


18:58 Changeset in deepamehta [f35c341] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterCore: add setPlayerId() to RoleModel? (#654). Core model's class RoleModel?
18:05 Ticket #654 (Core API: RoleModel should have a setPlayerId() method) created by jri
(analogous to the DeepaMehtaObjectModel? class). This would be useful in …
17:37 Changeset in deepamehta [2a6fb66] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterLoad topicmap topics including childs (#653). BREAKING CHANGE The …[…]
16:03 Changeset in deepamehta [912acfe] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterRefactor topicmaps loading (#653). Topicmap loading is no longer …


17:35 Ticket #653 (Topicmaps service: retrieve map topics along with their composite value) created by jri
The Topicmaps service should provide the possibility to retrieve a …


17:24 Changeset in deepamehta [cb0240c] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterRevert accidental POM changes
17:20 Changeset in deepamehta [3769c89] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterFacets API: add getFacettedTopic() method (#652). The Facets API has a …
15:21 Changeset in dm4-kiezatlas [28973f8] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterCorrect commit message: Adapt to core changes. "CompositeValueModel?
15:15 Changeset in dm4-kiezatlas [f56ad7f] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterExtend service with searchCategories(). BREAKING CHANGES in Kiezatlas …
15:11 Changeset in deepamehta [98eceda] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterFacets module: adapt to core changes (#632). "CompositeValueModel?
14:49 Changeset in deepamehta [3854345] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterCore API: CompositeValueModel? addAll->put (#632). BREAKING CHANGE The …


17:15 wikidata_search_application_model.png attached to WikidataSearchPlugin by Malte
Data Model Visualization of the DeepaMehta 4 Wikidata Plugin
17:05 WikidataSearchPlugin edited by Malte
mentioning the screens in the text (diff)
17:04 wikidata_search_thatcherism_spanish_screen1.png attached to WikidataSearchPlugin by Malte
Multilingual Search with WD Plugin (Spanish)
17:04 wikidata_search_thatcherism_german_screen1.png attached to WikidataSearchPlugin by Malte
Multilingual Search with WD Plugin (German)
17:03 wikidata_search_thatcherism_english_screen1.png attached to WikidataSearchPlugin by Malte
Search with WD Plugin
17:00 WikidataSearchPlugin edited by Malte
short update after o.o.2-release (diff)


20:29 Ticket #632 (Core API: CompositeValueModel should be an Iterable) reopened by jri
> CompositeValueModel has a method to add many values to a …
18:26 Ticket #652 (The Facets service should provide a getFacettedTopic() method) created by jri
which returns a topic along with a number of facet values.
17:23 WikidataSearchPlugin edited by Malte
bringing doc in sync with latest developements and insights (diff)
16:43 Ticket #651 (client side plugin developers can not react to a webclient-login) closed by Malte
fixed: Yes, exactly. I thought this is an issue cause I could not easily find …
15:59 Ticket #651 (client side plugin developers can not react to a webclient-login) created by Malte
.. e.g. to render a custom searchmode-widget just after a "visitor" was …


17:04 Ticket #650 (Core: Jersey can't recover from a "media type conflict") created by jri
When the developer of a RESTful plugin makes a mistake by defining …


12:39 Changeset in dm4-kiezatlas [6e6f236] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterExtend service with searchCategories(). BREAKING CHANGES in Kiezatlas …


13:05 Changeset in dm4-kiezatlas [99a5ca2] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterAdd index mode FULLTEXT_KEY to "Geo Object Name". This performs in a new …
01:58 Changeset in deepamehta [c7269c1] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterCore API: add index modes afterwards (#649). One can add index modes to …


17:44 Ticket #649 (Core API: add index mode after the fact) created by jri
The Core API should allow to add an index mode to an existing type. …
05:24 Changeset in deepamehta [0360dd7] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterGeomaps API: fix getGeoCoordinate() (#645). getGeoCoordinate() returns …


02:31 Changeset in deepamehta [3fb3896] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterCore fix: delete assoc def programatically (#640). The Core API's …


15:25 Ticket #648 (increase type-safety of RESTful service methods) created by Malte
At the moment the deepamehta-webservice does not fail when a user encodes …
13:45 Changeset in deepamehta [6fd59f9] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterTopicmaps API: post_refresh_topicmap_menu (#646). New Webclient event: …
13:09 Ticket #647 (enrich association-model to specific child-topics when building up new ...) created by Malte
Potential associations (to Child-Topics) should be already addressable …


17:53 Ticket #646 (Webclient: the topicmaps menu should be exposed) created by jri
... so that 3rd party developers can attach its own items to it.


16:26 Ticket #626 (Unable to install without server side java) closed by jri
16:18 Ticket #639 (Core API: the ClientState accessors should fail fast) closed by jri
16:18 Ticket #641 (Geomaps module: the geocoder should be detachable) closed by jri
01:03 Changeset in deepamehta [66c69dc] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterGeomaps API: add getGeoCoordinate() (#645). New in Geomaps API: […] …


20:15 Changeset in dm4-kiezatlas [41793bc] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterAdapt to changed Geomaps API
17:54 Changeset in deepamehta [0a0ae08] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterRevise Geomaps API wording (#645). The Geomap model class is now an …
15:23 Ticket #645 (Revise Geomaps API wording) created by jri
The methods and parameters of the Geomaps service should consistently …
13:31 Ticket #644 (Storage layer: the "store topic" operation must be synchronized) created by Malte
... […]


17:42 Ticket #643 (dm4-webclient: load "what's related area" in lower page panel on demand) created by Malte
one idea is to just show a big, simple, text-labelled button across the …
17:39 Ticket #642 (dm4-webclient: populate drop-down menus on demand) created by Malte
e.g. when having lots of addresses in the db, pressing the "Edit" button …
04:06 Changeset in dm4-kiezatlas [dad0661] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterPOM: change bundle symbolic name. Group ID: de.deepamehta -> …


21:43 Changeset in deepamehta [fac8158] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterGeomaps: refactor swicthing off geocoder (#641). Geocoding is aborted …
00:04 Changeset in deepamehta [0f61d8a] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterGeomaps: the geocoder can be swicthed off (#641). Geocoding can be …


20:10 Ticket #641 (Geomaps module: the geocoder should be detachable) created by jri
... on a per-request basis, namely by sending a "no-geocoding" cookie.


16:42 Ticket #640 (Core: removing an association definition programmatically corrupts the DB) created by jri
The Core API's Type.removeAssocDef() method removes the Association …


11:17 Changeset in dm4-archetypes [18f5985] by dgf <deep@…>
master4.2 Release


18:06 Malted/PluginDevelopmentNotes edited by Malte
added note about where to find infos about all possibe RESTful resource … (diff)
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.