Changes between Version 132 and Version 133 of ReleaseNotes

21.10.2015 18:15:13 (9 years ago)

4.7 release notes, revision 1


  • ReleaseNotes

    v132 v133  
    77== //upcoming//: DeepaMehta 4.7 == 
    9 !DeepaMehta 4.7 is a maintenance release that focuses on both, multi-user server installations, and touch devices. 
     9!DeepaMehta 4.7 is a maintenance release that focuses on both, **multi-user server installations**, and **touch devices**. For plugin developers new features include a configuration facility, and webclient support for hierarchical menus. 
    1111You can update any !DeepaMehta 4 installation which is not older than !DeepaMehta 4.1. For installation and update instructions see the [[|README]]. 
    1616* **Access controlled file repositories**. In particular private and collaborative file repositories are now supported (#815). 
    1717* Administrators can interactively configure a **Disk Quota** (for file uploads) on a per-user basis (#812). 
    18 * Administrators can **enable/disable user accounts** interactively (#842). 
     18* Administrators can interactively **enable/disable user accounts** (#842). 
    1919* The Webclient is usable also on **Touch Devices** (still experimental) (#803). 
    22 * Webclient: the detail panel's resize-handle is more wide and appears visually distinct when grasped. This is beneficial in particular for touch devices (#803). 
     22* Webclient: the detail panel's resize-handle is more wide and appears visually distinct when grasped. This is beneficial in particular on touch devices (#803). 
    2323* Webclient: failed uploads are reported to the user (#815). 
    3838Plugin Development Framework: 
    39 * **Configuration Facility** (#830). 
     39* Config module (new): 
     40    * A **Configuration Facility** supports the plugin developer with attaching configuration information to arbitrary topics. Support includes creation, interactive editing, querying, and controlling the access to configuration information (#830). 
    4041* Core module: 
    4142    * The `@Inject` annotation allows a plugin the injection of arbitrary OSGi services, not only services provided by other DM plugins (#835). 
    42     * Core API: get associations by key/value (#807). 
    43     * More "Convention over Configuration": A service interface must no longer extend `PluginService` and must no longer be located in the plugin's `service` package. Instead the service interface name must end with `Service` (**#836**). 
     43    * Changed service interface pickup mechanism: A service interface must no longer extend `PluginService` and must no longer be located in the plugin's `service` package. Instead the service interface name must end with `Service` (**#836**). 
    4444    * The standard workspace assignment can be suppressed on a per-code block basis (instead of per-request) (**#752**). 
    45     * `preInstall()` hook (#843). 
     45    * New `preInstall()` hook (#843). 
     46    * DM Core Service API: get associations by key/value (#807). 
    4647    * The DM Core Service can be statically accessed from everywhere. This is useful e.g. in JAX-RS provider classes (#812). 
    4748    * Changes in 2 JSON utility methods (**ticket:832#comment:3**).