
Version 5 (modified by jri, 13 years ago) (diff)

Topic format explanation

Data Format

This page describes the data format of DeepaMehta's core objects (and some application objects) as retrieved via the REST API.

Note: The format used in create and update operations differs slightly. See the respective notes on the REST API page.


A topic object has always 5 properties:

Property Description Format
id A system-generated ID. A number (long), e.g. 2735
uri A globally unique identifier.
Typically assigned by human.
If no URI is assigned: an empty string.
A string of format <domain>.<project>.<name>
type_uri The URI of the topic's type. A string of format <domain>.<project>.<name>, e.g. ffnet.geomap.access_point
value For a simple topic1): the topic's payload.
Note: For a complex topic the value is derived from the composite property.
A simple value: string, int, long, or boolean.
composite For a complex topic2): a nested object representation.
(For a simple topic: an empty object.)
See examples 2 and 3 below.

1) The term simple topic refers to an instance of a simple topic type. A simple topic type is one of data type "Text", "Number", "Boolean", or "HTML". See DataFormat#TopicType.

2) The term complex topic refers to an instance of a complex topic type. A complex topic type is one of data type "Composite". It is composed of child topic types (arbitrary depth).

Example 1: a simple topic

  "id": 2816,
  "uri": "",
  "type_uri": "",
  "value": "Berlin",
  "composite": {

Example 2: a complex topic

  "id": 2900,
  "uri": "",
  "type_uri": "dm4.files.file",
  "value": "freifunk-geomap.png",
  "composite": {
    "dm4.files.file_name": "freifunk-geomap.png",
    "dm4.files.path": "/home/jri/freifunk-geomap.png",
    "dm4.files.size": 767016,
    "dm4.files.media_type": "image/png",
    "dm4.files.content": "<img src=\"/proxy/file:%2Fhome%2Fjri%2Ffreifunk-geomap.png\"></img>"

Example 3: an even more complex topic

  "id": 2735,
  "uri": "",
  "type_uri": "dm4.contacts.person",
  "value": "Jörg",
  "composite": {
    "dm4.contacts.person_name": {
      "dm4.contacts.first_name": "Jörg",
      "dm4.contacts.last_name": "Richter"
    "dm4.contacts.phone_entry": {
      "dm4.contacts.phone_label": "home",
      "dm4.contacts.phone_number": "123 456 78"
    "dm4.contacts.email_address": "",
    "dm4.webbrowser.url": "",
    "dm4.contacts.address_entry": {
      "dm4.contacts.address_label": "home",
      "dm4.contacts.address": {
        "dm4.contacts.street": "My Street 23",
        "dm4.contacts.postal_code": "12345",
        "": "Berlin",
        "": "Germany"
    "dm4.notes.text": "<p>Software Developer</p>"


Example 2: an association that connects 2 topics

  "id": 2797,
  "uri": "",
  "type_uri": "dm4.core.composition",
  "value": "",
  "composite": {
  "role_1": {
    "topic_id": 2735,
    "role_type_uri": "dm4.core.whole"
  "role_2": {
    "topic_id": 2794,
    "role_type_uri": "dm4.core.part"

Example 2: an association that connects a topic with an association

  "id": 2798,
  "uri": "",
  "type_uri": "dm4.core.instantiation",
  "value": "",
  "composite": {
  "role_1": {
    "topic_id": 60,
    "role_type_uri": "dm4.core.type"
  "role_2": {
    "assoc_id": 2797,
    "role_type_uri": "dm4.core.instance"

Topic Type

Example 1: a simple topic type

  "id": 943,
  "uri": "dm4.webbrowser.url",
  "type_uri": "dm4.core.topic_type",
  "value": "URL",
  "composite": {
  "data_type_uri": "dm4.core.text",
  "index_mode_uris": [
  "assoc_defs": [
  "view_config_topics": [

Example 2: a complex topic type

  "id": 959,
  "uri": "dm4.webbrowser.web_resource",
  "type_uri": "dm4.core.topic_type",
  "value": "Web Resource",
  "composite": {
  "data_type_uri": "dm4.core.composite",
  "index_mode_uris": [
  "assoc_defs": [
      "id": 964,
      "uri": "dm4.webbrowser.url",
      "assoc_type_uri": "dm4.core.composition_def",
      "whole_topic_type_uri": "dm4.webbrowser.web_resource",
      "whole_role_type_uri": "dm4.core.whole",
      "whole_cardinality_uri": "",
      "part_topic_type_uri": "dm4.webbrowser.url",
      "part_role_type_uri": "dm4.core.part",
      "part_cardinality_uri": "",
      "view_config_topics": [
      "id": 974,
      "uri": "dm4.webbrowser.web_resource_description",
      "assoc_type_uri": "dm4.core.composition_def",
      "whole_topic_type_uri": "dm4.webbrowser.web_resource",
      "whole_role_type_uri": "dm4.core.whole",
      "whole_cardinality_uri": "",
      "part_topic_type_uri": "dm4.webbrowser.web_resource_description",
      "part_role_type_uri": "dm4.core.part",
      "part_cardinality_uri": "",
      "view_config_topics": [
  "view_config_topics": [
      "id": 988,
      "uri": "",
      "type_uri": "dm4.webclient.view_config",
      "value": "/de.deepamehta.webbrowser/images/earth.png",
      "composite": {
        "dm4.webclient.icon": "/de.deepamehta.webbrowser/images/earth.png",
        "dm4.webclient.add_to_create_menu": true,
        "dm4.webclient.is_searchable_unit": true

Association Type

Association Definition

View Configuration

Topic Map