


00:39 Ticket #508 (Topicmap not up-to-date after topic retype) closed by jri
fixed: Topicmaps: fix view after topic retype (#508). Close #508. Changeset: …
00:37 Changeset in deepamehta [8c12d02] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterTopicmaps: fix view after topic retype (#508). Close #508.


23:55 Ticket #508 (Topicmap not up-to-date after topic retype) created by jri
Try this: 1. Retype a topic. On the topicmap the topic appears with its …


23:44 Changeset in deepamehta [5f81594] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterAdapt plugins to new jQuery and jQuery UI (#507). See #507.
23:35 Changeset in deepamehta [707b5ee] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterUpdate jQuery and jQuery UI (#507). jQuery 1.7.2 -> 2.0.3 jQuery UI …
17:26 Ticket #507 (Update jQuery and jQuery UI) created by jri
When we do DOM based topic rendering on the topicmap (see #505) we could …
17:15 Ticket #506 (files-plugin: service method for other plugins allowing creation of files ...) closed by Malte
invalid: For now it would be also sufficient if I can request the Filerepo-Path …
15:34 Ticket #506 (files-plugin: service method for other plugins allowing creation of files ...) created by Malte
If I have an InputStream? at hand, I dont want to POST it via GET into our …


19:07 Ticket #441 (change password for a user from the console on the same machine) closed by JuergeN
fixed: Cool! Danke Jörg. Hat prima geklappt. Das Script dm4ref2demo.sh macht …


00:51 Changeset in deepamehta [cc74e4e] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterBump version numbers to 4.1.3-SNAPSHOT


22:41 Ticket #505 (More flexible topicmap rendering) created by jri
Plugin authors should be able to adapt the topic and association rendering …
13:33 Changeset in deepamehta [b2fe9e0] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterRelease 4.1.2
13:14 WikiStart edited by jri
13:09 ReleaseNotes edited by jri
4.1.2 Release (diff)


17:17 Ticket #403 (Switch to NEO4J Enterprise) closed by jri
wontfix: OK, the focus is "Backup" then, not Neo4j Enterprise. I created a separate …
17:15 Ticket #504 (DB backup while DM is running) created by jri
Possibly it is reasonable to have online backup in the DM Karaf distro …
15:18 Ticket #63 (Install TagsPlugin in Trac) closed by jri
15:14 Ticket #138 (Develop a Concept for Sustainable Keeping of Data) closed by jri
fixed: Since DM 4.1 (March 2013) we ensure data sustainability.
15:02 Ticket #322 (Deepamehta uses way to much ressources to be used by many users) closed by jri
fixed: The recent DM releases take various measures and redesigns to improve …
14:55 Ticket #394 (felix autoloader broken) closed by jri


23:49 Ticket #503 (Editing a topic in a geomap is broken) closed by jri
fixed: Caching module fix: edit topic in geomap (#503). Editing a topic …
23:45 Changeset in deepamehta [87c85cd] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterCaching module fix: edit topic in geomap (#503). Editing a topic …
22:11 Changeset in deepamehta [cb50b9d] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterBump version numbers to 4.1.2-SNAPSHOT
21:50 Changeset in dm4-kiezatlas [169d93d] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterAdapt to DM 4.1.1: drop clientState parameter from certain Core API …
21:44 Ticket #503 (Editing a topic in a geomap is broken) created by jri
When pressing OK after editing a geo-related topic within a geomap an …
18:39 Ticket #502 (Add creation date to search topic) created by JuergeN
DM4 stores every search as a topic. So it represents and keeps the search …
17:28 Changeset in dm4-kiezatlas [0cf6874] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterBump version to 2.1.2-SNAPSHOT
15:43 Changeset in dm4-thymeleaf [607f37d] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
master0.4 Release


16:29 Changeset in deepamehta [aa21359] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
master4.1.1 Release. Update version numbers and README.
15:49 WikiStart edited by jri
4.1.1 release (diff)
15:48 ReleaseNotes edited by jri
4.1.1 release (diff)
14:15 Changeset in deepamehta [907ecb7] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterAbout Box: add Malte Kiesel as a contributor
14:07 Changeset in deepamehta [e2a86dd] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterAdd 2 artifacts to Provision POM: deepamehta-time and deepamehta-caching


16:31 Ticket #456 (update the README in the DeepaMehta Binary Distribution) closed by jri
fixed: Prepare for release: update README. Besides other, the mandatory …
16:25 Changeset in deepamehta [3ccc90d] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterPrepare for release: update README. Besides other, the mandatory …


23:50 Changeset in deepamehta [5f0eea6] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterAdd 2 modules to Karaf Distribution: dm4-time and dm4-caching


18:05 Ticket #492 (enable a session context for users of dm4-webactivator) closed by jri
fixed: Now where session attributes are accessible from templates this ticket is …
18:02 Ticket #499 (WebActivator: JavaScript inlining broken) closed by jri
fixed: I assume JavaScript? inlining is fixed in Thymeleaf 2.0.18 resp. current …
17:56 Ticket #471 (The browser's login dialog appears on logout) closed by jri
fixed: While the browser login dialog is not prohibited in any situation the …
17:52 Ticket #496 (Core API: remove "clientState" where not needed) closed by jri
17:50 Ticket #491 (Namespaces for property keys) closed by jri
17:49 Ticket #490 (Property Index) closed by jri
17:47 Ticket #472 (Core Service: generic property handling methods) closed by jri
17:45 Ticket #479 (Edit Conflict Detection) closed by jri
17:26 Ticket #478 (Exploit the Browser Cache) closed by jri
fixed: Thanks, Malte, for the hint. I created a separate ticket for that: #501. …
17:24 Ticket #501 (Exploit the browser cache for static resources) created by jri
The original request comes from Malte: > Please consider also setting the …
17:15 Ticket #386 (Add timestamps to all items) closed by jri
16:51 ReleaseNotes edited by jri
16:36 ReleaseNotes edited by jri
4.1.1 release notes, finishing (diff)


14:45 DMX-Datenmodell_20130827_jpn.pdf attached to JuergeN/Philosophy by JuergeN
Zusammenfassung des DMX-Datenmodells vom 27.08.2013


19:09 ReleaseNotes edited by jri
4.1.1 release notes, intro (diff)


02:40 ReleaseNotes edited by jri
02:35 ReleaseNotes edited by jri
4.1.1 release notes, pt. 5 (diff)


15:18 ReleaseNotes edited by jri
4.1.1 release notes, pt. 4 (diff)


19:40 ReleaseNotes edited by jri
4.1.1 release notes, pt. 3 (diff)
17:00 ReleaseNotes edited by jri
4.1.1 release notes, pt. 2 (diff)
15:46 ReleaseNotes edited by jri
4.1.1 release notes, pt. 1 (diff)
14:29 Ticket #500 (Wrong character encoding in DM Karaf distribution) created by jri
This happens if the DM Karaf distribution is installed on a server. dgf, …
14:03 Changeset in dm4-thymeleaf [a0e0f1b] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterUpdate Thymeleaf 2.0.17 -> 2.0.18 (#499). This should fix the JavaScript?
01:20 Ticket #498 (DeepaMehta plugin detection fails sometimes) closed by jri
fixed: Core: fix DeepaMehta plugin detection (#498). Plugin detection (is a …
01:13 Changeset in deepamehta [cac81b3] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterCore: fix DeepaMehta plugin detection (#498). Plugin detection (is a …


23:25 Ticket #499 (WebActivator: JavaScript inlining broken) created by jri
This happens since DM4 WebActivator? is updated to Thymeleaf 2.0.17. In …
23:16 Ticket #498 (DeepaMehta plugin detection fails sometimes) created by jri
Detection of DeepaMehta plugins (is a particular OSGi bundle a DM plugin?) …


11:40 Ticket #497 (Enable HTTP Compression) created by Malte
If enabled, my current AJAX-Single-Page Webpage, since there are lots of …


18:40 Changeset in deepamehta [d6b59e7] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterCore fix: fire ALL_PLUGINS_ACTIVE only once. Broke 3 days ago …
17:31 Ticket #480 (Additional Core Event: PRE_PROCESS_REQUEST) closed by jri
17:29 Ticket #484 (Web layer exception handling) closed by jri
fixed: Access Control: fix exception log (#474, #484). Exceptions thrown by the …
17:27 Ticket #474 (Not all exceptions appear in the log file) closed by jri
fixed: Access Control: fix exception log (#474, #484). Exceptions thrown by the …
17:21 Changeset in deepamehta [2b587af] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterAccess Control: fix exception log (#474, #484). Exceptions thrown by the …


18:03 Changeset in dm4-thymeleaf [49b21b0] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterAdapt to current DM core (#480). Core event renaming. See #480.
17:41 Changeset in deepamehta [c16c598] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterNew core event: RESOURCE_REQUEST_FILTER (#480, #448). This event allows …


15:26 Changeset in deepamehta [9fcb085] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterMerge branch 'master' into drop-ext-http
15:21 Ticket #480 (Additional Core Event: PRE_PROCESS_REQUEST) reopened by jri
At the moment the PRE_PROCESS_REQUEST is fired only for requests that are …


23:52 Changeset in deepamehta [21a690e] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterAccess Control: fix transaction (#472). Starting without DB throws no …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.