Changes between Version 5 and Version 6 of DeepaMehta

22.08.2011 19:25:01 (13 years ago)

Add section "Problems solved by DeepaMehta"


  • DeepaMehta

    v5 v6  
     1= What is DeepaMehta? = 
    13DeepaMehta is a platform for collaboration and knowledge management. The goal of DeepaMehta is to provide knowledge workers of all kind a cognitive adequate work environment, right after booting. 
    57DeepaMehta is a Think Tool. 
    7 We are inspired by Vannevar Bush, Douglas Engelbart, Ted Nelson, J.C.R. Licklider, Robert Taylor, David Canfield Smith, Alan Kay, Seymour Papert, Lucy Suchman, Terry Winograd, and Joseph Weizenbaum. 
     9We are inspired by Vannevar Bush, Douglas Engelbart, Ted Nelson, J.C.R. Licklider, Robert Taylor, David Canfield Smith, Lucy Suchman, Seymour Papert, Alan Kay, Terry Winograd, and Joseph Weizenbaum. 
    911Technically, DeepaMehta is a Java/OSGi based Inversion-of-Control container for running plugins and a HTML5/JavaScript webclient which are communicating via a REST API. You as a plugin developer can provide data models, application services, or presentation logic. Or you can develop a complete new client interface in the language of your choice. 
    1113The project's main website is 
     15== Problems solved by DeepaMehta == 
     17=== Missing Semantic Relationships === 
     19The existing application-centered computer design can not express user-relevant relationships between data objects of different applications (e.g. text, image, email, web, contacts, projects). Thus, meaningful relationships 1) do not appear on the screen, 2) can not be exploited for navigation, and 3) can not be shared with others. This complicates the life of the knowledge worker tremendously. 
     21DeepaMehta solves that problem by freeing the data from their respective applications and storing them in a corporate memory using an application-neutral data format. 
     23=== Missing On-Screen Working Context === 
     25Hand in hand with the application-centered design comes the next problem: Information that belongs together from a working perspective is fragmented into different application windows. The user is forced to steady window switching. With every switch the display changes abruptly. This imposes a considerable cognitive load on the user to cope with the constant working-vs-screen mismatch and to keep the working context in mind. 
     27DeepaMehta solves that problem by a new application model that allow data of different types and origin to appear in the same window, alongside with meaningful relationships. What is in mind is on-screen. The result is a stable on-screen working context.