
Version 2 (modified by JuergeN, 14 years ago) (diff)


DeepaMehta is a client-server based software platform for Knowledge Management. Knowledge is represented in a semantic network and is handled collaboratively. DeepaMehta combines interdisciplinary research with the idea of Free Open Source Software (FOSS) to generate a true benefit for workflow as well as for social processes. At the same time Deepa Mehta is an indian movie director.

The standard DeepaMehta user interface is build according to research in Cognitive Psychology and accomodates the knowledge building process of the individual. Instead of handling information through applications, windows and files with DeepaMehta the user handles all kind of information directly and individually. DeepaMehtas user interface is completely based on Mind Maps / Concept Maps.

You can develop alternative user interfaces and connect them to the DeepaMehta server via REST.