Version 8 (modified by jri, 14 years ago) (diff) |
- Association
- Association Definition
- Association Type
- Bundle
- a software component running in an OSGi? environmet.
- Canvas
- Cardinality
- Composite (Data Type)
- Composite Value
- Contacts Plugin
- Data Type
- DeepaMehta
- A software platform for collaboration and knnowledge management. An Open Source project started in 2000 by Matthias Staps and Jörg Richter.
- DeepaMehta Application Framework
- a set of rules and guidelines that governs DeepaMehta plugin development. Defines a set of Hooks? that allow plugins to react on server-side events.
- DeepaMehta Core
- the heart of DeepaMehta.
- An Inversion of Control container for running DeepaMehta plugins?.
- Defines the DeepaMehta Core Service?.
- Controlls the persistence layer.
- Provides a migration facility to keep the database model in-sync with the applications.
Implemented in the deepamehta-core module. Embeddable in any Java application. Appears in the Gogo Shell? as "DeepaMehta 4 Core".
- DeepaMehta Core Service
- an API consisting mainly of CRUD operations for Topics?, Associations?, Topic Types?, and Association Types?. Accessible by DeepaMehta Plugins (through the Java dms object) and by external Applications (via the HTTP/REST API?).
- DeepaMehta Plugin
- a module that extends DeepaMehta functionality. A plugin ...
- Provide type definitions and build on type definitions provided by other plugins.
- Take part of the core's control flow (Java application logic).
- Consumes services provided by other plugins and provides services to other plugins (via OSGi) and external applications (via HTTP/REST),
- Provide client-specific extensions (e.g. JavaScript? application logic and CSS stylesheets).
Every DeepaMehta Plugin is an OSGi? bundle.
- DeepaMehta Server
- actually the webserver that provides the DeepaMehta Core Service? via HTTP/REST. In the DeepaMehta Standard Distribution? this is a Jetty running on port 8080 by default.
- DeepaMehta Standard Distribution
- a downloadable software distribution aimed for end users. It packages together:
- DeepaMehta main modules: DeepaMehta Core?, DeepaMehta Webservice?, DeepaMehta Webclient?.
- A set of useful plugins: Notes Plugin?, Contacts Plugin?, Workspaces Plugin?, Topicmaps Plugin?, Type Editor Plugin?.
- 3rd-party software Packages: Apache Felix?, Mortbay Jetty?, Neo4j?.
- Doubleclickable starterscripts.
- DeepaMehta Webclient
- provides the typical DeepaMehta user interface with a topic map? on the left side and the page panel? on the right side. A web frontend developed with HTML5?, Canvas?, JavaScript?, XHR? (AJAX), jQuery?, jQuery UI?, and TinyMCE?. Packaged with the DeepaMehta Standard Distribution?. User interface for end users. Implemented in the deepamehta-webclient module. Appears in the Gogo Shell? as "DeepaMehta 4 Webclient".
- DeepaMehta Webservice
- publishes the DeepaMehta Core Service? to an HTTP/REST endpoint (http://localhost:8080/core by default). Implemented in the deepamehta-webservice module. Appears in the Gogo Shell? as "DeepaMehta 4 Webservice".
- Domain object interfaces
- Felix
- on OSGi implementation (= runtime environment for Bundles?) developed by the Apache Software Foundation.
- Gogo Shell
- the interactive shell of Apache Felix?
- Graph
- Hook
- Index Mode
- Inversion of Control
- Jetty
- jQuery
- jQuery UI
- Model Classes
- Neo4j
- Notes Plugin
- OSGi
- Role Type
- Simple Value
- Topic
- Topic ID
- Topic Map
- Topicmaps Plugin
- Topic Type
- Topic Type URI
- Topic URI
- Type Editor
- Type Editor Plugin
- User
- Version
- Version Numbering of the DeepaMehta Software is X.Y.Z (starting with Version 4), where
- X is the main product release number (completely new features, model changes, major changes)
- Y is the minor release number (new features, minor changes)
- Z is for bug fixes
- Release Canditates are numberd RC1, RC2, etc.
- The first new version of DeepaMehta 4 will be 4.0.RC1, then finally released to 4.0, then updated to 4.0.1, etc.
- Versions of an object, map or artefact
- Version Numbering of the DeepaMehta Software is X.Y.Z (starting with Version 4), where
- View Configuration
- Workspace
- Workspaces Plugin