Changes between Version 24 and Version 25 of ReleaseNotes

19.01.2012 03:04:03 (13 years ago)

4.0.7 Release Notes


  • ReleaseNotes

    v24 v25  
    7 == 2012-01-18: DeepaMehta 4.0.7 == 
    9 Compatible with 1 new plugin (optional install): 
     7== 2012-01-19: DeepaMehta 4.0.7 == 
     9The main feature of this release is the compatibility with the "DM4 Kiezatlas 2.0" plugin and the attendant plugin development framework extensions. Furthermore there are some general GUI improvements and bug fixes. 
     11Compatibility with 1 new plugin (optional install): 
    1012* [[|DM4 Kiezatlas 2.0]]: a geographical content management system. 
    12 Compatible with 2 updated plugins (optional install): 
    13 * [[|DM4 Geomaps 0.2]]: displays topics on a geographical map. 
    14 * [[|DM4 Facets 0.2]]: introduces multi-typing to the DM data model. 
     14Compatibility with 2 updated plugins (optional install): 
     15* [[|DM4 Geomaps 0.2]]: displays geo-related topics on a geographical map. 
     16* [[|DM4 Facets 0.2]]: introduces multi-typing to the DeepaMehta data model. 
    1618GUI improvements: 
    1719* Auto-positioned topics appear near selection. This results in less mouse drags and less canvas clutter (#174). 
    19 Fixes: 
     20* New icon for "search result" that replaces the bucket: a pile of balls [69aa3fd4]. 
     22Bug fixes: 
    2023* The topicmap state (translation) is persistent after auto scroll (#170). 
    2124* Deleted associations resulting from combobox value changes are removed from the canvas (#176). 
    23 Improvements for plugin developers: 
     26Plugin development framework: 
    2427* Webclient performance improvement through new hook mechanism: hook code is explicitly registered at the webclient (instead of placed in dedicated methods) (#173). 
    25 * Decouple canvas from page panel: the topic selected on the canvas and the topic displayed on the page panel can be a different one [ce27623b][ac819a9a]. 
    26 * Customizable page panel rendering in case of nothing is selected (new hook default_page_rendering). Splash screen by default. [40cb0f8f]. 
    27 * The default page renderer and form generator are customizable (new hook pre_render_page) [69866e36][bb7cc70b][af4f2ff9]. 
    28 * More flexible update requests: plugins can attach application-specific data to update requests and provide the corresponding processing logic [b54822fc]. 
    29 * More convenient API for accessing (nested) topic values [616e35d6]. 
     28* Customizable GUI: 
     29  * Decouple canvas from page panel: the topic selected on the canvas and the topic displayed on the page panel can be a different one [ce27623b][ac819a9a]. 
     30  * Customizable page panel rendering in case of nothing is selected (new hook default_page_rendering). Splash screen by default. [40cb0f8f]. 
     31  * The default page renderer and form generator are customizable (new hook pre_render_page) [69866e36][bb7cc70b][af4f2ff9]. 
     32* More flexible update requests: plugins can attach application-specific data to update requests and provide the corresponding server-side processing logic [b54822fc]. 
     33* More convenient client-side API for accessing (nested) topic values [616e35d6]. 
    3034* Cleaner exception logs from REST resource methods [ebd02479]. 