Changes between Version 52 and Version 53 of ReleaseNotes

22.12.2012 17:21:18 (12 years ago)



  • ReleaseNotes

    v52 v53  
    77== 2012-12-?: DeepaMehta 4.0.13 == 
    9 One main aspect of this release is to revoke the **Performance** loss introduced in !DeepaMehta 4.0.12 in conjunction with Access Control. !DeepaMehta 4.0.13 uses a different storage approach for access control information and thus returns to the old performance. Further highlights include: **Geomaps** are a new topicmap type for displaying geo-related topics on an [[|OpenStreetMap]]. A graphical **Association Type Editor** let the user create custom association types. Furthermore, a whole bunch of GUI changes improves usability e.g. through **Cluster Moves** and more informed **Topic Revelation**. 
     9One main aspect of this release is to revoke the **Performance** loss introduced in !DeepaMehta 4.0.12 in conjunction with Access Control. !DeepaMehta 4.0.13 uses a different storage approach for access control information and thus returns to the old performance. Further highlights include: **Geomaps** are a new topicmap type for displaying geo-related topics on an [[|OpenStreetMap]]. A graphical **Association Type Editor** allows the user to create custom association types. Furthermore, a whole bunch of GUI changes improves usability e.g. through **Cluster Moves** and more informed **Topic Revelation**. 
    1111Of interest for administrators of a client-server installation is the new [[|Apache Karaf]]-based !DeepaMehta distribution. This makes it easy to run !DeepaMehta as a daemon process and to access it via a remote shell. Starting from version 4.0.13 !DeepaMehta comes in 2 flavors: the known "Standard Distribution" which focuses on small download size and easy setup for single users and the **Karaf Distribution** for client-server setups. 
    1919See the [[|README]] for installation instructions. 
    21 A list of the !DeepaMehta 4.0.13 main changes follows. For each item detailed information for users and developers are found in the linked tickets and commit messages. 
     21A list of the !DeepaMehta 4.0.13 main changes follows. For each item detailed information for users and developers is found in the linked tickets and commit messages. 
    2323New Features: 
    2424* The Geomaps plugin is included (#379). 
    2525  Find usage info here: 
    26 * Apache Karaf-based Distribution for easy client-server setup and maintenance (#349). 
     26* Apache Karaf-based distribution for easy client-server setup and maintenance (#349). 
    2727* Association Type editor: Allows the user to create custom association types. The color is configurable on a per-type basis. Simple and complex association types are supported (analogous to topic types) (#48). 
    2828* Association instance editor: Let the user enter data for an association instance according to the association's type definition (analogous to topic types) (#335).