


10:07 Ticket #1059 (dm4-webclient does not start in firefox due to "undefined ...) closed by Malte
fixed: > So, what set of plugins is actually installed at …


15:41 Ticket #1059 (dm4-webclient does not start in firefox due to "undefined ...) created by Malte
When i call the new DM 4.8.5 webclient with my firefox i get the following …


19:51 Changeset in deepamehta [1432a73] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
master4.8.5 Release
19:14 WikiStart edited by jri
4.8.5 release (diff)
18:03 ReleaseNotes edited by jri
4.8.5 release notes, revision 2 (diff)
17:57 ReleaseNotes edited by jri
4.8.5 release notes, revision 1 (diff)
17:38 ReleaseNotes edited by jri
4.8.5 release notes, pt. 1 (diff)
17:20 Ticket #1028 (Detail panel lacks implicit READ permission) closed by jri
17:13 Ticket #688 (Searching for types by text search (in the toolbar) doesn't work) closed by jri
17:05 Ticket #1044 (Retyping File into Icon when per-workspace repos are on) closed by jri
16:59 Ticket #446 (Retype Topic "Webpage" deletes user account.) closed by jri
fixed: The "Retype Topic" feature has been finally removed in DM 4.8.5
16:57 Ticket #1057 (Remove "Retype Topic" feature) closed by jri
16:56 Ticket #1058 (Webclient start fails if topic ID in URL is invalid) closed by jri
fixed: Fixed in 4.8.5


20:20 Ticket #1037 (Consolidate POMs of the standard plugins) closed by jri
fixed: Fixed in 4.8.4
20:16 Ticket #1039 (dm4-webclient: topicmaps.get_topicmap() is now undefined in init_3) closed by jri
20:03 Changeset in deepamehta [971b95e] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterWebclient launch: check topic ID validity (#1058). If the topic ID …
19:25 Changeset in deepamehta [3c2bacf] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterWebclient: remove "Retype Topic" feature (#1057). See #1057.
18:37 Changeset in deepamehta [76e4618] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterAdd File command: "Create Icon" (#1044). A File topic which represents an …


17:16 Ticket #1058 (Webclient start fails if topic ID in URL is invalid) created by jri
The client-side error is: […] E.g. this happens if you do this: 1. …
15:13 Ticket #501 (Exploit the browser cache for static resources) closed by jri
see follow-up: #1015
15:12 Ticket #501 (Exploit the browser cache for static resources) reopened by jri
15:02 Ticket #1057 (Remove "Retype Topic" feature) created by jri
Complete removal of the "Retype Topic" feature would remove a whole class …
14:38 Changeset in deepamehta [d5e6874] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterIndex further Core types (#688). Further Core types are indexed: "Data …
11:37 Changeset in deepamehta [49615b3] by Jörg Richter <jri@…>
masterBy-text Search for (meta) types (#688). You can search for topic types …


10:28 Ticket #1056 (Introduce ui elements for lucene search phrase options (in search "By ...) created by Malte
Despite the lucen documentation explicitly states that one should not do …


10:29 Ticket #501 (Exploit the browser cache for static resources) closed by Malte
duplicate: This discussion is now done in another ticket, opened 3 years later. See …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.