474 (Not all exceptions appear in the log file) created by
- When file logging is activated some exceptions are not logged into the log …
- 16:19 Ticket #473 (Login throws server-side exception) closed by
- fixed: Access Control: fix login (#473). No exception occurs if the user enters …
- 16:19 Changeset in deepamehta [13a5822] by
- masterAccess Control: fix login (#473). No exception occurs if the user enters …
- 15:50 Ticket #473 (Login throws server-side exception) created by
- […] Thanks, Thilo for reporting!
- 15:30 Ticket #472 (Core Service: generic property handling methods) closed by
- fixed: The DeepaMehta Core service provides 3 new methods for handling generic …
- 02:47 Changeset in deepamehta [0c9267d] by
- masterNew dm4-time plugin: store timestamps (#386). "DeepaMehta 4 Time" is a …
- 01:09 PerformanceCheck created by
- 00:31 Changeset in dm4-archetypes [e39a0c7] by
- masterrename java REST archetype
- 18:24 Changeset in deepamehta [ec7088f] by
- masterCore: generic property handling methods (#472). The DeepaMehta Core …
- 17:46 Changeset in dm4-archetypes [11f5761] by
- masterconvert Scala collection and unify archetypes
- 17:45 Changeset in dm4-archetypes [96e886c] by
- masteradd Groovy REST archetype
- 11:51 Changeset in dm4-archetypes [7cb3263] by
- masterfix MarkDown? syntax alias
- 11:48 Changeset in dm4-archetypes [2efc575] by
- masterprefer the interactive creation
- 19:32 Changeset in dm4-archetypes [0d8fd54] by
- masterconfigure public DeepaMehta Maven repository
- 19:31 Changeset in dm4-archetypes [17b3f54] by
- masteradd Scala REST archetype
- 14:02 Ticket #470 (Add support for scala written plugins) closed by
- wontfix: A Plugin Scala is possible, see github. But its not possible to listen to …
- 15:59 Ticket #472 (Core Service: generic property handling methods) created by
- Currently the Core Service's property handling methods are aimed at Access …
Note: See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.