Changes between Version 20 and Version 21 of PluginDevelopmentGuide

20.04.2013 18:17:53 (12 years ago)

Implementing the service


  • PluginDevelopmentGuide

    v20 v21  
    733733==== The service interface ==== 
    735 For a plugin to provide a service you must define a //service interface//. The service interface contains all the method signatures that make up the service. When other plugins consume your plugin's service they do so via its service interface. 
     735For a plugin to provide a service you must define a //service interface//. The service interface contains all the method signatures that make up the service. When other plugins consume your plugin's service they do so via the service interface. 
    737737The service interface //must// be located in the plugin's `src/main/java/<your plugin package>/service/` directory. By convention the name of the service interface ends with `...Service`. The service interface must be declared `public`. 
    739739The service interface is a regular Java interface that extends `de.deepamehta.core.service.PluginService`. PluginService is a common base interface for all plugin services. It's just a marker interface. 
    741 As an example look at the //Topicmaps// plugin (part of the DeepaMehta Standard Distribution): 
     741A DeepaMehta plugin can define //one// service interface at most. More than one service interface is not supported. 
     743As an example see the //Topicmaps// plugin (part of the DeepaMehta Standard Distribution): 
    806808You see the Topicmaps service consist of methods to create topicmaps, retrieve topicmaps, and manipulate topicmaps. As any plugin service the Topicmaps service must be derived from `PluginService`. 
     810==== Implementing the service ==== 
     812After defining the plugin's service interface you must implement the actual service methods. Implementation takes place in the plugin main file. 
     814The plugin main class must declare that it implements the plugin's service interface. (So you need to import the service interface.) Each service method implementation must be `public`. Annotate each service method implementation with `@Override`. 
     816As an example see the implementation of the //Topicmaps// service: 
     820package de.deepamehta.plugins.topicmaps; 
     822import de.deepamehta.plugins.topicmaps.model.Topicmap; 
     823import de.deepamehta.plugins.topicmaps.service.TopicmapsService; 
     825import de.deepamehta.core.Topic; 
     826import de.deepamehta.core.osgi.PluginActivator; 
     827import de.deepamehta.core.service.ClientState; 
     831public class TopicmapsPlugin extends PluginActivator implements TopicmapsService { 
     833    // *** TopicmapsService Implementation *** 
     835    @Override 
     836    public Topic createTopicmap(String name, String topicmapRendererUri, ClientState clientState) { 
     837        ... 
     838    } 
     840    @Override 
     841    public Topic createTopicmap(String name, String uri, String topicmapRendererUri, ClientState clientState) { 
     842        ... 
     843    } 
     845    // --- 
     847    @Override 
     848    public Topicmap getTopicmap(long topicmapId, ClientState clientState) { 
     849        ... 
     850    } 
     852    // --- 
     854    @Override 
     855    public void addTopicToTopicmap(long topicmapId, long topicId, int x, int y) { 
     856        ... 
     857    } 
     859    ... 
     862You see, the plugin main class `TopicmapsPlugin` implements the plugin's service interface `TopicmapsService`.