Changes between Version 34 and Version 35 of PluginDevelopmentGuide

29.10.2016 10:54:37 (8 years ago)

Upgraded the plugin development guide from 4.1 to DeepaMehta 4.8


  • PluginDevelopmentGuide

    v34 v35  
    9494    <parent> 
    9595        <groupId>de.deepamehta</groupId> 
    96         <artifactId>deepamehta-plugin-parent</artifactId> 
    97         <version>4.1.1-SNAPSHOT</version> 
     96        <artifactId>deepamehta-plugin</artifactId> 
     97        <version>4.8</version> 
    9898    </parent> 
    130130                { 
    131131                    type_uri: "dm4.webclient.view_config", 
    132                     composite: { 
     132                    childs: { 
    133133                        dm4.webclient.show_in_create_menu: true 
    134134                    } 
    146 requiredPluginMigrationNr=1 
    147 importModels=de.deepamehta.webclient 
    150150=== Setup for Hot-Deployment === 
    152 In order to let DeepaMehta hot-deploy the plugin you must include it in DeepaMehta's hot-deployment list. 
    154 In DeepaMehta's **`pom.xml`**: add the plugin's `target` directory (here: `/home/myhome/deepamehta-dev/dm4-tagging/target`) to the `felix.fileinstall.dir` property. Important: make sure your line ends with a comma: 
     152The easiest way to let DeepaMehta hot-deploy the plugin is to develop it within the **`bundle-dev`** directory. To start doing so move the plugin directory on your hard disc into DeepaMehta's hot-deployment folder called **`bundle-dev`**. The next step is to build your plugin. 
     154Another way to let DeepaMehta hot-deploy the plugin is in DeepaMehta's **`pom.xml`**: add the plugin's `target` directory (here: `/home/myhome/deepamehta-dev/dm4-tagging/target`) to the `felix.fileinstall.dir` property. Important: make sure your line ends with a comma: 
    427427=== Plugin configuration === 
    429 If your plugin comes with its own data model you must tell DeepaMehta the data model version it relies on. To do so, set the `requiredPluginMigrationNr` configuration property in the `` file, e.g.: 
    431 {{{ 
    432 #!txt 
    433 requiredPluginMigrationNr=2 
    434 }}} 
    436 DeepaMehta's migration machinery takes charge of running the plugin's migrations up to that configured number. If your plugin comes with no data model, you can specify `0` resp. omit the `requiredPluginMigrationNr` property as `0` is its default value. 
     429If your plugin comes with its own data model you must tell DeepaMehta the data model version it relies on. To do so, set the `dm4.plugin.model_version` configuration property in the `` file, e.g.: 
     436DeepaMehta's migration machinery takes charge of running the plugin's migrations up to that configured number. If your plugin comes with no data model, you can specify `0` resp. omit the `dm4.plugin.model_version` property as `0` is its default value. 
    438438Usually each plugin has its own `` file. It allows the developer to configure certain aspects of the plugin. The name of the `` file and its path within the plugin directory is fixed: 
    491 This example plugin would have set `requiredPluginMigrationNr` to 6 (configured in ``), so 6 migrations are involved. 4 are declarative and 2 are imperative here. 
    493 Important: for each number between 1 and `requiredPluginMigrationNr` exactly one migration file must exist. That is //either// a declarative migration file //or// an imperative migration file. 
     491This example plugin would have set `dm4.plugin.model_version` to 6 (configured in ``), so 6 migrations are involved. 4 are declarative and 2 are imperative here. 
     493Important: for each number between 1 and `dm4.plugin.model_version` exactly one migration file must exist. That is //either// a declarative migration file //or// an imperative migration file. 
    495495It would be invalid if for a given number a) no migration file exists, or b) two migration files exist (one declarative and one imperative). In these cases the DeepaMehta migration machinery throws an error and the plugin is not activated. 
    556556                { 
    557557                    type_uri: "dm4.webclient.view_config", 
    558                     composite: { 
     558                    childs: { 
    559559                        dm4.webclient.icon: "/de.deepamehta.notes/images/yellow-ball.png", 
    560560                        dm4.webclient.show_in_create_menu: true 
    573573An imperative migration is a Java class that is derived from `de.deepamehta.core.service.Migration` and that overrides the `run()` method. The `run()` method is called by DeepaMehta to run the migration. 
    575 Within the migration you have access to the //DeepaMehta Core Service// through the `dms` object. By the means of the DeepaMehta Core Service you can perform arbitrary database operations. Typically this involves importing further objects from the `de.deepamehta.core` API. 
     575Within the migration you have access to the DeepaMehta //Core Service// through the `dm4` object. By the means of the Core Service you can perform arbitrary database operations. Typically this involves importing further objects from the `de.deepamehta.core` API. 
    577577As an example see a migration that comes with the //DeepaMehta 4 Topicmaps// plugin: 
    581 package de.deepamehta.plugins.topicmaps.migrations; 
     581package de.deepamehta.topicmaps.migrations; 
    583583import de.deepamehta.core.TopicType; 
    584 import de.deepamehta.core.model.AssociationDefinitionModel; 
    585584import de.deepamehta.core.service.Migration; 
    589588    @Override 
    590589    public void run() { 
    591         TopicType type = dms.getTopicType("dm4.topicmaps.topicmap", null); 
    592         type.addAssocDef(new AssociationDefinitionModel("dm4.core.composition_def", 
     590        TopicType type = dm4.getTopicType("dm4.topicmaps.topicmap"); 
     591        type.addAssocDef(mf.newAssociationDefinitionModel("dm4.core.composition_def", 
    593592            "dm4.topicmaps.topicmap", "dm4.topicmaps.state", "", "")); 
    594593    } 
    608607    * **Consuming services provided by other plugins**. Example: in order to investigate a topic's workspace assignments and the current user's memberships the //DeepaMehta 4 Access Control// plugin consumes the service provided by the //DeepaMehta 4 Workspaces// plugin. 
    610     * **Access the DeepaMehta Core Service**. The DeepaMehta Core Service provides the basic database operations (create, retrieve, update, delete) to deal with the DeepaMehta Core objects: Topics, Associations, Topic Types, Association Types. 
     609    * **Access the DeepaMehta Core Service**. The DeepaMehta //Core Service// provides the basic database operations (create, retrieve, update, delete) to deal with the DeepaMehta Core objects: Topics, Associations, Topic Types, Association Types. 
    612611Weather a DeepaMehta plugin has a server side part at all depends on the nature of the plugin. Plugins without a server side part include those which e.g. just define a data model or just provide a custom (JavaScript) renderer. 
    654653Furthermore when writing a plugin main file you must add 2 entries in the plugin's **`pom.xml`**: 
    655     1. a <dependencies> element to include the `deepamehta-core` dependency. This brings you the `PluginActivator` class. 
     654    1. a <parent> element to declare the artifactId **`deepamehta-plugin`**. This brings you necessary dependenies and the `PluginActivator` class. 
    656655    2. a <build> element to configure the Maven Bundle Plugin. It needs to know what your plugin main class is. You must specify the fully-qualified class name. 
    669668    <parent> 
    670669        <groupId>de.deepamehta</groupId> 
    671         <artifactId>deepamehta-plugin-parent</artifactId> 
    672         <version>4.1.1-SNAPSHOT</version> 
     670        <artifactId>deepamehta-plugin</artifactId> 
     671        <version>4.8</version> 
    673672    </parent> 
    675     <dependencies> 
    676         <dependency> 
    677             <groupId>de.deepamehta</groupId> 
    678             <artifactId>deepamehta-core</artifactId> 
    679             <version>4.1.1-SNAPSHOT</version> 
    680         </dependency> 
    681     </dependencies> 
    683674    <build> 
    724715import de.deepamehta.core.model.TopicModel; 
    725716import de.deepamehta.core.osgi.PluginActivator; 
    726 import de.deepamehta.core.service.ClientState; 
    727717import de.deepamehta.core.service.Directives; 
    728718import de.deepamehta.core.service.event.PostCreateTopicListener; 
    739729    @Override 
    740     public void postCreateTopic(Topic topic, ClientState clientState, Directives directives) { 
     730    public void postCreateTopic(Topic topic) { 
    741731"### Topic created: " + topic); 
    742732    } 
    744734    @Override 
    745     public void postUpdateTopic(Topic topic, TopicModel newModel, TopicModel oldModel, ClientState clientState, 
    746                                                                                        Directives directives) { 
     735    public void postUpdateTopic(Topic topic, TopicModel newModel, TopicModel oldModel) { 
    747736"### Topic updated: " + topic + "\nOld topic: " + oldModel); 
    748737    } 
    766755For a plugin to provide a service you must define a //service interface//. The service interface contains all the method signatures that make up the service. When other plugins consume your plugin's service they do so via the service interface. 
    768 The service interface //must// be located in the plugin's `src/main/java/<your plugin package>/service/` directory. By convention the name of the service interface ends with `...Service`. The service interface must be declared `public`. 
    770 The service interface is a regular Java interface that extends `de.deepamehta.core.service.PluginService`. PluginService is a common base interface for all plugin services. It's just a marker interface. 
     757To be recogbized the service interface //must// by convention end its name on `...Service`. The service interface must be declared `public` and is a regular Java interface. 
    772759A DeepaMehta plugin can define //one// service interface at most. More than one service interface is not supported. 
    782769                de/ 
    783770                    deepamehta/ 
    784                         plugins/ 
    785                             topicmaps/ 
    786                                 service/ 
    788 }}} 
    790 The service interface of the //Topicmaps// plugin is named `TopicmapsService`. The plugin package is `de.deepamehta.plugins.topicmaps`. 
     771                        topicmaps/ 
     775The service interface of the //Topicmaps// plugin is named `TopicmapsService`. The plugin package is `de.deepamehta.topicmaps`. 
    792777The //Topicmaps// service interface looks like this: 
    796 package de.deepamehta.plugins.topicmaps.service; 
    798 import de.deepamehta.plugins.topicmaps.TopicmapRenderer; 
    799 import de.deepamehta.plugins.topicmaps.model.ClusterCoords; 
    800 import de.deepamehta.plugins.topicmaps.model.Topicmap; 
     781package de.deepamehta.topicmaps.service; 
     783import de.deepamehta.topicmaps.TopicmapRenderer; 
     784import de.deepamehta.topicmaps.model.ClusterCoords; 
     785import de.deepamehta.topicmaps.model.Topicmap; 
    802787import de.deepamehta.core.Topic; 
    803 import de.deepamehta.core.service.ClientState; 
    804 import de.deepamehta.core.service.PluginService; 
    808 public interface TopicmapsService extends PluginService { 
    810     Topic createTopicmap(String name,             String topicmapRendererUri, ClientState clientState); 
    811     Topic createTopicmap(String name, String uri, String topicmapRendererUri, ClientState clientState); 
     790public interface TopicmapsService { 
     792    Topic createTopicmap(String name,             String topicmapRendererUri); 
     793    Topic createTopicmap(String name, String uri, String topicmapRendererUri); 
    813795    // --- 
    815     Topicmap getTopicmap(long topicmapId, ClientState clientState); 
     797    Topicmap getTopicmap(long topicmapId); 
    817799    // --- 
    839 You see the Topicmaps service consist of methods to create topicmaps, retrieve topicmaps, and manipulate topicmaps. As any plugin service the Topicmaps service must be derived from `PluginService`. 
     821You see the Topicmaps service consist of methods to create topicmaps, retrieve topicmaps, and manipulate topicmaps. 
    841823==== Implementing the service ==== 
    851 package de.deepamehta.plugins.topicmaps; 
    853 import de.deepamehta.plugins.topicmaps.model.Topicmap; 
    854 import de.deepamehta.plugins.topicmaps.service.TopicmapsService; 
     833package de.deepamehta.topicmaps; 
     835import de.deepamehta.topicmaps.model.Topicmap; 
     836import de.deepamehta.topicmaps.TopicmapsService; 
    856838import de.deepamehta.core.Topic; 
    857839import de.deepamehta.core.osgi.PluginActivator; 
    858 import de.deepamehta.core.service.ClientState; 
    866847    @Override 
    867     public Topic createTopicmap(String name, String topicmapRendererUri, ClientState clientState) { 
    868         ... 
    869     } 
    871     @Override 
    872     public Topic createTopicmap(String name, String uri, String topicmapRendererUri, ClientState clientState) { 
     848    public Topic createTopicmap(String name, String topicmapRendererUri) { 
     849        ... 
     850    } 
     852    @Override 
     853    public Topic createTopicmap(String name, String uri, String topicmapRendererUri) { 
    873854        ... 
    874855    } 
    878859    @Override 
    879     public Topicmap getTopicmap(long topicmapId, ClientState clientState) { 
     860    public Topicmap getTopicmap(long topicmapId) { 
    880861        ... 
    881862    } 
    897878Your plugin can consume the services provided by other plugins. To do so your plugin must get hold of the //service object// of the other plugin. Through the service object your plugin can call all the service methods declared in the other's plugin service interface. 
     880To tell the DeepaMehta Core which plugin service your plugin wants to consume you need to declare an instance variable in your plugin like using the @Inject notation: 
     884    @Inject 
     885    private AccessControlService acService; 
     888Make sure to add your interest in building on the respective plugin service as dependencies to your **`pom.xml`** file. In the case of using the AccessControlService we would need to add the following: 
     892    <dependencies> 
     893        <dependency> 
     894            <groupId>de.deepamehta</groupId> 
     895            <artifactId>deepamehta-accesscontrol</artifactId> 
     896            <version>4.8</version> 
     897        </dependency> 
     898    </dependencies> 
    899901Behind the scenes the DeepaMehta Core handles a plugin service as an OSGi service. Because of the dynamic nature of an OSGi environment DeepaMehta plugin services can arrive and go away at any time. Your plugin must deal with that. However, you as a plugin developer must not care about DeepaMehta's OSGi foundation. The DeepaMehta Core hides the details from you and provides an easy-to-use API for consuming plugin services. 
    901 To consume a plugin service your plugin must override 2 hooks: `serviceArrived` and `serviceGone`. Through the former your plugin gets hold of a service object and in the latter your plugin must release that service object. These 2 hooks are called by the DeepaMehta Core as soon as a desired plugin becomes available resp. goes away. 
    903 To tell the DeepaMehta Core which plugin service your plugin wants to consume use the `@ConsumesService` annotation at the `serviceArrived` hook. State the fully qualified name (string) of the respective service interface as the annotation argument. To consume more than one service use the array notation: `{"...", "..."}`. 
     903To deal with other plugin services coming and going your plugin can override 2 hooks: `serviceArrived` and `serviceGone`. These 2 hooks are called by the DeepaMehta Core as soon as a desired plugin becomes available resp. goes away. 
    905905The single argument of the 2 `serviceArrived` and `serviceGone` hooks is the respective service object, declared generically just as `PluginService`. (Remember, `PluginService` is the common base interface for all plugin services.) So casting is required. In `serviceArrived` you typically store the service object in a private instance variable. In `serviceGone` you typically set the instance variable to `null` in order to release the service object. 
    911 package de.deepamehta.plugins.workspaces; 
    913 import de.deepamehta.plugins.facets.service.FacetsService; 
     911package de.deepamehta.workspaces; 
     913import de.deepamehta.facets.FacetsService; 
    915915import de.deepamehta.core.osgi.PluginActivator; 
    921921public class WorkspacesPlugin extends PluginActivator { 
     923    @Inject 
    923924    private FacetsService facetsService; 
    927928    @Override 
    928     @ConsumesService("de.deepamehta.plugins.facets.service.FacetsService") 
    929929    public void serviceArrived(PluginService service) { 
    930         facetsService = (FacetsService) service; 
     930        if (service instanceof FacetsService) { 
     931            // do something when the facet service comes around 
     932        } 
    931933    } 
    933935    @Override 
    934936    public void serviceGone(PluginService service) { 
    935         facetsService = null; 
    936     } 
    937 }}} 
    939 You see the Workspaces plugin consumes just one plugin service: the //Facets// service. Its service interface is specified as the `@ConsumesService` argument. The `PluginService` object passed to the 2 hooks needs not being further investigated. 
    941 In contrast lets see how it looks like when a plugin consumes more than one service. As an example here is an extraction of the //Geomaps// plugin (part of the DeepaMehta Standard Distribution): 
     937        // do something when a service goes away 
     938    } 
     941You see the Workspaces plugin consumes a plugin service: the //Facets// service.  The `PluginService` object passed to the 2 hooks needs not being further investigated. 
     943In this way your plugin could also consume more than one service. 
     945=== Providing a RESTful web service === 
     947Until here your plugin service is accessible from within the OSGi environment only. You can make the service accessible from //outside// the OSGi environment as well by promoting it to a RESTful web service. Your plugin service is then accessible from external applications via HTTP. (External application here means both, the client-side portion of a DeepaMehta plugin, or an arbitrary 3rd-party application). 
     949To provide a RESTful web service you must provide a generic plugin service first (as described above in [[#Providingaservice|Providing a service]]) and then make it RESTful by using JAX-RS annotations. With JAX-RS annotations you basically control how HTTP requests will be mapped to your service methods. 
     951To make your plugin service RESTful you must: 
     953* Annotate the plugin main class with `@Path` to anchor the plugin service in URI space. 
     955* Annotate the plugin main class with `@Consumes` and `@Produces` to declare the supported HTTP request and response media types. You can use these annotations also at a particular service method to override the class-level defaults. 
     957* Annotate each service method with one of `@GET`, `@POST`, `@PUT`, or `@DELETE` to declare the HTTP method that will invoke that service method. 
     959* Annotate each service method with `@Path` to declare the URI template that will invoke that service method. The URI template can contain parameters, notated with curly braces `{...}`. 
     961* Annotate service method parameters with `@PathParam` to map URI template parameters to service method parameters. 
     963As an example let's see how the //Topicmaps// plugin (part of the DeepaMehta Standard Distribution) annotates its main class and service methods: 
    945 public class GeomapsPlugin extends PluginActivator { 
    947     private TopicmapsService topicmapsService; 
    948     private FacetsService facetsService; 
    950     // *** Hook Implementations *** 
    952     @Override 
    953     @ConsumesService({ 
    954         "de.deepamehta.plugins.topicmaps.service.TopicmapsService", 
    955         "de.deepamehta.plugins.facets.service.FacetsService" 
    956     }) 
    957     public void serviceArrived(PluginService service) { 
    958         if (service instanceof TopicmapsService) { 
    959             topicmapsService = (TopicmapsService) service; 
    960         } else if (service instanceof FacetsService) { 
    961             facetsService = (FacetsService) service; 
    962         } 
    963     } 
    965     @Override 
    966     public void serviceGone(PluginService service) { 
    967         if (service == topicmapsService) { 
    968             topicmapsService = null; 
    969         } else if (service == facetsService) { 
    970             facetsService = null; 
    971         } 
    972     } 
    973 }}} 
    975 You see the Geomaps plugin consumes 2 plugin services: the //Topicmaps// service and the //Facets// service. Both service interfaces are specified as the `@ConsumesService` argument. Note the array notation with the curly braces `{...}`. Note also the `if` statements in the `serviceArrived` and `serviceGone` hooks. 
    977 === Providing a RESTful web service === 
    979 Until here your plugin service is accessible from within the OSGi environment only. You can make the service accessible from //outside// the OSGi environment as well by promoting it to a RESTful web service. Your plugin service is then accessible from external applications via HTTP. (External application here means both, the client-side portion of a DeepaMehta plugin, or an arbitrary 3rd-party application). 
    981 To provide a RESTful web service you must provide a generic plugin service first (as described above in [[#Providingaservice|Providing a service]]) and then make it RESTful by using JAX-RS annotations. With JAX-RS annotations you basically control how HTTP requests will be mapped to your service methods. 
    983 To make your plugin service RESTful you must: 
    985 * Annotate the plugin main class with `@Path` to anchor the plugin service in URI space. 
    987 * Annotate the plugin main class with `@Consumes` and `@Produces` to declare the supported HTTP request and response media types. You can use these annotations also at a particular service method to override the class-level defaults. 
    989 * Annotate each service method with one of `@GET`, `@POST`, `@PUT`, or `@DELETE` to declare the HTTP method that will invoke that service method. 
    991 * Annotate each service method with `@Path` to declare the URI template that will invoke that service method. The URI template can contain parameters, notated with curly braces `{...}`. 
    993 * Annotate service method parameters with `@PathParam` to map URI template parameters to service method parameters. 
    995 As an example let's see how the //Topicmaps// plugin (part of the DeepaMehta Standard Distribution) annotates its main class and service methods: 
    997 {{{ 
    998 #!java 
    999 package de.deepamehta.plugins.topicmaps; 
    1001 import de.deepamehta.plugins.topicmaps.model.Topicmap; 
    1002 import de.deepamehta.plugins.topicmaps.service.TopicmapsService; 
     967package de.deepamehta.topicmaps; 
     969import de.deepamehta.topicmaps.model.Topicmap; 
     970import de.deepamehta.topicmaps.TopicmapsService; 
    1004972import de.deepamehta.core.Topic; 
    1005973import de.deepamehta.core.osgi.PluginActivator; 
    1006 import de.deepamehta.core.service.ClientState; 
    1029996    @Override 
    1030997    public Topic createTopicmap(@PathParam("name") String name, 
    1031                                 @PathParam("topicmap_renderer_uri") String topicmapRendererUri, 
    1032                                 @HeaderParam("Cookie") ClientState clientState) { 
     998                                @PathParam("topicmap_renderer_uri") String topicmapRendererUri) { 
    1033999        ... 
    10341000    } 
    10371003    @Path("/{id}") 
    10381004    @Override 
    1039     public Topicmap getTopicmap(@PathParam("id") long topicmapId, @HeaderParam("Cookie") ClientState clientState) { 
     1005    public Topicmap getTopicmap(@PathParam("id") long topicmapId) { 
    10401006        ... 
    10411007    } 
    10851051    @Path("/{id}") 
    10861052    @Override 
    1087     public Topicmap getTopicmap(@PathParam("id") long topicmapId, @HeaderParam("Cookie") ClientState clientState) { 
    1088         ... 
    1089     } 
    1090 }}} 
    1092 Now you know how exactly the JAX-RS implementation extracts the `topicmapId` and `clientState` parameter values from the HTTP request: 
     1053    public Topicmap getTopicmap(@PathParam("id") long topicmapId) { 
     1054        ... 
     1055    } 
     1058Now you know how exactly the JAX-RS implementation extracts the `topicmapId` parameter value from the HTTP request: 
    10941060    The `topicmapId` value is extracted from the request's URI path and then converted to a `long`. Here criterion 1 is satisfied and the conversion is straight-forward. 
    1096     The `clientState` value is extracted from the request's `Cookie` header value. The actual `ClientState` object is created by passing the value to the `ClientState(String)` constructor. Here criterion 2 is satisfied. 
    10981062==== Parsing the HTTP request body ==== 