Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Malted

19.05.2013 19:59:28 (12 years ago)

started to straighten the information layer of my personal wiki-page


  • Malted

    v1 v2  
    1 To find the deepamehta-'''plugins''' i am currently working on see Currently i am also engaged in helping the [[|DeepaMehta Assocation]] grow. I sometimes write my '''notes''' about the deepamehta platform and some community activities in our community blog at 
     1To find the deepamehta-'''plugins''' i am currently working on see Currently i am also engaged in helping the [[|DeepaMehta Assocation]] grow. 
    3 Once i wrote an experimental interaction design in javafx for deepamehta, my [[|thesis]] on constructing personal "knowledge" landscapes, in which i could explore the idea of controlling interactive graph-layouts with a pen-like item. It's an approach which i still find striking. 
    5 At the end (or better, at the beginning) there is this...  quote, which always makes me smile cause it reads like a love letter to a blank new screen: 
    6 {{{ 
    7 ... there is this empty space in the user interface,  
    8 it is the result of accurate incompletion,  
    9 profound knowledge about it's potential users,  
    10 their individual foreknowledge,  
    11 their individual working contexts,  
    12 which shows a deep understanding  
    13 for the potential of visual design. 
    15 — Axel Platz, "Horror Vacui!? Die Leerstelle als Paradigma im User Interface Design". 
    16 publised in Knowledge Media Design by Dr. Harald Reiterer and Prof. Dr. Maximilian Eibl, 2005 
    17 }}}  
     5* [[Malted/Short History on Tagging]] (German) 
     6* [[Malted/PluginDevelopmentNotes]] (English) 
    20 You can '''contact''' me all the time at <malte{at}deepamehta{dot}org>. 
     9'''List of DeepaMehta plugins I am currently working on:''' 
     11* The [[|DeepaMehta Firefox Plugin]] [[|Source Code]] 
     12* The [[|EduZEN Notes Webapp]] [[|Source Code]][[BR]] 
     13  An experimental interface, allowing users to share ''editable'', ''taggable'' and ''votable'' HTML-Postings in a timeline fashion. Technically this pljugin is an AJAX-Single Page Application with a couple of custom REST-Methods on server-side.   
     14* The [[|DeepaMehta Tagging Module]] [[|Source Code]] 
     15* The [[|DeepaMehta MathJax Renderer]] [[|Source Code]] 
     16* The [[|DeepaMehta Review Module]] [[|Source Code]] 
     18'''Other contributions to the DeepaMehta Project.''' 
     20* I conceptualized and co-created the [[|Info-Touch Layer]] in ActionScript3, also known as SemKingPeng, which uses DeepaMehta2 as a visual content-management system. 
     21* I conceptualized and started the [[|Asocial Associative Audio Library]] 
     22* I am one of the founders of the non-profit [[|DeepaMehta Assocation]]. 
     23* I took part in conceptualizing the [[|DeepaMehta Community Website]] 
     24* I adapted the drupal theme on [[|DeepaMehta Community Website]] 
     25* I wrote my [[|final thesis about an experimental interaction design]] in Javafx for DeepaMehta. [[BR]] 
     26The focus was on users constructing personal "knowledge" landscapes. In this work i could explore the idea of controlling interactive graph-layouts with a pen-like item. Interaction-wise it's an approach which I still find striking, especcially for such an inverted interface DeepaMehta provides. 
     27* I so far presented the DeepaMehta Project with submissions and talks at ''re:publica'08'', ''IAC'09'', ''CeBIT'09'', ''Mensch und Computer'10'' and ''TMRA'10''. 
     30Feel free to '''contact''' me all the time at <malte{at}deepamehta{dot}org>.