10 | | The standard DeepaMehta user interface is build according to research in |
11 | | Cognitive Psychology and accomodates the knowledge building process of |
12 | | the individual. Instead of handling information through applications, |
13 | | windows and files with DeepaMehta the user handles all kind of |
14 | | information directly and individually. [[DeepaMehta]]s user interface is |
15 | | completely based on Mind Maps / Concept Maps. |
| 5 | The vision of DeepaMehta is a Post-Desktop Metaphor user interface that abolishes applications, windows, files, and folders in favor of stable views of contextual content. We love the idea of providing the user a cognitive home. |
17 | | You can develop alternative user interfaces and connect them to the |
18 | | DeepaMehta server via REST. |
| 7 | DeepaMehta is a Think Tool. |
| 8 | |
| 9 | Our heros are Vannevar Bush, Douglas Engelbart, J.C.R. Licklider, Ted Nelson, Alan Kay, and David Canfield Smith. |
| 10 | |
| 11 | Technically, DeepaMehta is a Java/OSGi based Inversion-of-Control container for running plugins and a HTML5/JavaScript webclient which are communicating via a REST API. You as a plugin developer can provide data models, application logic, services, or presentation logic. Or you can develop a complete new client interface in the language of your choice. |
| 12 | |
| 13 | The project's website is http://www.deepamehta.de/ |