


05:12 Changeset in deepamehta [1152a41] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterCore: refactor assocDef retrieval/update (#906). Internal changes: An …


18:40 Ticket #908 (Webclient framework: composite renderers) created by jri
At the moment Webclient's detail panel allows to plug in simple …
18:32 Ticket #907 (Core API: "prevent default" for Core events) created by jri
A plugin listener, e.g. preUpdateAssociation(), should have the ability …
18:03 Ticket #906 (Webclient: editing "Include in label" has no effect) created by jri
When an association definition is edited manually, that is when the …
15:39 Changeset in deepamehta [cfa64ab] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterMeta model: assocDefs with same child type (#903). Extended meta model: …


23:20 Changeset in deepamehta [9959ffe] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterAdd dm4-events module (#902). See #902.
23:15 Changeset in deepamehta [e14a99f] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterChange date order: month, day, year (#901). See #901.
16:59 Ticket #905 (Accessing downloads.deepamehta.de with a modern firefox not possible) created by Malte
When i try to access http://download.deepamehta.de/ with my Firefox 42.0 i …
14:08 Ticket #904 (ChildTopics set() method does not work as expected for multiple-valued ...) created by Malte
The core source documentation (as well as the hint in #805#comment:1) …


00:48 Ticket #903 (Meta model: more than one assoc def with the same child type) created by jri
Since we have Custom Association Types in the meta model (#341) it should …


22:39 Changeset in deepamehta [22eca4c] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterContacts: fix 4.5 -> 4.6 upgrade (#900). The Contacts plugin now waits …
22:15 Changeset in deepamehta [ea77609] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterAdd dm4-datetime module (#901). New types: […] See #901.
16:27 Ticket #902 (Add Event type to standard distro) created by jri
The DM Standard Distribution should come with an Event type as the basis …
16:17 Ticket #901 (Add Date, Time, DateTime types to standard distro) created by jri
The DM Standard Distribution should come with generic Date, Time, and …


19:49 Changeset in dm4-crowd-literature [09c8c82] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterAdd Leaflet map (Mapbox rendering)
16:56 Changeset in dm4-crowd-literature [86dd178] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterSetup project (AngularJS)


10:28 Ticket #900 (upgrading database from 4.5 to 4.6 - type def not in sequence) created by Malte
Question: Is this a critical error cause the DB seemed to be fine after a …
09:03 Ticket #899 (A permission to work with a Topic implicitly allows to read the typeDef) created by Malte
Scenario is, when working with dm47-webpages-0.3: All three Types …


18:19 Changeset in deepamehta [16f969a] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterFix: deleting workspace doesn't corrupt DB (#898). However deleting a …
17:21 Changeset in deepamehta [443fa63] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterIndex workspace assignments (#898). 3 new methods in Workspaces API: …
03:00 Ticket #898 (Delete workspace fails) created by jri
Since DM 4.5 (introduction of Workspace Sharing Modes) workspaces can't be …
02:50 Ticket #812 (File upload quota) closed by jri


23:48 Changeset in deepamehta [420c621] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterCore API: add property indexes afterwards (#897). 2 new methods in …
17:07 Ticket #897 (Core API: index properties after the fact) created by jri
For topic/assoc values there is support for after-the-fact-indexing …


21:11 Changeset in deepamehta [8fbe315] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterWebclient fix: keep canvas event handlers (#896). When switching to a …
18:27 Ticket #896 (Webclient: canvas event handlers are lost when switching back from geomap) created by jri
Once a geomap was opened and then switched back to a normal topicmap the …
15:38 Changeset in deepamehta [ed71175] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterGeomaps: suppress bad style.css request (#894). The Geomaps module …
00:51 Changeset in deepamehta [baf7190] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterCore: remove result limit remainders (#895). BREAKING CHANGES Core API: …


17:32 Ticket #895 (Core API: remove "maxResultSize" parameter) created by jri
The maxResultSize parameter was introduced in DM 4.0.4 in conjunction …
16:36 Changeset in deepamehta [9866b24] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterFiles: disbale disk quota by default (#812). By default the disk quota is …


17:50 Ticket #894 (Annoying message in logfile) created by JuergeN
The logfile gets flooded with useless messages of this kind: Request "GET …


22:16 Ticket #846 (Plugin hot deployment) closed by jri
22:15 Ticket #847 (Plugin hot deployment for developers) closed by jri
22:15 Ticket #852 (Display Workspace Details) closed by jri
22:15 Ticket #856 (Enable workspace sharing modes on a per-user basis) closed by jri
22:06 Ticket #878 (question: about the new disk_quota configuration option) closed by jri
worksforme: Replying to jri: > Replying to Malte: > > 1) As …
22:04 Ticket #879 (question: how to store files through FilesService when per-workspace ...) closed by jri
worksforme: #884 is meanwhile realized
22:03 Ticket #880 (dm-files: there seems to be an issue with checkPath and/or checkExistence) closed by jri
worksforme: #884 is meanwhile realized
21:58 Ticket #881 (dm4-files: getResourceInfo and getDirectoryListing behave unexpected to ...) closed by jri
worksforme: #884 is meanwhile realized
21:54 Ticket #884 (Files API: support user with constructing repository paths) closed by jri
21:45 Ticket #892 (Login failure) closed by jri
16:59 Changeset in deepamehta [4093c9c] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterConfig files: explain hot deploy directory (#846). The property …


21:13 Ticket #888 (dm4-files: extend the upload_dialog about a destination folder choice) closed by Malte
worksforme: Great, thanks for the comment! The original plugin works like a charm now …
17:35 Changeset in deepamehta [5c79030] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterFiles: optionally disable disk quota (#812). An admin can disable the …
17:04 Ticket #870 (dm4-sign-up plugin: should this plugin react upon "accounts_enabled" ...) closed by Malte
fixed: > For myDM to work we don't need that feature (Sign-up plugin in …
16:56 Ticket #871 (dm4-import-export: upgrade to 4.7) closed by Malte
fixed: Yes, thanks also to your mailing list reply this was solved with a commit …
16:13 Ticket #812 (File upload quota) reopened by jri
An admin should be able to disable the disk quota by setting a value …
15:41 Ticket #893 (miscounting workspaces) created by JuergeN
When as admin I get the list of workspaces, the total_count result is not …


20:13 Changeset in deepamehta [8785531] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterFiles API: extend apidocs (#884). See #884.
18:11 Changeset in deepamehta [7d8252d] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterFiles API: add 2 pathPrefix() methods (#884). 2 new methods in Files API: …
16:26 Changeset in deepamehta [ab31429] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterFiles API: add fileExists() method (#884). 1 new method: […] Checks if …
06:08 Ticket #883 (dm4-files: changing the filerepo path config, creating new file browser ...) closed by jri
05:36 Ticket #427 (Make deleting a Topicmap more intuitive) closed by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
fixed: In 4641693c2ac50e06f82114cff04c22c8c072d260/deepamehta: …
05:36 Changeset in deepamehta [4641693] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterWebclient: add "Topicmap Info" button (#427, #852) Next to the topicmap …


22:17 Changeset in deepamehta [16685b0] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterCore fix: read_requires_login=true works (#892). If …
17:28 Changeset in deepamehta [d57b3de] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterWebclient: add "Workspace Info" button (#852). Next to the workspace menu …
17:16 Ticket #892 (Login failure) created by JuergeN
It seems that with 'dm4.security.read_requires_login=true' the is an ACL …
09:36 UbuntuInstallRequiredSoftware edited by JuergeN
00:56 Ticket #890 (Topic in System Workspace (Public) is not readable by anonymous) closed by jri
00:50 Ticket #891 (Storage layer: the "URI uniqueness" check is incomplete) closed by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
fixed: In 3c56a65bbd66c3f9cede6e7986c8606cae88796d/deepamehta: …
00:50 Changeset in deepamehta [3c56a65] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterStorage layer: fix URI uniqueness check (#891). The "URI uniqueness" …
00:08 Ticket #891 (Storage layer: the "URI uniqueness" check is incomplete) created by jri
The "URI uniqueness" check is performed when creating a …


21:09 Changeset in deepamehta [dcd3ab1] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterBuild: add dm4.deploy.disable property (#847). To disable the plugin from …
14:51 Changeset in deepamehta [96ef7c9] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterBuild: introduce dm4.deploy.dir property (#847). The developer can keep …
14:28 Ticket #847 (Plugin hot deployment for developers) reopened by jri
A configuration option needs to be added in case the developer want keep …


17:05 Ticket #890 (Topic in System Workspace (Public) is not readable by anonymous) created by Malte
If i am unauthenticated visitor (not logged in, thus acting as "everyone") …
16:43 Ticket #851 (missing measurement unit in file size) closed by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
fixed: In 90335b23d2abb331fe72a80c9a1eb40ecf91a93b/deepamehta: …
16:43 Changeset in deepamehta [90335b2] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterFiles: add unit (MB) to disk quota (#851). The topic type "Disk Quota" is …
16:13 Ticket #889 (unable to automatically assign topics to "private workspace" after user ...) created by Malte
Consuming the postCreateTopic()-hook to listen on user account creation …
16:02 Changeset in deepamehta [6f82ec6] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterFix upgrading 4.7 -> 4.8-SNAPSHOT (#856). See #856.


23:11 Changeset in deepamehta [e8ba03d] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterWorkspace dialog shows only enabled modes (#856). In the "New Workspace" …
17:50 Ticket #830 (Feature Request: Configuration Facility) closed by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
fixed: In 7c342758a351a04fe69dc4311a0df2880ef3fa71/deepamehta: …
17:50 Changeset in deepamehta [7c34275] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterConfig: fix reveal composite config topic (#830). When using the "Show …
17:40 Ticket #830 (Feature Request: Configuration Facility) reopened by jri
When using the "Show Configuration" command to reveal a composite
16:09 Changeset in deepamehta [3074e35] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterAdd "Enabled Sharing Modes" config props (#856). There are 5 new config …


11:46 Ticket #888 (dm4-files: extend the upload_dialog about a destination folder choice) created by Malte
The basic idea for improvement is, if plugin developers use the …
11:45 Ticket #887 (dm4-csv: upgrade to 4.8) created by Malte
No release for 4.7 will be available for dm4-csv because of #883, using …
11:21 Ticket #886 (dm4-wikidata: removing all associations for an entity update fails) created by Malte
This ticket is to fix the recently introduced wikidata search "update" …
10:09 Ticket #885 (Limitting the result set size via getRelatedTopics() seems not to work) created by Malte
To develop a migration i want to work just with 10 items instead of 1300+. …


18:42 Ticket #884 (Files API: support user with constructing repository paths) created by jri
In conjunction with the per-workspace file repos feature (#815) the API …
17:56 Changeset in deepamehta [cc9d7dc] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterFile browser: fix non-default base path (#883). The file browser works if …


22:56 Ticket #883 (dm4-files: changing the filerepo path config, creating new file browser ...) created by Malte
Just downloaded a fresh 4.7 release, started it with default config, …
13:36 Ticket #882 (dm-files: storeFile same as with getResourceInfo) closed by Malte
duplicate: Sorry, this issue is in fact a duplicate of #879.
13:30 Ticket #874 (dm4-files: when re-configuring the filerepo path, subsequent uploads fail ...) closed by jri
worksforme: The DM file repo is under control of DM. You MUST not manipulate it …
13:28 Ticket #863 (dm4-webservice: if module not present plugin developers loose provider ...) closed by Malte
12:29 Ticket #882 (dm-files: storeFile same as with getResourceInfo) created by Malte
When trying to store a file into a subfolder of my repo, the global file …
11:38 Ticket #881 (dm4-files: getResourceInfo and getDirectoryListing behave unexpected to ...) created by Malte
Please have a look at the log file of the following three calls, this is …
11:18 Ticket #880 (dm-files: there seems to be an issue with checkPath and/or checkExistence) created by Malte
When doing the following […] The following happens (per_workspace=true, …


23:51 Ticket #864 (question: default init of owner property when anonymous creates topics is ...) closed by Malte
worksforme: Thank you for the answer, everything looks good, i did not see the …
23:45 Ticket #879 (question: how to store files through FilesService when per-workspace ...) created by Malte
In relation to #821 i have problem using the FilesService? properly when …
23:42 Ticket #878 (question: about the new disk_quota configuration option) created by Malte
1) As of 4.7 is it possible to disable the per-user file quota before …
19:46 Changeset in deepamehta [5e112f2] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterAdds "Enabled Sharing Modes" config type (#856). Adds an "Enabled Sharing …
18:34 Ticket #877 (Display picture on the canvas) created by JuergeN
In parallel to a note, I would like to change the display of an image on …
18:31 Ticket #876 (Adjust image display size to frame in detail panel) created by JuergeN
As a user I want to see a picture (image) in the detail panel. The image …
17:09 Ticket #875 (question: how to deploy 3rd party plugins to maven central, e.g. ...) created by Malte
Can i build on the configuration code linked in #713 for deploying my …
11:09 Ticket #874 (dm4-files: when re-configuring the filerepo path, subsequent uploads fail ...) created by Malte
I just re-configured my file-repo path for testing purposes and i did not …
10:06 Ticket #873 (dm4-webactivator: Extend WebActivatorPlugin about additional ...) created by Malte
Idea: - Thymelaef Templates can reside (and get processed) not only when …
00:58 Ticket #872 (Redesign the migration mechanism) created by jri
The claim was and is that it is explicitly not required to install all …
00:39 Ticket #846 (Plugin hot deployment) reopened by jri
A configuration option needs to be added in case the developer want keep …
00:04 Ticket #858 (upgrading my database from 4.3 to 4.7 failed) closed by Malte


23:54 Ticket #618 (Add modules-external folder to repository) reopened by Malte
> .. > This is where you develop your own DeepaMehta plugins. Sorry, but …
23:28 Ticket #871 (dm4-import-export: upgrade to 4.7) created by Malte
Let's remove the export import functionality via JSON for the upcoming …
23:16 Ticket #870 (dm4-sign-up plugin: should this plugin react upon "accounts_enabled" ...) created by Malte
This is a question, as jri mentioned it once that the sign-up plugin needs …
23:11 Ticket #869 (dm4-wikidata: upgrade wikidata-topicmaps instance to 4.7) created by Malte
In progress, see the corresponding branch at …
23:05 Ticket #868 (dm4-webclient: allow users to switch between more jQuery UI themes) created by Malte
I, for example, like very much the look of the "Flick" theme (in the …
22:56 Ticket #867 (dm4-stableviews: per-user rendering settings for items in topicmaps) created by Malte
Hi, i wanted to ask, how to best realize the following with the brand new …
22:39 Ticket #866 (mydm4: how and where to integrate the following links / pages in the ...) created by Malte
Regarding my.deepamehta.de we should/need to add links to the following …
22:21 Ticket #865 (dm4-wikidata: as of 4.5 items with globally unique keys can end up in user ...) created by Malte
In the current dm4-wikidata implementation the globally unique URIs of …
19:03 Ticket #864 (question: default init of owner property when anonymous creates topics is ...) created by Malte
The wikidata plugin creates topics after processing a GET Request (Search …
18:53 Ticket #863 (dm4-webservice: if module not present plugin developers loose provider ...) created by Malte
Aim: Deactivate all DM 4 Core REST endpoints provided through …


15:40 Changeset in deepamehta [e026e20] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterShow file sizes with units (#851). A File topic's size is displayed along …
00:53 Ticket #780 (dm4-webclient: colors of two overlaying association are misleading) closed by jri
00:51 Ticket #796 (Website: "Log in" link is not working) closed by jri
wontfix: I fear this will not be fixed.
00:47 Ticket #806 (optimization: allow much faster bulk imports (like dm4-wdtk) into dm4) closed by jri
00:46 Ticket #830 (Feature Request: Configuration Facility) closed by jri
00:45 Ticket #846 (Plugin hot deployment) closed by jri
00:44 Ticket #618 (Add modules-external folder to repository) closed by jri
00:43 Ticket #847 (Plugin hot deployment for developers) closed by jri
00:42 Ticket #848 (Don't show System workspace in menu) closed by jri
00:42 Ticket #849 (DM 4.7: Login as admin fails ...) closed by jri
00:41 Ticket #850 (Label / Name of workspace in file browser) closed by jri
00:40 Ticket #854 (Webclient: the "logged_out" event should be reintroduced) closed by jri
00:39 Ticket #855 (Introduce Administration workspace) closed by jri
00:39 Ticket #857 (Make GUIToolkit Menu select() more strict) closed by jri
00:37 Ticket #862 (Filerepo request fails for a uncanonized path) closed by jri
00:27 Changeset in deepamehta [e0efa87] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterFiles: use workspace name as Folder Name (#850). A Folder topic that …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.