Changes between Version 11 and Version 12 of DataFormat

18.10.2011 02:52:28 (13 years ago)

Explain association type properties


  • DataFormat

    v11 v12  
    296296== Association Type == 
    298 The association type format is analog to the [[#TopicType|Topic Type]] format. 
     298The association type format is analog to the [[#TopicType|Topic Type]] format: 
     300||= Property =||= Description =||= Format =|| 
     301|| `id` ||||  ''See [[#Topic|Topic]]''  || 
     302|| `uri` || A globally unique identifier. Every association type has an URI. || A string of format <domain>.<project>.<name> || 
     303|| `type_uri` || Fixed. || `"dm4.core.assoc_type"` || 
     304|| `value` || The association type's name. Readable by human. || An arbitrary string. Can contain spaces and special characters. || 
     305|| `composite` || Fixed. || {} || 
     306|| `data_type_uri` || The association type's data type. That is the data type of one instance's payload.\\\\`dm4.core.composite` denotes a complex association type which is composed of child types. The other 4 data types denote a simple association type. || One of these 5 strings:\\\\`"dm4.core.text"`\\`"dm4.core.number"`\\`"dm4.core.boolean"`\\`"dm4.core.html"`\\`"dm4.core.composite"` || 
     307|| `index_mode_uris` || For simple association types: Controls how the association instance's payload is indexed. Default is no indexing.\\\\For complex association types: not used. || An array with zero or more of these strings:\\\\`""`\\`"dm4.core.key"`\\`"dm4.core.fulltext"`\\`"dm4.core.fulltext_key"`\\\\See [[#IndexModes|Index Modes]] || 
     308|| `assoc_defs` || For complex association types: a list of child type definitions. Each definition references a child type and provides further declarations, e.g. cardinalities.\\\\For simple association types: not used. || An array of child type definitions.\\\\See [[#AssociationDefinition|Association Definition]]^1)^ || 
     309|| `view_config_topics` || View models for various clients. || An array of view configuration topics.\\\\See [[#ViewConfiguration|View Configuration]] || 
     311^1)^ ''Association Definition'' is a legacy term but still reflected by the property name. It should be renamed to ''Child Type Definition''. The respective property should be renamed to ''child_type_defs''. 
    300313=== Example: an association type === 
    320333      "uri": "", 
    321334      "type_uri": "dm4.webclient.view_config", 
    322       "value": "rgb(41, 194, 225)", 
     335      "value": "", 
    323336      "composite": { 
    324337        "dm4.webclient.color": "rgb(41, 194, 225)"