20 | | Adding ''de.deepamehta.workspaces'' into the line "importModels = " of my ''plugin.poperties'' file makes sure that the dm4-workspaces-plugin is started, and thus the default workspace topic is created, before my custom plugin starts running any of its migrations. |
| 20 | Adding ''de.deepamehta.workspaces'' into the line "importModels=" of my ''plugin.poperties'' file makes sure that the dm4-workspaces-plugin is started, and thus the default workspace topic is created, before my custom plugin starts running any of its migrations. |
| 21 | |
| 22 | Addendum: Since the "importModels=" property influences the starting order of all plugins, a rule of thumb was identified in Ticket #465: "If your plugin introduces new types, you have to import the "de.deepamehta.accesscontrol" model". Otherwise ACL-Entries may not be set correct during installation of your plugin since the ACL-Plugin is not there to do it's job. |