Changes between Version 64 and Version 65 of ReleaseNotes

21.08.2013 17:00:23 (11 years ago)

4.1.1 release notes, pt. 2


  • ReleaseNotes

    v64 v65  
    77== ''upcoming:'' DeepaMehta 4.1.1 == 
     9New features: 
     10* Timestamps (#386). 
     11    Each topic/association have creation and modification timestamps. Topics/associations retrieved via REST are attributed with these timestamps. The new Time API allows programmatic timestamp access and topic/association retrieval based on time ranges. Timestamps are also the basis for validating the browser cache and for edit conflict detection. 
     12* Better performance through exploiting the browser cache (#478). 
     13* Edit conflict detection (#479). 
    915Plugin Development Framework: 
    10 * New Property API: a plugin can store and index node properties. Node properties are topic/association metadata like timestamps or ACL information (#472). 
    11 * 3 new core events: 
    12     * SERVICE_REQUEST_FILTER allows request manipulation and interruption for REST service requests (#480). 
    13     * RESOURCE_REQUEST_FILTER allows request manipulation and interruption for static resource requests (#480). 
     16* A plugin can store **Node Properties**. Node properties are topic/association metadata like timestamps, ACL information, or geo coordinates. The new Property API can retrieve topics/associations based on property value or value range (#472). Node properties can be indexed. Numeric properties are trie-indexed which allows for performant range queries. Ranges are particularly useful for time-based or geo-based retrieval (#490). Property keys are namespaced (#491). 
     17* 3 new Core Events: 
     18    * SERVICE_REQUEST_FILTER allows manipulation and interruption of REST service requests (#480). 
     19    * RESOURCE_REQUEST_FILTER allows manipulation and interruption of static resource requests (#480). 
    1420    *  
     21* 2 new Core API methods (#495): 
     22    * Iterable<Topic> getAllTopics() 
     23    * Iterable<Association> getAllAssociations() 
     24  These are useful for migrations which transform the entire database. 
    1525* Simplified API: the Core API's and standard plugin service's get/retrieve/delete methods no longer require the `clientState` parameter (#496). 
    1626* A plugin can produce specific HTTP (error) responses by throwing a WebApplicationException from its resource methods or event handlers (#484). 
    17 * Exceptions thrown resource methods or event handlers must no longer be wrapped in a WebApplicationException when a 500 response is intended (#484). 
     27* Exceptions thrown from resource methods or event handlers must no longer be wrapped in a WebApplicationException if a 500 response is intended (#484). 
     28* Access Control API: there are methods for retrieving topics/associations based on creator or owner (#458). 
    1930Further changes: 
    20 * The dependency on Felix's proprietary ExtHttpService is dropped. We are ready to replace Felix HTTP Service with OPS4J Pax Web (#448). 
     31* The dependency on Felix's proprietary ExtHttpService is dropped. We are ready to replace Felix HTTP Service with OPS4J Pax Web. OPS4J Pax Web is a far more modern and flexible OSGi HTTP Service implementation which enables a variety of new applications (#448). 
    2233Bug fixes: