Changes between Version 109 and Version 110 of ReleaseNotes

15.10.2014 14:47:41 (10 years ago)

4.4 release notes, pt. 4


  • ReleaseNotes

    v109 v110  
    77== 2014-10-15: DeepaMehta 4.4 == 
     104.4 release notes not yet complete 
    913New features: 
    1519* Core API Spring Cleaning: 
    1620    * **Service Injection**. New `@Inject` annotation (**#695**). 
    17     * **Transactions by Annotation**. New `@Transactional` annotation (**#698**). 
     21    * **Declarative Transactions**. New `@Transactional` annotation (**#698**). 
    1822    * `directives` parameter removed from all APIs (**#697**). 
    1923    * `clientState` parameter removed from all APIs (**#696**). 
    2024    * `fetchComposite` parameter removed from most APIs (**#699**). 
    21     * Core API: orthogonal traversal methods (**#707**). 
    22     * Core API wording: the concept of a ''Composite Value'' is now named ''Child Topics'' (**#702**). 
     25    * Orthogonal traversal methods (**#707**). 
     26    * Wording: the concept of a ''Composite Value'' is now named ''Child Topics'' (**#702**). 
    2327* Additional Core module changes: 
    2428    * `PluginActivator` has a convenience method to access a static plugin resource (**#692**). 
    25     * `DeepaMehtaObject` has a method to access the underlying Neo4j `Node` object. This allows plugins to utilize vendor specific DB extensions (#634). 
     29    * `DeepaMehtaObject` has a method to access the underlying Neo4j `Node` object. This allows plugins to utilize Neo4j specific extensions (#634). 
    2630* Webservice module: 
    2731    * A number returned by a resource method is serialized automatically (#682). 
    3236Bug fixes: 
    33 * Topics going over the wire only include all their child topics if requested. The former bug (existing since DM 4.1) resulted in crucial network overhead as more data than requested was sent on a regular basis (**#684**).  
     37* Topics going over the wire include all their child topics only if requested. The former bug (existing since DM 4.1) resulted in crucial network overhead as more data than requested was sent on a regular basis (**#684**).  
    3438* Class `CompositeValue` (now named `ChildTopics`): on-demand child topics loading works also with the convenience accessors (**#683**). 
    3539* Unregistering plugin listeners throws no exception in case of plugin activation failed before (#686). 
    4448Further changes: 
    45 * Felix HTTP is replaced by OPS4J Pax Web (#448). 
     49* **Felix HTTP is replaced by OPS4J Pax Web** (#448). 
    4650* Non-DM data stored by 3rd-party Neo4j applications can coexist with DM data in the same Neo4j instance, even when this data is connected to DM data (#687). 
    4751* 3rd-party software is upgraded: