Version 1 (modified by Malte, 13 years ago) (diff) |
To find the deepamehta-plugins i am currently working on see Currently i am also engaged in helping the DeepaMehta Assocation grow. I sometimes write my notes about the deepamehta platform and some community activities in our community blog at
Once i wrote an experimental interaction design in javafx for deepamehta, my thesis on constructing personal "knowledge" landscapes, in which i could explore the idea of controlling interactive graph-layouts with a pen-like item. It's an approach which i still find striking.
At the end (or better, at the beginning) there is this... quote, which always makes me smile cause it reads like a love letter to a blank new screen:
... there is this empty space in the user interface, it is the result of accurate incompletion, profound knowledge about it's potential users, their individual foreknowledge, their individual working contexts, which shows a deep understanding for the potential of visual design. — Axel Platz, "Horror Vacui!? Die Leerstelle als Paradigma im User Interface Design". publised in Knowledge Media Design by Dr. Harald Reiterer and Prof. Dr. Maximilian Eibl, 2005
You can contact me all the time at <malte{at}deepamehta{dot}org>.
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added by Malte 12 years ago.
tub dev treffen aushang
(30.1 KB) -
added by Malte 12 years ago.
svg dev treffen aushang template